So, here's my situation... I have a 71Z, stock brake set-up, no idea how old the components are. My MasterVac is disconnected b/c lack of funds/credit to fix, so it's blocked off with caps until I can replace it. No brake problems to speak of. So the other day I have to make an emergency stop in traffic, I'd say from 30-35 mph to stop as fast as I could. At the first stoplight after that, a faint grinding comes from the rear passenger side. It's a little worse at the next stoplight, a good bit worse at the next, and at the fourth stop, its a horrible, loud metal on metal grinding that makes my heart stop, and I drive home (through the neighborhoods, thank god) with good downshifting and the e-brake. The grinding is only on one side, and only when the brakes are applied in motion. No noise when rolling, none when pressing the brakes sitting still. Stripped a shoe? Whacked out something else? What do you guys think? Thanks.