Everything posted by JEFF
He's Dreamin'!!!!!!
It's an automatic ..... He can keep it! - Jeff
engine run on
That list would make me think it may run hot -- does it? Be sure the timing is set correctly for your use. Check the fuel float level and see if it is closing all the way when the bowels are full.( hot engine .. alittle more gas .. run on.. even without spark) - Jeff
engine run on
What kind / year of car do you have? - Jeff
Engine swap
Get a 240 block and go thruogh the lower end.... install the 280 head (ether one) on the 240 block and you will have a very fast revving engine with higher than stock compression! I did it.. It's the best thing I've done to it in 8 years of restoration! - Jeff
Clutch slave cylinder-> Where is the rod??
your location field is not filled in with your location --- where are you? - jeff
Shazbot! i lost part of my airbox!
" ..........into my engines abyss" You need to remove the thingy from the 'engines abyss' before doing anything else. - Jeff
'73 240z
I need tail lights -- got them? - Jeff
Nothing works.
Are there any fuesable links in the engine bay? check and see if they ( if there are some ) are blown/burned through. - jeff
500 Megs Z car stuff is now over 800 megs
Any of that stuff for sale? - Jeff
Where to find these cheaper
Any one know where to find these cheaper? http://cgi.msn.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3068585527&category=20390
Need Gas cap OEM or Locking
Brian - I think I may have a good one for you....... I need to find it. If I find it $15.00 could have it at your door. - Jeff
2004 Z Calender shot
Any Ideals?
I had the same problem. I used a cutting tourch to get it out and then tac welded a nut in place. Worked well for me. - Jeff
anyone think this is a 240?
The seller emailed me back right away ---- His reserve is $1,500 soungs like a good / fair price to me - - Jeff
anyone think this is a 240?
Why does he have a picture of a blue one in there? Seems kinda funny. I email him to ask what his reserve is - we'll see what he says. - Jeff
Engine Rebuild Questions
Take the original engine out ---- stick it in the shed --- Install a turbocharged L28 from a salvage yard, it's a lot less headache to rework one out of the car then do the switch. (IMO) - Jeff
All right you lot, let's have you.
I thought another Bambi took off the hood. - Jeff
All right you lot, let's have you.
This is me with my kids 3 nights before Halloween: My youngest is missing from the pic -- In bed already.
Engine Rebuild Questions
gema - When I put the '78 FI on my 240 block I punched it .030 over and put in TRW flat top pistons ( true flat tops ). Compression went from 140 psi To 185 psi. The throttle response is awsome! - Jeff here is the link I was trying to give you earlier: http://www.hammondsplains.com/zclub/techtips/index.html
You noreasterners need this.
greyghost - Do the snowmobiles in the background have anything to do with the age of the picture? . - Jeff
Fuel line OK for coolant?
Fuel line is ok for water/coolant --- but not the other way around. - Jeff
WEll for Full-Size Spare?
TomoHawk - my car fits a full size spare from the factory(1972 240Z) - what car do you have? - Jeff
Retrofitting Fuel Injection into 73 from 75 -76, 77-78, 79-83)
wantazee - I have this on my car now - I installed a '78 N47 head on a '72 L24. The head bolts right on. All the wiring is adding to existing - no cutting of stock req'd. At the same time I put the '78 electronic ignition on. The combination (F.I. L24) makes for a very reliable starting engine - not to mention the F.I. makes the L24 revv even faster than the carbs did. I am very glad that I did the upgrade. - Jeff
Exhaust needed for 240Z
I am ready to finish the exhaust system on my '72 240Z. The engine has some work done: .030" over bore, TRW flat top pistons, .020" milled off head face, 3 angle valve grind, '78 EFI and the electronic ignition, 6-2-1 ceramic coated aluminum header(exit of the Y pipe is 1&7/8". On the body I have a MSA ground effects kit ( front sides and rear). The trouble that I have run into is the exhaust exit cutout in the rear valance is about 6" closer to the center of the car than the stock position. I think it is the location of a 280Z, but not sure. The question I have is: Will the stock bend of a 280 pipe fit properly under a '72 240Z? I would like to buy it - have it shipped to my door - and install it, as apposed to having a shop costom bend the pipe for me. Any thoughts? - Jeff
ideas ideas ideas
Thats cool! - Jeff