Everything posted by 260z
Eibach springs
Rolf Do you have gas shocks or ordinary? Adjustable or non adjustable? I am just wondering because if I by the Eibachs from Finnish store which seems reasonable then I am going to buy the shocks here too. And it seems that only adjustable shocks here are konis. Tokico is not known and most likely not imported. I think that the finnish price for Eibach is ok and most likely I am going to buy them here. By the way what modifications I need to suspension when dropping the car 3 cm? I am planning to change all the bushings too. This is info on Koni Shocks. According to this after rls30-060000 the construction is different. Did the construction remain same in 280z? Is it safe to assume that 280z springs and shocks fit to my 260z? My vin number is higher than that above. Fairlady 260Z Coupé types S30, PS30 up to chassisno. RLS 30-060000 70-74 86-1811 86-1812
Eibach springs
Thanks for all the info so far. My car has all things indicatinc it to be later 74. Bumpers and grille mounted turnsignals. I am looking for ultimate driving pleasure for reasonable cost...I am going to drive a lot more in future. Both street and track. On track mostly for fun...But you newer know. I can Get the bushings in Finland. And I will get those in order soon. IT seems to be very hard to get any other Shocks than Konis or some cheaper non-adjustable from a discount store here. When I look for Tokicos in Finland on search engines I get nothing. I have not yet found any retailer that has Tokicos... The Tokico illumina kit which has springs on it for 550 bucks seems pretty good bargain....Even if I have to pay customs and tax and delivery it would probably be considerably vheaper than to get Konis and Eibachs here. Konis cost about 190 bucks /each. My first info on Eibach is around 380 bucks which is not so bad. If I deicide to buy Eibach here I am going to nuy the shocks here too. So do I go for gas shocks or basic shocks?
LHD 240Z in 1969 TOKYO auto show
Kats How widely Datsun was used in Japan? Or was the cars only Nissans? Did they start to use Nissan earlier in Japan? I just read this article that says Following. " Nissan was earlier known as Datsun in Finland as well as many other markets. Datsun as a brand/ car make was ended in 1983. After that manufactured have been Nissans Datson was renamed as Datsun because Son in Japanese means loosing/defeat? And because with sun ending they could use rising sun in logo? Datsun manufacturing started in 1932. The manufacturer company was renamed again in 1933. This time the name to be was Nissan motor company. Car brand was remained as Datsun for next 51 years." This was my own transalation of text below. I think it is quite accurate. If someone can do it better, please don't hesitate.=) I dont say that I could agree with this text. I translated and posted it here to share the thoughts of one of the biggest carmagazine in Finland? So do they have accurate and reliable source for their information? Nissan tunnettiin aikaisemmin Suomessa, kuten monilla muillakin markkinoilla Datsun-merkkisenä autona. Datsun merkkinä lopetettiin v. 1983, mistä alkaen kaikki valmistetut autot ovat olleet Nissaneita. Dat-merkki muutettiin Datsuniksi kahdesta syytä. Son-loppu merkitsee japaninkielessä tappiota. Uuden nimen ansiosta logomerkkiin oli mahdollista liittää nouseva aurinko. Datsun-tuotanto käynnistyi 1932. Valmistajayhtiön nimi muutettiin jälleen 1933, nyt Nissan Motor Companyksi. Automerkki kuitenkin säilyi Datsunina vielä 51 vuotta eteenpäin. Some people here ask that why is it so that many parts in 70's Datsun are badged/marked NISSAN?
Eibach springs
VIN RLS30-062579 Big bumpers too. Originally the car has been in Florida. So do the 280z spring kits fit? How about the shockabsorbers?
LHD 240Z in 1969 TOKYO auto show
In Finland datsun is or was a strong brand. It did suffer as al other japanese cars from rust issues.... What did people think about Nissan deleting datsun...I bet that if I asked about this most people would not know what to say. I think that many people think that they are two different makes...Datsun and Nissan We do have many NissanDatsun badged Cedrics, Laurels and Cherrys here so it might be a bit confusing. I think that I shall make a thread on our Finnish NissanDatsun board and ask about it!! The first Datsuns that sold good in here were the bluebirds and Datsun 1000. Maybe the best known Datsuns are 100a. There are still plenty of this on our roads. It came to finland as coupe, 2 nad 4 door and estate. Other well known model is the 1200(sunny) This model came to Finland only as 2 door sedan and coupe. It is widely known as "finn Datsun" here. I dont know what is the stry behind that nickname... Z was not launced too loudly...As far as I know..After all I was not even born yet. There was an testdrive in nationally big car magazine TM. What is weird is that the testdrive was in 70 or 71 might be even in 72 and it was only 2 pages. Normally Tm has tesdrives that are atleast 4 pages. Z is not very well known here. In my old Z I did not have any ambelms and people came guessing if it was a porsche or ferrari or jaguar...I had blast telling that it is an old datsun!! Some older people do remember Z as 70's supercar. This is due to the fact that one of the first "Flying Finns" Rauno Aaltonen drove z in nissan factory team. 240 z was imported to Finland as follows. 71(5 units), 72(41 units) ja 73(5 units). In case of 260 z i have only one years import figure that is 77 (1 unit)!!! Here are some of the cars in finland http://www.dnsf.org Go to the galleria.... Here are some pics of Japanes car meeting in Finland http://koti.mbnet.fi/snk/Finn-JAE_2002/page_01.htm
Eibach springs
Are they good? Can anyone tell Eibach part number for springs? I need the Eibach number for my local dealer so he can make an inquiry...He doesn't find these in his cataloques. I can't find info from Eibach homesite... Is there many different hardness.... I would prefer street/track
No rust! Now what?
