do a google search om Retro sounds. They make one you won't need to cut your dash for.
Shift knob
In times past, I have seen guys use a little 3M super weatherstrip adhesive and it seemed to hold. it is also not too dificult to remove if you need to. Not the best way, but definitley easy.
A little Eibaching help please...
Nope no stickers on these. When I called this morning, I was told by Motorsport that the springs witht hte part number ending in .001 go in fron and the .002 go in back. Just so happens the .002 are longer.
What's up with these springs?
Looks like someone used the old hot wrench on those...
Is locktite good on suspesion Nuts and Bolts?
too late. I used locktite on most all of them. I was shcocked when I found that some of my bolts were out halfway and worn almost in half. Also on my halfshaft bolts a few came of with only my one finger turnong them. It was a good thing I got under it when I did... I would hate to think of the damage had the bracket holding the transverse link had finished couming the rest of the way out, or the halfshafts had fallen off on the road.
A little Eibaching help please...
Hey y'all, I just got my new set of eiback springs from Motorsport auto. No directions. I just need to confirm... Do the shorter springs go in front or back? Thanks Nick
Is locktite good on suspesion Nuts and Bolts?
Nevermind on the torque specs they are in one of my repair manuals. If anyone needs them shoot me an email and I would eb happy to post them.
Is locktite good on suspesion Nuts and Bolts?
Thanks Jon, Do you or does anyone know where I might find the torques specs?
Is locktite good on suspesion Nuts and Bolts?
Hello All, I got to working on th 74.5 260 2+2 I got a few months ago. I decided I needed to replace the springs and struts. So I bought he poly bushing set from black dragon and went to town. To my horror several of the bolts holding on things like the transvers link and even one of the half shafts were only finger tight. GOOD THING I Broke it down when I did and stopped driving it! My questions is this. Is her any reason I shouldn't use the locktite on all of the stationary bolts when remounting them? I am actually hopping to be done today or tomorrow. Thanks, Nick
260Z AC equipped
Ac compressor is on the drivers side. I think the previous owne is bs ing you. The electronic fuel pum is under the car rith next to and almost abov ethe fuel tank in the rear. If you want I will show you pictures of my 260 2+2 which has teh Stock AC installed and functioning properly. Nick
New guy needs help head gasket blown
Job is fairly strightforward. Just do a real thorough check of the head when you hav3e it off and make sure you do let the chain drop too far in. Not impossible to get out if you, just an extra step.
I need help finding parts sources for...
Try these links they should get you what you need http://www.datsunzparts.com/UsedParts/Parts.htm http://www.zparts.com/home.html http://www.blackdragonauto.com/ http://www.zcarsource.com/ http://www.motorsportauto.com/ Nick
this is beyond me.
it's your car begging you "please don't beat me anymore mommy dearest I won't be a bad car anymore" I think the very notion of trying to do this kind of crap is asinine. You wouldn't drain your oil into a ming vase or take a dump in your fine china would you? Then why destroy something as nice and hard to replace a good performing classic? Unless you have already abused it to the point that it is junk. In which case blow it up for all I care. Its your car.
The Exhaust Debate
I had a real problem with the Flowmaster series 40 resonating around 55 to 65 mph (guessing 95 to 115 KMH for those of you on the metric system) so I changed it to a turbo style muffler. It was cheaper sounded fine and didn't resonate so loud in and under the the car. I like it just fine.
Turn signal help PLEASE!
After pulling apart teh steering column and checking all contact poits with a VOM I found out that it was acutall the switch that controls the Hazards in th ecenter console. It turns out that the hazards switch was dirty. Once I clean the contacts on it, the turn signals started working. By the way, Thanks EScanlon for the help. It was what put me on the right track.