I'll leave my proper introduction to when I sell this car and finally get my 240 on the road. Until then, I'd appreciate some help.
I just gave my 280Z a tune up, and surprise surprise, no more starting. At first I put the wires in the wrong order, so it misfired. Realizing this, I switched back to the proper order, and at this point all it does is crank to some ridiculous extent. It has fuel, air, and spark. My current guess is that the replacement distributor cap is the culprit, since the original looked like this:
and the replacement looks like this:
I'd think that maybe timing is now off by some 15 or so degrees because of the new cap (which is the only replacement I've been able to find) and is the source of my dilemma. I'm dying here guys. It's been an entire week without a car, and I can't put my recently purchased 240Z on the road until I sell this car. I used up some emergency funds because I was sure that I'd sell the 280Z in a few days, but then this happened .