Tarmat is a soundinsulating material that is "clued" to floors etc. As far as I can see you or some former owner has already removed it? Edit; Carl is right and has hawks eyes... It seems really that you have the tar mat still on..If you poke it with screwdriver you should see that it is not metal...Normally the tarmat is "clued" on over undercoating/primer and the finishing paint is sparayed over it. I should pay more attention to those pictures...=) Personally I would not do any treatment before removing all showing "surface rust". And as it was said earlier the moist is bad. Make sure that there is no moisture before any treatment. The rust under paint has some moisture in it and if it is left under coating is going to pop out some day....With more severe damage I think. I use drill with metal brush for removing. There are many different kinds of tools for basic drills in case of rust removing.
rear suspension
Not that it is my consern but why in earth did us spec 240 z have different lenght struts? Some US safety law/regulation? I must read my Haynes manual about this? Santa Claus has brought me one=) Edit Which set fits? 1970 - 73 240Z HPK251 $363.38 ILK252 $541.78 1" 1975 - 78 280Z HPK253 $364.65 ILK254 $548.02 1" I understood that hpk is a replacement kit and is like original and illumina is adjustable... The price sounds pretty cheap? I got the picture that these kits have springs too?? http://www.wholehyper.com/shocks.html
What is a Lister?
I was wondering about that exhaust in the midle of the car also?! If the engine is in center which is more than possible. After all the nose is so low and short. I would put my money on the guess that it is Jaguar based engine. The car being made in england and the size of the motor points to that direction....But Who knows... The Lister logo seems to have some influence from Lotus logo...Mainly the colors.
rear suspension
I have 74 260z with big bumpers. It has been in Florida before it was shipped here to Finland in 1980. Are the front springs and shocks different from 240 too? If I would order a suspension kit for my car should I order according to 280z model specs? I have been thinking about tokico kit. We dont have tokicos here so I would have to order it from USA or maybe try to find some supplier inside EU. (Tax and customs are added if I order outside EU)
How do you like the front of your Z?
I dont know if I have heard this theory of mine from someone....Could it be the same thing with dashboards on rally cars? Atleast all big league rally cars have some kind of treatment done to their dashboards.....I think the coating was sold in some racing store as anti reflective stuff?!? That is where I base my assumption about Matt black hoods... I have been as a co-driver on small scale junior rally and our cars were pretty close to original...No matt dash... Maybe they kept their beer and snacks under hoods painted with heat disipent color in the old days!!=)
What is a Lister?
Do you mean lister cars? http://www.racecar.co.uk/lister/contentsmain.htm There is some history...
What Now?!!
I had a similar problem some years ago... The problem was hard to notice. I had an Sony casette palyer installed to the car. It worked perfectly.... I had a pretty new battery also. So it was od that the battery died pretty fast. After few reloads I lost the battery in winter...I went to local battery shop and we tested all electricals, Charger etc... While car was not running and all electrics were turned of it seemed to be loosing some power..The man at the shop said that this was a too big loss of power...Then I made a wild guess and ripped the casette player of and the power was not loosing anymore! The Player was some how broken even though it was functioning normally.
How do you like the front of your Z?
Caen Fred Do you refer to my lines and thougths? Do you mean anti-flare as in case of over heating? My thought was that matt finishing avoids bad reflections which can lead to momentary "blinding" of the driver.
Introduce yourself to the class?
I tired to look thorough these posts but didn't find my own introduction. I am not sure if I ever did it. My name is Otso and I am currently 26 years old. Been married for 5 yrs no children. we do have a dog called Mira, She is Alaskan husky. I have some japanese cars. Mazda 1200 (familia/presto) 4 door deluxe -69. mazda 1300 2 door -71(were in accident). My first z was a -74 240z. It was an originally imported car and had some rust and other issues. Sold it and bought my current 260z -74. This car was imported in 1980 I think from Florida. It is in álmost perfectly original condition. I work in advertizing and marketing acency. I own the company 50/50 with my brother. Mediarace.fi is the address if you need marketing and advertizing help in finland.....
How do you like the front of your Z?
