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Everything posted by JEFF

  1. JEFF replied to Raven's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    BambiKiller240 is right - Instead of the seesaw motion of a internal cam opperation - the OHC provides a "knock em down - let em up" motion, less moving parts - faster valve responce - and better valve timing accuracy. Pull your valve cover off and turn the cam over manualy - it will show you how it all works. -Jeff
  2. I second that! -Jeff
  3. HAHAHA ROF- !!! -Jeff
  4. JEFF replied to JEFF's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I found out that both of the taped holes are straight threads- One is M20x1.5 and the other is M22x1.5 Those are fine thread metrics. I went to a local fastener(sp) place and got one of each and a crush washer for each. ( crush washers are also found on a spark plug ) I've cranked them tight but will not be starting the car untill the middle of next month - I'll let you know how it works. - Jeff
  5. JEFF commented on g260's comment on a gallery image in 02 Sydney Z Club Concours
  6. My wife thinks my endevors to complete this car is a "money pit with no bottom". But in truth it will be on the road in the spring with new paint!! -Jeff
  7. JEFF commented on EScanlon's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  8. JEFF replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Zvoiture Are you asking or hinting?? -Jeff
  9. JEFF replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Whatever it is out of - it has a lot of smog control. I see an IAC ( or BBCD ), intake & exhaust manifolds, pcv, cruse control, and some vacuum lines. - But I only know about the L24,L26 & L28 motors. - Jeff
  10. JEFF replied to derk's post in a topic in Interior
    Victor is probably right - I did mine last winter in the unheaded garage. Used the hand chisel method - It would start to peel a little then break off - It went amazingly quick. - Jeff
  11. JEFF replied to 2ManyZs's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    WOW! is'nt that something? Could I just bid on a wheel/tire assy. ? -Jeff
  12. JEFF replied to JEFF's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    2Manyz's - one is just smaller than 1/2" npt and the other is slightly larger than 1/2" npt. so i wonder if it is a straight thread. - Jeff
  13. JEFF posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I need to block off the smog fittings on the header that i just bought. they are threaded but i do not know the thread size - does anybody know the thread size? Or is there another way to block them off. - Jeff
  14. I bolted a new header on today ! I put a 280 head on a 240 block so i'm not using the smog hook-ups. I need to plug the holes in the header. I tried 1/2" NPT in one hole - no go. The larger hole is to big for 1/2"NPT, but to small for 3/4"NPT. Any idea what size these two holes are?? - Jeff
  15. JEFF replied to Mike's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Mike - datsunZparts.com has new window channel felt. see weather strip page. Sells for $39.00 - Jeff
  16. JEFF replied to 240G-no's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    See 'for sale' forum then click on 'need a Z??' Sounds like there might be a few good ones in there! -Jeff
  17. JEFF replied to JEFF's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    OOPS!! -Jeff
  18. Zvoiture - When mine squealed like you discribed I pulled the pads out with out removing the caliper - I ground a small lead on the leading edge of the pad so the leading edge did not have a right angle to the rotor face - squeal GONE - this allows the pad to set in as that lead wears off - by that time the squeal would be gone anyway. Oh- you still need the squeal shims mentioned by bambikiller and tomanyz's. -Jeff
  19. I thought it would be nice to see what others had planed for thier Z's this year! Here is what i have going on..... Great winter/spring planed for my '72 240Z! I'm installing 78' electronic ign. 78' F.I. on n47 head(on the 240 block) New header w/ ARMOR COAT 78' 5 speed trans. MSA valances (front,rear,right,& left) NEW PAINT!!!! (after 7 years of wanting it.) Headlight covers All new carpet & embroitered (240Z) floor mats WORKING DASH CLOCK!! - found it in the 78' parts car Reapolstered seats finaly to be installed New door panels w/ all acceseries New tail lights and gaskets All new side marker lights (4) A new set of rims w/ Tires I'm sure there will be more ....... As you can see..... My Boss (SantaClaus to me) Was VERY good to me at bonus time in 2002!!! -Jeff
  20. JEFF replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Great winter/spring planed for my '72 240Z!!! I'm installing 78' electronic ign. 78' F.I. on n47 head(on the 240 block) New header w/ ARMOR COAT 78' 5 speed trans. MSA valances (f,r,rh,lh) NEW PAINT!!!! headlight covers All new carpet & embroitered (240Z) floor mats WORKING DASH CLOCK!! Reapolstered seats New door panels w/ all acesaries New tail lights and gaskets All new side marker lights (4) A new set of rims w/ Tires I'm sure there will be more ....... As you can see..... My Boss (SantaClaws) Was VERY good to me at bonus time in 2002!!! -Jeff
  21. The breaks on a 240 are not much differant than a VW rabbit. To remove the rear drums that are frozen/corroded on you may need some heat & a hammer. Heat evenly around the drum face then tap lightly and repeatedly all around the drum face where you just heated. Should come off - mine did that way. Congrats on the Z - Welcome to the club, good times for all! -Jeff
  22. I need a electric fuel pump & fuel damper - If you have them for sale E-mail me ---- Lobbest@chartermi.net - Jeff
  23. JEFF replied to gregmerdes's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Greg - I want all the emblems - How soon can i get them? E-mail -- Lobbest@chartermi.net - Jeff
  24. JEFF replied to madsoul's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Jesse - Victoria British Headers start at $239.95 Then go up. Check your E-mail for what i have for you. - Jeff
  25. JEFF replied to zoom240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Zoom - If you want to reduce under hood temps. & are going to buy a header - buy one with a ceramic coating - The ceramic does not transfer heat very well - sending it out the back. try this , hold a 6" square of floor tile in the palm of your hand, then blast the top side with a tourch - you will hardly feel the heat and not enough to drop the tile!! The ceramic coating looks GREAT for ever!! Never have to look at a rusty header again! One brand is ' Armor Coat' another is 'Jet Hot' Jet Hot is the coating that comes factory on Dodge Viper exhaust systems - they were having a floor board temp. problem - fixed it. - Jeff

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