Everything posted by 260z
1973 240K Coupe
It is a nice Japanese Muscle look in that car... I had one in sight but i missed it by one day...It was in normal use and the price was under 1000 euros(euro = dollar, almosto 1to1). Normally you pay 2000 or more for pretty good car. I have seen one in a field and have discussed with the owner...Well that car was missing most of the parts, but it could have some parts...I think it had tail lights on it. Take care of it=)
1973 240K Coupe
Fine car!! Looking forward to see some pics!! http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/pitstop/racer/108/range.html http://members.fortunecity.com/hardtops/C110.htm http://www.ratdat.com/history/1959to1972/1959to1972_pic.html http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.dowson/Models2.html http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.dowson/Gallery.html Here is a 4 door version... http://www.baronmoss.demon.co.uk/datsun_240K_pics.html You should send your pics here!=) They need them... http://www.motorbase.com/vehicle/3/1/3/ Finnish 240 k gt turbo http://mutteri.vtol.hamk.fi/~petezzi/main.htm
R160 LSD on E-bay
It says in that auction in Ebay that the diff will bolt on in -73 240 Z . How about -74 260Z? Any knowledge about subaru models that used these diffs?
240z/sr20det swap
Nice rearlamps!! What ready parts have you used? The round lights, are those all hand made? What do you do for living? you seem to be quite skillfull!! Looking forward to see that machine ready!!
Gasket set for an L20?
Hello atleast here in finlan basic l20 engine is quite common. We have lots of Nissan Laurels with that engine. I think that the Nissan has gasgets. 1998cc L20A 81--84 6-syl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-4361 62.90 That's whole gasget set for l20 in one Finnish company. Price is euros. Euro is allmost 1to1 with dollar. Including all engine gaskets. Plain head gasget is 19 Euro.
Restored 71 on Ebay
That's too funny!! Might be truth in this case!! Or maybe it is just an typing error.
what is the world coming to?
And....As long as there are people with cool cars there will be people that want to have that car too....And take it to joyride. Is it only envy or what that makes them rip of and destroy other mans car? If you steal it just drive it and leave it=) One can dream of times when this could happen... I am very happy that there aren't that many car thieves around here... But it still happens too often here as well...
spirit garage s30Z racecar
Yesh, Alan I know that there is no point in doing much work for little or no money. I got the impression that they have racing parts for s30 series according to those posts above. But if they are such a small part of their products....In that case these forums are probably doing all the advertizing that tehy need allready.=) Offcourse there is no point in making special videoclips of those videos that have s30 on them if there is only few such videos and not so much coverage of s30..So maybe there is no possibility for co-operation. I thought that there would be alot z material..... This site could get some benefit of those kind of video clips in form of more visitors/ even members. And more visitors mean that it is easier to get serious sponsors with banners and so on...Every action should eventually lead to some benefit in one form or another...VideoClips are pretty desired material on web nowdays..Surely most of us are clearly z fans but many of us have backround of classiscars and some enthusiasm for newer cars too....Atleast allmost everyone here has some other form of transport for daily driving? I am not saying that this would actually be good enough reason to get started with co-operation in this videoclip sharing... In exchange companies such as 2&4 can get more visitors to their site...Maybe even orders. Am I making any sense or should I take some intensive lessons in English? Hope that I don't make too much fool of myself for being an Bba in marketing...=) I hope that you didnt think that I was pointing that piracy statement to ypu Alan. It was meant to be just on general level >>" Without any intentions to suspect you, I bet that almost 100% of us have supported piracy some how....By downloading some games or maybe by buying pirate cd's and stuff like that. I think that lot of us take part in piracy without actually knowing that. In the internet it is just too easy to just click yes and DL something...
spirit garage s30Z racecar
Never heard of those but now i know... Personally I dont even have any such software. Those could make each life a bit easier? I dont know and did not have patience to really look into them.. I belong to those who want eventually see the real thing and actually own one. I do have pretty much all the videoclips that there are about these cars on the net...Atleast all that I have got my hands to... Those old s30 commercials are nice...