Haha, only 4cm snow and it is up to your neck!(little sarkasm) It is funny because in North Karelia which is the state/province where my home town Joensuu is located we have finnish snow record(70cm). Is this the Siberia or what? Couple of months ago I bought a used engine for my bmw and it is just a piece of crappa...I did already get my money back...So I dont really care...=) Well I have been suffering from this deal so much... Right, my mistake. I didn't mean all original zg parts but remanufactured new kits. Was the original 70's kit made out of fiberglass or metal? I think that everyone can do what ever they want with their cars. Personally I wouldn't dare to do any large modifications out of "original" 70's style to my Z or any other Z that is in such a good condition...On the other hand if I had a Z that is in condition beyond reasonable restoration I could do a customized version. By beyond I mean that it is missing so many valuable parts and has body damage etc..But I wouldn't make any 911 turbo look alike with huge spoiler!!Huh.. I think that people that do modifications to good examples should bare in mind that what ever they do it is undoable and that they should keep all original parts stored. After all it is smart if you think about the cars future value. But who am I to tell what should your nose look like?
To Do List 2003
1. Build the differential mounting 2. Perhaps change the bushings 3. Get rid of those big bumpers (going to do slimmer more early like bumpers by hand) 4. Try to get recaros or others for driving pleasure.. 5. Just started installing old 70's or 80's alarm(It is actually quite clever) Fits in style 6. Like to change suspension too. If I have the money. 5. 100% Ride on her everyday next summer!!
How do you like the front of your Z?
Wow! When I left walking to work in the morning it was -35 degrees outside!!Freezing!! My use car is frozen for the last week or so...No point even trying...After fourdays of standing its engine didn't rotate!! After few hours of intensive warming it started to rotate...And after some more heating it actually started...But souded very bad and stalled...It does not run at idle.. Matt black hoods. I thought that one reason to paint them matt black in racing cars is to avoid shining to blind you?? Clear shiny surface can make some nasty reflections? So you have roots in Japan? Have you bought that zg from Japan or do you have those originally imported in England? It seems that your cars have interesting histories? Is it hard to get those original zg nose parts? These onepiece noses are easy to get, right? Is there any supplier for these parts in England? Where do you have pics of those two other z's you got?
350Z not going to EUROPE ??
I know that guy. Her is a short www version of the magazine article. 5/2002 http://www.spinnerilehti.fi/vanhat/index.php. At the moment there are 15 s30 owners listed in Finnish datsun nissan sportcar club. I write some articles in this magazine. Mustang, M5 and a Chevrolet 57...During my time as an areal journalist or something. I have been doing articles since spring 2002. This Yellow cars owner lives in opposite side of Finland, in Turku. I live in Joensuu. Most of these cars are situated in Turku, Tampere and Helsinki. At the moment I know that there are atleast three s30 cars in North Karelia(state/province). My car is brown metallic. There are some pics in my gallery. And my website www.mediarace.fi/unenvaltakunta/gallery2.htm
How do you like the front of your Z?
hs30-h you have got one of the sweetest z's I've ever seen!! I would love to have g-nose. About those black flares....I have been toying with Japanese cars for some years now and I have been falling for most of the weird things that they have...But not to those mirrors in the front of the wings!! But I do like those plastic flares and matt black bonnets and in some cases even those black plain steel rims!! It is some kind of thing for japanese racing cars in 70's to have black bonnets? Anyway those flares certainly give the car racy look. If I could get a hold on g-nose parts I would do the modification. If and if...The money doesn't grow on trees. What if...? I dont have the heart to cut my wheelarches so does it mean that I cant have those flares? If I could get g-nose it would most certainly be the only one in this country!! It would be nice!!!!
350Z not going to EUROPE ??
I am pretty sure that there are already some cars in Europe. Might be personal imports? I have been told/lied that 350z is going to be launched in Finland during the fall 2003.
Lates classics and sportscars
Was it on this or thoroughbred classics that had small piece about some backyard salvation of an old 240z? I think it was in Australia?? Sound familiar? The car was taken apart for parts... It did even have the name of the buyer of the car... There was some discussion here about one backyard car..Is this the same?
diff crossmember
Has anyone made the front crossmember that holds the differential to the body instead of buying it?? It has that flexible joint/attaching. It seems to be quite hard to get new ones here in Finland.... Can I change the rubber part or is it glued so that it is not possible? Is there some alternatives to the factory mounting?? Do they use more durable parts on more powerfull cars?? You guys that have rb26dett?? Do you have original Nissan part on your differential mountings???
Engine detailing
I did use very fine (1000??) wetsandpaper. It didn't scratch. Some water and that shoul do it pretty good. After that I polished it with some silver and metal polishing paste...The result was pretty good. I did remove the cover...But did not use torquewrench just ordinary tools...
The heck is this?
I went to garage to find out more...No luck. Two of those wires are cut and sealed with tape. The switch is connected with same kind of plugs as all the electric equipment so it looks like original more than aftermarket item...There are plenty of other electrical stuff near that switch. Relays... There is also this palstic cover which has two wires under it making just a turn....I bet that those are ment to be quick switches too... Because the cover says ign and batt...So when you plug of these wires there wont be any power going thru.... Chiltons big book is not too specific... There is an emergency switch on wiring diagrams.. It is connected to ign, central lock and neutral switch...So is it in fact a emergency switch that goes off/locks if you turn ignition when car has a gear in!!? So you have to shift to neutral before you start the car? And maybe you even have to have your seatbelt on!!