Everything posted by ConchZ
Installed KYB 361002 and eibach on front....HELP
I have the same combo. I remember being able to put the fronts on by hand, without a compressor. It wasn't easy, and there was spring tension in the finished product. A lesson I learned the hard way is there is supposed to be a spacer in the rear struts that usually rots away, and wasn't present when I took mine apart. I bought my kit from MSA, and they didn't tell me about the darn spacer. I put it together, both front and rear by hand. It wasn't easy, took two of us to squeeze it together. Anyway, I didn't have a spacer on the rears. The result was the rear seemed to sag. Called MSA, and they said oops, sorry, you need a spacer. Took it back apart, put the spacer on, and then needed a compressor to get the rears back together. Not sure if the 280s had the spacer. They did have a taller strut insulator. Maybe you got a 240 insulator, which someone might have used to lower the car. That would explain it. I just measured my extra set of 240 insulators. Not counting the threaded bolts, it measures 2 5/8s". If yours aren't taller than that, you might be trying to use 280 springs with 240 insulators. That would explain it.
Rating the factory 240Z fuel vent hoses
Well, I used the hoses, and they fit. I did have to use some motor oil on some of the fittings to get the hoses to slip on. I didn't have any trouble penetrating the passages, though. Some of those hoses diameters are available locally via NAPA or boat repair or lawn mower repair shops if you don't want to order them. However, it just seemed easier to order them all from one place and be done with it. Be careful you don't get coolant hoses. Even if they tell you the hoses are good for fuel, they might not be. I bought a complete set of hoses from Autozone at first. They told me the hoses were fuel rated. I looked up the part numbers online after I got home, and learned they were not fuel rated, so I took them back and ordered a set.
Vapor lock questions for the hotter climate guys
Here's an idea that I just got from an old Datsun mechanic who used to work at a Datsun dealer in Phoenix during the early 80s. I haven't tried it, as I've been warned by another guy, Bonzi Lon, not to do it. On a carbed Z, he says the fuel return outlet of the fuel rail has a restriction in it that helps maintain pressure. He says they drilled it open just a bit, which allowed more fuel flow out, thereby increasing circulation, and cooling the fuel rail, resulting in zero vapor lock in Phoenix Zs. Bonzi Lon warned me that the restriction is necessary in order to maintain fuel pressure in the rail. Has anyone tried this? I have an extra fuel rail that I'm tempted to try it on, as this summer heat is causing vapor lock for me. I did get some improvement from richening up the mixture. Another source of my vapor lock is probably a weak cooling fan clutch and the fact that I have no fan shroud. I just ordered an electric fan and shroud kit from MSA that I'm going to try out, in hopes that it helps not only my vapor lock, but mostly that it helps improve my AC's cooling capacity. That is a nice looking piece of kit. If it helps my AC, eliminates the drag from the stock fan, makes the engine run cooler, PLUS helps the vapor lock, it'll be worth the money. If it doesn't fix the vapor lock, maybe I'll opening up the return outlet on my fuel rail just a little bit.
Leak at the fuel sending unit
Doesn't vaseline eat rubber?
Best in Show Interior
From the album: Branson Z Festival
Branson Z Festival
110+ Zs in Branson, MO
From the album: Branson Z Festival
that's what the license plate said. - PICT1207
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
Branson Z Festival 2011
Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
- Branson Z Festival 2011 S30s
JUst wanted to share my Z with Z owners
Gorgeous. Nice job.
Branson Z-Fest
Anyone going to Branson Z-Fest this week? I decided to go at the last minute. Just called the hotel and got a room. They said they have over 90 rooms booked for it. That's a decent sized event. Matt
ZCON10, My Classic Car on Speed
For those of us who refuse to send money to a cable company, you can watch it online once it has aired on TV. See http://www.myclassiccar.com/video/
- What is this steering wheel from?
need lowering springs ideas
I've had Eibachs with KYBs on my 73 240Z for over a year now. Probably have put 2000 miles on them. So far' date=' so good, despite KYB's warnings not to use them with lowering springs. Other users here report similar success. I like how they ride, too. You end up with about 5 .5 inches of ground clearance when measured from the low spot in the frame rails right in front of the rear tire. See attached pictures. Notice the molded plastic mud flaps. The rear ones are gone now, as they wouldn't clear speed bumps. The front ones are fine, and I've left them on, as they do help prevent rock chips. One nice thing about the Eibachs is that you barely need a spring compressor to get them on. Easy to install. If I remember right, either the fronts or backs could be compressed enough by hand to get the nut on the strut assembly.
Recommended: Bridgestone Pole Positions 14s
I finally replaced the old tires that came when I bought the car back in July 2007. It was a shame to replace them, as they had plenty of tread. but they were 7 years old. They were hard as a rock. Anyway, I upgraded to some Bridgestone Protenza Pole Position RE960AS 195x60x14s. There aren't too many choices in the 14s, and I wanted to keep my 14 inch wheels. A big plus on these tires is that they are amazingly quiet. I was shocked at the difference. As you know, the 240Z isn't a quiet car. Apparently a lot of the noise in mine was from the old tires. I was expecting a decrease in road noise, based on Tire Rack's user reviews, but the difference from the old tires blows me away. Even my wife noticed it right away. As for how they handle, well I was wondered why my car skidded around a lot, considering I've got new Eibach springs and KYB struts, plus all new Energy bushings. Compared to my wife's Suzuki Kizashi, my 240's handling sucked. Not any more, these tires woke up the handling to the point where I feel it handles like it should. The wet traction in these is as good as you'd expect, too. Anyway, just wanted to let folks know about these tires, as there's so few options in the 14 size range. Doubt I'll ever track them, but I'd be interested to know if anyone has tried them on a track, and what you thought.
What is this steering wheel from?
I got it off of ebay about two years ago. It's in pretty good shape, although it could use a paint job. It fits fine, but its a little bigger around, and it has those horn buttons on the spokes. I like the horn buttons, as they make it easier to honk the horn, something I find I need to do a lot in such a little car. Just the other day an idiot in a hummer started backing right into me in a parking lot. I don't think he could see me, he was sitting so high. Anyway, does someone know what Datsun from which it came?