Everything posted by al_itzah2luv
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
prolly but they would drop even more if the car from the movie Christine the ´58 Plymouth Fury they would all crap their pants at the same time... XD they really couldnt appreciate a Z without owning one... trust me, i know how they r...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
Seth, this is the only thing i got to say about that Z. <a href="http://www.myhotcomments.com/"><img src="http://lc.fdots.com/cc/lc/52/5230366dee1d8993f72ee67c404985ec.jpg" border="0" alt="MyHotComments.com"></a><br><a href="http://www.myhotcomments.com/graphics/12251">MyHotComments</a> <br clear="left">
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
omg you unveiled me!! how did you know I had a dirty mind!!??¿¿¡¡ I would show you a pic if I actually had it with me its not CA approved :bandit: so its in Nevada with my great grandparents where I do all my target practice...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
okie dokie!! I´ll keep my Springfield M1A Super Match rifle close then... (yes, I am very knowledgeable with guns as well...you can thank my grandfather for that)
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
thanks Will...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
how would you kill this thread then? I mean, the only reason why its still up is because people keep on posting on it.
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
does it always need to be about cars? if it does, then somebody needs to get rid of the Boobs thread...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
awwwwww come on!! its fun and people are conversing... besides, i already agreed to not txt here...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
okie dokie!! im flattered then...
They are gna tow my Z!!
im not sure, we think it has something to do with the distributor, which is something im going to go replace today...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
am i supposed to be flattered or scared?
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
i said WTF when i didnt know anything about cars... and he was just sitting there tlking car and i had no idea wat he was really saying... thats what i meant...
- Z Car History
The Car of tomorrow
The Car of tomorrow --- LINK
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
well yeah, thats what i first said when my friend Shane was tlking to me about as he was looking at my car...
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
y? whats wrong with my plans?
Looking for a great color
this is my opinion but, eeeewww orange... mine is staying flat black with pinstriped neon green flames with a white outline... XD
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
thanks, i didnt think i would be so welcome when i first registered. but u guys r hilarious and awesome. Im waiting for some videos to get on Youtube that i was in and helped edit for my video pro class...mayb show a little bit more that i am a real person. also, im going to Primer Nationals and taking my Z with me, another occasion to film and edit and put online.(im also getting it striped there too) right now the only thing i really want to do is get my Z over to autoshop the first day of school and then fix the oil leak, find out why the engine reaves all by itself (when idling it cant stay a constant 1000), get a new distributer cap and i need routers, just for one side tho...and then start ordering all the parts i want for the car... like i was thinking of taking the rear lights off and putting in caddy bullet lights. taking off the bumpers and putting in a new custom grill and new wheels and rims...and putting a small spoiler, a suicide spinner knob the shape of a skull ( mayb a bowling pin that my friend Shane made that he hand painted flames on), mayb some lake pipes... so far this website has been my inspiration: www.thehotrodgirl.com check it out and tell me what you think of my idea for the Z. much luv.
They are gna tow my Z!!
the only time my Z let me down was when i just got it and it had to get up this huge steep hill and i couldnt get up there... i was humiliated in front of the guys for it... but i yelled at them and they went to get a chain frm home depot and they pulled my z up with a 74 el camino... not a fun day....
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
so? would you prefer it if girls werent teases? cuz then you would never get any!! anyways, as requested, i put more pics up... none r really of Z except for one where im falling into my car... XD
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
well neither am i, in my profile that you see when u click on the users link in the photo galleries a tlk alot more about me than in my normal profile and u´ll see that im very open... not to be taken the wrong way, of course...
They are gna tow my Z!!
nope...im still a newbie... XD
They are gna tow my Z!!
omg, the things that are said when im gone... im not offended Doug... and this isnt the first time i had locked the keys inside my car the first was when i was gna replace the battery and i had left the keys in the center console and clossed the door on accident and i was putting the battery in and then when i wanted to take the car out around the block to make sure i did everything right, i couldnt get into the car... so i bent a wire hanger into a hook and went fishing! i tried pulling down the window just enough to put the hanger thru and amazingly it worked... when the keys got to the window i had to stick my fingers in the window and i got the keys out, the whole keychain with my lil brass micky mouse on it. (i need to replace it with Rat Fink) nc 2 c sm1 apprctes me Bill!! and any pics i put up will b rated G so dont get your hopes up too high... I dont want to get in trouble and i dont want anybody else to get in trouble either. much love.