Everything posted by ONZEDGE
Engine Cutting Out Sporadically
Here is a mystery. The car is an early 71 that is essentially stock, but I run a header and a Mallory dual point mechanical-only distributor. It starts great every morning and runs well for about ½ hour. Then I get a stalling effect. It is as if one turns the key off and then quickly back on. It happens once or twice at first but then gets more frequent as I go along. I had this problem before and replaced the positive and negative connectors at the coil and it went away. Now it is persistent. By the way, it only affects the engine – voltage does not drop, the lights do not dim, etc. when it occurs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Weird Coolant Leak
Well -- it is a cracked head -- Anyone interested ina genuine E-31 paperweight?
Weird Coolant Leak
Thanks for the reply. Actually there is a water passage that travels through the intake manifold on the early z's. It passes right inside the carb mounts. I am trying to rule out everything possible befor pulling the head.
Weird Coolant Leak
1971 240 with SU's/header -- Coolant Water mist sprays out between my intake manifold and head -- Weird. A bit of acceleration and it becomes a little geyser. It is betwwen the number 4 exhaust and intake runners and has actually made a hole in my manifold gasket. Could it be a leak inside the intake manifold? There is a water passage there. Please help!!! Thanks!!!
Flickering Lights
This morning when I turned on my running lights (right after starting the engine) I noticed that they were flickering along with my instrument lights. The car ran as normal and after driving for a few miles the flckering settled down and went away. The car is a 71 daily driver with no previous issues like this. I have a new alternator and new battery. Any ideas? Thanks.
Sudden Ignition Shutdown
I simultaneously replaced the condenser (because I had a spare lying around), the ballast resistor and also the connectors for the two leads to the coil. All is well and I thank you for your input.
Intermittent Complete Power Loss
Replacing the condensor seems to have worked, actually. Thanks for the input.
Sudden Ignition Shutdown
Hello. I drive a 71 daily driver and it is very reliable until yesterday. Driving down the fwy at about 3400 rpm the engine stopped for a split second. The remainder of the drive was uneventful. This morning howebver it happened again 4 or 5 times during a 20 mile drive to the office. Coming home it became more frequent and it actually stalled while driving down my street in 1st gear. Following this stall was a loud backfire. When it happens it is like someone kills the ignition -- just for a second. It is freshly tuned and I have a new ignition switch. I run a mallory dual point with an MSD coil. All of the connections look good. Please help with this puzzler
Intermittent Complete Power Loss
Nope -- not the condensor -- Any other ideas out there? I am feeling stupid.
Intermittent Complete Power Loss
Thanks Curtis -- I will check it out tonight.
Intermittent Complete Power Loss
I always experienced condensors either working or not working -- never sometimes yes and sometimes no -- was I mistaken?
Intermittent Complete Power Loss
Hello. I drive a 71 daily driver and it is very reliable until yesterday. Driveing down the fwy at about 3400 rpm the engine stopped for a split second. The remainder of the drive was uneventful. This morning howebver it happened again 4 or 5 times during a 20 mile drive to the office. Coming home it became more frequent and it actually stalled while driving down my street in 1st gear. Following this stall was a loud backfire. When it happens it is like someone kills the ignition -- just for a second. It is freshly tuned and I have a new ignition switch. I run a mallory dual point with an MSD coil. All of the connections look good. Please help with this puzzler.
Rough Running
I have a 1971 daily driver and it is reasonably stock with unknown miles. I run: Mallory Dual Point mechanical dist MSA Header NGK Plugs and wires MSD Coil It runs strong but I am having a problem suddenly and am stumped. It “rumbles†when the car runs and seems to lack power a bit. Normally acceleration is nice and smooth but it idles rough and “growls†when I get on the gas. Almost like its missing but not quite. I have replaced plugs, timed it, adjusted/synched carbs (SU’s), replaced wires and swapped coil. Each thing helped a little but the problem persists.