spirit garage s30Z racecar
Totally agree with you Alan. I certainly would not want to see any product of mine to be freely shared via internet or any other way. I am pretty sure that everyone here can agree with points Alan has made. Freeware is freeware it is not meant to be business by itself(maybe they have some additions or side line of products to make money)=). Same goes with some productions for example some documentaries that have been produced with some subsidies or public money....But normally even these productions have intentions to collect money for some public cause or just wellfare. Not sure about all words here but I hope you get my point... Without any intentions to suspect you, I bet that almost 100% of us have supported piracy some how....By downloading some games or maybe by buying pirate cd's and stuff like that. Marketing vice it is even reasonable to spread some material thorough different channels free...But only to some extend. People always want to know more and see more...It is like when you give devil the littlefinger he wants the whole hand... That is offcourse the whole idea of free samples...To make people aware of the product and give the free delicious sample so that people is going to want the rest of it... So it could be usefull for this product to be seen in places like 240z.org and so on. It would contribute to growing sales of these videos....And eventually these vids could lead to some extra sales of z products and parts? So how about some short clips to raise the appetite? I know that there are some samples and I haven't seen them all yet. Maybe some samples about s30 cars on them? Indicating that which films have material about s30 cars...Thats offcourse for the 2&4 to decide..... Just an idea Mike and Alan could be the right persons to make an initiative towards the company? Is it not so that 240z.org is open to co-op with suitable companies? How many visitors there are in these sites during a month Mike? Just my thougts....Hope you don't mind me posting them here?
S California - '73 240z for sale - original owner
So who wants to drive it to Finland? I wish we had as sweet deals as that.....Atleast it looks fine in those pics but what can you really tell by watching them.... Here you can have a piece of sh..t for 2000... My first 240Z had severe rust problems no original carbs, no fan/cooling, rusted bumpers, self-made backwheelarches, hidious interior, busted clock, non-working tacho, smashed synchro in 2nd gear, twisted slot-mags...It had been stripped of many original valuable stuff and replaced with something else or just faulty items.The painting was awfull. I paid about 2600 invested 700 and sold it for 3500....Then I bought my present 260z Which was just painted and has every original stuff on it(exept flat tops)....No rust.. I paid 4150.. Could sell it for 5000 or more... At the moment only adverts about s30 z's are the ones that are interested in buying!!
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
One day in the future this kind of conversation is going to consern tuned cars of today! For example this kind of show car.... http://user.tninet.se/~bjx414c/jackesnissane.htm
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
Carl I was merely expressing why it reminds me of MiamiVice. Those vents remind me of testarossa. pretty far fetched but still... I do understand that in race cars ventilations are necessary.
if you think that the ebay porsche Z is bad
It looks like s30 z to me!!! front light bowls and the grille area...Door and windshield?!? Door handle? Those areas sure look more like s30 body!! In my opinion it is s30. What ever it is it is ugly as hel....
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
Allthough I don't know about the Imsa cars I would say that the builder has been confused and chanching his mind under the modifying process.... That nose is as flat as 350z's and could be changed to 350 look easily=) He must have been really indecisive when he has decide to go for that gto look in the front part... Some things makes me really think of the MiamiVice...White colour and wide body with those air intakes on back wheelarches. I just hate that carrera style spoiler in any other car than maybe just maybe in 911 carrera. 356 porsche is my favourite Porch. Must go and find out what the Imsa cars looked like.
Yikes!!! Look what's for sale here
Where are Sonny Crocket and Tubs?? And what about Elvis? There is something 80's ...Miami Vice in this creation of a very sick and twisted mind!
Z.com is up and running....
z.com bit booring and flat all the grey....Must check out those vids at work... No patience... We have pretty much different kind of connections available here in Finland. Kabelmodem that uses tv-kabel.....256kbps/256kbps 52 eur/month(dollar is almost 1to1 with eur) I personally use gprs connection at home and on road. I have Motorola 720 and a Fujitsu laptop for work and fun=). Gprs cost is only 16 eur/month. Speed is 115 kbps....
