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About al_itzah2luv

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  • Member ID: 16570

  • Title: can't find me

  • Content Count: 91

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  • Joined: 08/01/2008

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  • Age: 32



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  1. Stephen, I cant tell you how much i just wanna pick you up and keep u in my pocket so i can pull u out and help me with me Z. I am sooooooooooooooooo confused right now. i didnt go to autoshop class today, mostly because the teacher wasnt there so theres no class. I hate being patient.
  2. problem is, Im a minor and I dont have the resources to drive all the way to OC. My parents wont do it, they dont really want me to have the Z in the first place. And i dont know how he was able to tell with just driving around in the parking lot. I mean I was sitting in the passenger seat and I asked what do you think is wrong, (because it still idles by itself and it wont stop revving by itself) and all he said is that it sounds like theres not enough air getting into the engine and that i should find a MAF...
  3. well, he owns an 82 280z and we already tightened all the vacuum lines. and today we also did an oil change. and also changed the oil filter, seems to be that it hasnt been changed since the 27th of april of last year! poor Z kept in horrible conditions by the previous owner.
  4. thanks a lot. the with all due respect has been there for a while since it caused drama, i took the old one off.
  5. So, today was another grueling job at the auto shop. We fixed the clutch, new brake fluid, tightened all vaccum lines and put new transmission oil in. And took off the stupid front bumper, (thinking about putting a grill on it instead) My auto shop teacher took it for a spin in the parking lot and said that its not getting enough air and that it needs a Mass Air Flow Sensor. So I was wondering if anyone has one that I can buy or have to let me know. It would be optimum to have it by Thursday...but not absolutely necessary. Anyways, just wanted to give a shout. Thanks.
  6. LOL thnx

    my school gets lots of toys that are decent

    we r actually supposed to get a new TV set this winter break

    visit our news site: gvtv.weebly.com

    we post our day shows everyday after airing them live...

    my bio is there to in the "present staff"

    just click my name.

    but yeah, I cant wait to get my feet wet in this field,

    its definitely my career choice.

  7. K,

    I've seen in the shout box that you are in some video production classes (in high school, how effin cool is that?) and thought I'd give you a couple links to my photobucket site. I'm just about finished with my degree in broadcasting at Western Carolina University, and figure you might like to see some of the fun toys I get to play with. Also, you might find of interest the photos from this year's National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas. Cool part of that was I got to go for FREE! The only downside was that I had to work for Sony for the week. Damn. Work for Sony. Free trip to Vegas. Resume fodder. Damn. Of course you are too young to go, but you should take a peek at the NAB website, as well as tvnewsday. All good stuff.



    BTW, I think you and I are the only broadcaster types on the board, or at least the only open ones...


    And yes, I realize that many of the photos will mean absolutely nothing to you, but you can amuse yourself by making up funny conversations. That's what I do when i look at other peoples photos.

  8. I understand and I'm sorry for anything I have caused. I'll stop.
  9. sure, i'll send it to you in a pm...
  10. uh HELLO!! maybe you should read my first post on this thread you will see that MY parents know what I am doing and are completely aware. I have been making websites and webmastering for over 3 years now, I know the pros and cons and I am well aware of the consequences of whatever behavior I project to the internet. I DO NOT need to be told that everyone is a potential predator...i've been to the Teen Conventions For Internet Safety (drinking and driving, parent-teen isues and scholarships are also addressed) in the Hyatt in Valencia EVERY year. and btw, its just pjs,Its not like im naked or showing vast amounts of skin in my pictures.I'd like to see you deal with your daughter when she wants her first thong and wears them. Regardless of how much you think you are going to "control" her. And you have no right to say what my parents should and should not do. I-m sure you wouldnt want anyone telling you how to raise your child. Regarding Dan, its my car, I'll lay on it if i want to. But i would never be "drapped" over the car. Unlike that photo in the Zcar Women gallery of some chick naked on the Z. I have more respect for the car. AND if anyone truly has a problem with me, then they should tell me, not the whole forum because I am more than reasonable with holding back on anything you think is inappropriate. But I will hold my stance on the fact that: I am NOT here as a tease, I am here to have FRIENDS and learn more about my Z.
  11. My friend Randy... he's a loon... and on top of that, he challenged me to a race saying how he would beat my "crappy Datsun" and I just laughed and told him that he doesnt know what he's talking about and to shut up.
  12. the headlights make it look like an angry asian... no offense...
  13. i have a 75 too!! mine does... its touchy though... it locks up even though I didnt pull it hard.
  14. I havent really been watching the Olympics, I just watched the Judo competitions and then blew off the rest...Mostly because Judo is something I used to do a long time ago and one of the Judo competitors from Spain is somebody that I know. my mom has been following it like a hawk though. Just in case you dont know what it is: and i come out in 2:18!! u better believe it too!! i like this video better though...
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