two very early 71's
On Craigslist in Seattle are two 71 z's for sale. I called and spoke to the owner. I didn't right down the exact numbers, but one had a high 8k build number and the other was in the 9k range. These are very early 71's. They are listed for $800 and $1000. Both apparently have good engines, but have been sitting for a number of years. I believe they have been sitting outside, but who knows???? If I had the space I would get them both for the parts alone...but I believe low number cars like these may be worth saving. I think the owner passed away and the widow is selling them. Please be kind and respectful.
HELP!!! Tokico Illumina install issues
You are absolutely correct. I called Tokico today and assured me all is well. I completed the install tonight, and installed the new disc brakes. All seems good now. I will see tomorrow after we bleed the brakes, and put on the tires. John, thank you for your insight. I have shown these photos to numerous people and noone bothered to say anything about the jackstands not being in a good place. I will change them tomorrow morning 1st thing. I'll try to be carefull the next time I'm in Germany driving the tracks!!!! At least I wont have to worry about unseating my spring:) Thanks again!!!!
HELP!!! Tokico Illumina install issues
woops...yea 3/71. gotta fix that:stupid: I was second guessing whether to post here or in the help me area... Please forgive me if I made a bad choice, but I did decide to just continue this thread. I have received all the parts from Tokico, and the front install has gone well. I made sure the part number 5020-f springs were used in front. The numbers are facing upward, and the smaller turns are up and get larger as they go down.(they appear to be progressive springs up front). Anyway I am installing the rear strut housing and new springs. The problem is I can put on the upper strut housing together and tighten the bolt, but I do not have to compress the spring. As a matter of fact their appears to be about 3/8" play. I can move the spring up and down. It is very sloppy. The rear spring is 11 1/4" tall, and all turns in the coil are equally distanced. I compared the old shock to the new ones (new part # ending in 3016). The bodies are the same, but the new shock shaft is longer than the old one by about 3/8". It would seem the shock is the wrong part, but the part number on it does check out. The other option is the springs are labelled incorrectly. The coils in front have 11 turns while the rears have 9. They appear to be the same height, but unfortunately the fronts are fully installed now, and I dont know how much they are compressed. The car is still on 4 jack stands and suspension is free. I have tried to be as thorough as possible. I apologize if I have given alot of inpertinent data, or on the flip side missed something obvious. All help is appreciated!!!!
What is this part on my cat?
Isn't That saying almost the same thing:)
new member long time owner
Thank you....great advise. I'll add that to the checklist of things to do. The list keeps growing, but that just means I'm learning more about me car:)
ready for rims and tires
ready to go
Battery box
pulled motor, fixed battery tray area, cleaned bay and front area. por15 in seems, primered and painted flat black.
last look
found head gasket leaking. time to pull the engine. Found replacement locally for $100.00. I hope it will work while I rebuild the original motor properly. Need a daily driver...
mock up
front suspension
- front strut housing