Best Head
Which is the best head to start to tune? How good is e88? How about e88 with FI? Do they work together?
LHD 240Z in 1969 TOKYO auto show
Heeer u go.... Are you talking about this MAzda rx7 looking car? Dull http://www.snopes.com/business/misxlate/starion.htm http://www.starion-turbo.co.uk/ I dont believe that colt is same to mitsubishi as Datsun is to nissan.... Colt has been one of their model since 60's Funniest damn Colt!! 1400 Turbo!! http://www.coltmania.com/version2.htm
Tranny won't go back in?!?
So if everything else is ok the I suggest that some one rotates engine by hand. I did not notice any comments about the matter if tooths in clutc and tooths of the gearshaft aren't matching/sliding....If you can understand what I am trying to say? Up and down right an left doesnt necessary help in that case but rotating engine or gearbox from the back end(supposing that you have gear on) slowly at the same time you push it in could help.
Dakar hero info, Did you know that Ari Vatanen was born in North Karelia. Same region that I live in. He was born in Tuupovaara which is under 60 miles from Joensuu my hometown. He had a rally center that carried his name Ari Vatanen Rally center. Now it is just on new ownership and the name is Rallycenter Finland http://www.rallycenterfinland.fi/ http://www.tuupovaara.fi Tuupovaara homesite http://www.jns.fi My hometown Lesson nro.1 NorthKarelian history=)
Att: Nissan Design Studio
That looks a bit heavy and clumsy. OK it does have amazingly something on its face that is 65---mustang. But it is not as agressive looking It is too soft to be Bullit. Oooopss...I cahnge my mind partially!! Just went into my favourite design site. I am a design student so new car designs are one big interest for me. http://www.cardesignnews.com/autoshows/2003/detroit/highlights/h08-ford-mustang.html I must say that these pics make more justice to this car!! It does actually look pretty mean and sporty!! I dont know about those tail light though!! They could be a litlle smaller!! I do think that US car design is healing!! In my opinion it has been very sick since mid sixties!! First climpse of light was shown when Viper came...Then PT cruiser.....I hope it gets to same level as it was in 50's and in some indivudual cases 60's and 70's....49 merc is fine and so many of those good oldies... The fords Fortynine concept is nice too...Is it coming to production?? Somehow it reminds me of the Barris or who??(correct me if I am wrong) Sniper which was I think 49 ford with huge customizing and Viper engine!! Oldie woodie?!?Wierdo!!This looks like a robots face?!? http://www.cardesignnews.com/autoshows/2003/detroit/highlights/h09-dodge-kahuna.html I kinda like the Cadillac v16 concept!!
Eibach springs
I have send few inquiries conserning my dilemma. Thank you all for your contribution! Hopefully I get some info from my Finnish contact about the Tokicos. And I am looking forward to replies on my inquiries in US shops about the question that which one of Tokico sets Fit in to my car. 1970 - 73 240Z HPK251 $363.38 ILK252 $541.78 1" 1975 - 78 280Z HPK253 $364.65 ILK254 $548.02 1" http://www.wholehyper.com/shocks.html That is the shop I got the price 550 bucks per set of springs and shocks.
Eibach springs
Why is there not any mentions about different lenght or diameter of 260z shockabsorbers/dampers. I could not find any info about inner diameter of strut casing? Or other relevant measures... Only different lenghts and wire diameter of springs were mentioned...And that is concerning front suspension. Rear suspension is same in 240 and 260 according to this manual. This book is Haynes 240z, 260z and 280z 1970 thru 1978 coupe and 2+2
Eibach springs
Thanks for the info Rolf and guys! I shall be very carefull and even too precise before I do any ordering....I really don't want to order from such a distance before I am absolutely sure what to get....To possibly get all parts needed from a shop here in Finland is why I am trying to seek for also parts numbers...It is such a rare car here in Finland that most shops do not have any clue about the parts. Further more the fact that my car is a US import 260z later edition makes it even harder... What do you guys know about european edition 260Z? Any changes on it's suspension? Was the early spec 260z imported or did they begin 260z import with the later spec car?