Everything posted by JEFF
240z- Ignition Problem
Take the steering column cover off after disconecting the battery. Look at all of the wire connections..... Look at the wires between the connections for melt down/melt together. Check the fasener that holds the ignition switch to the column,besure it is tight. With the battery still disconected.... turn the key on and off a few times to watch what (if anything) is moving around. If nothing is moving around,reconect the battery and try the key again--- watch for sparks anywhere. If these things do not turn up anything..... take the switch in and have it tested or replaced. Please let the rest of us know what you find and or solve. - Jeff
Misc Stuff For Sale, prices lowered, need to move it!
FOR THOSE WHO CARE TO KNOW......... I bought some 240Z parts from jmead a month or so ago.... Very nice parts!! Thanks again jmead! - Jeff
Carb Water passages
Should be no problem at all. - Jeff
Where I have been
carguyinok - As I read your post I was thinking that "this guy has his head on straight & is improving himself!" Good luck to you and your new schooling, I hope your plans work out for the best! - Jeff
Sway Bar
texasz I have the 1" / 7/8" set from MSA in my car --- love the handling response!!! I mounted the front as Carl mentioned / I mounted the rear as Victor's picture shows. 1" / 7/8" combo seems to be the right one for me. - Jeff
lots of x-tra 240z parts
"jeff: I could probly put a set togather for you, maybe a little rough " Put the set of emblems together and take some close up pictures. I'm not in need of perfict parts. - Jeff
since no one could see the pics of the hack job
I wish I HAD an intercooler! - Jeff
Efi again.......
Carbon fouling possibilities that come to my mind....... * Weak spark * Oil blow by due to worn rings / low compression * PCV not operational ( stuck open ) * Too low of fuel octain rating * Timing to far retarted ( incomplete burn ) * Wrong heat range of spark plug * Too cold of thermostat * Worn out / hardened / cracked valve guide seals - Those are the items that come to my mind as the possible sources of carbon fouling on plugs. I welcome others to add to and/or correct the above. - Jeff
Smog "stuff" removal
Hey Rick - What do the braided hoses go to? - Jeff
Good paint results with a rattle can?
Cut it to fit , Beat it to $^!# , Paint it to match!! Thats the way I describe the rattle can job my brother did on his car a few years ago. - Jeff
WTB: 240z
Petezcar - Where is the pictures? - Jeff
lots of x-tra 240z parts
Do you have a full set of 240Z emblems? - Jeff
Some stuff for sale
I'll give $40.00 for the “Secret Doors†if it would include shipping! :classic: - Jeff
1971 dashboard for sale on Ebay
4 days left on the auction and no bids yet. How much do you need for it? - Jeff
Loose shift lever
Thanks guys -- I just was not sure what to replace! - Jeff
Loose shift lever
I put a '78 5 speed in my 240Z. The shifter shifts nicely into all of the gears...... But once it is in gear it has alot of play(flops around). What is in the top of the trans that would be worn / or broke? Is it some type of bushing or ball & socket? Maybe nylon? - Jeff
The truth about headers.....
Ceramic coated headers will reduce under hood temp. - Jeff
Q's: Throttle shaft play & L28 cost?
2ManyZs - apparently we were typing at the same time - I type abit slower than you do! - Jeff
Q's: Throttle shaft play & L28 cost?
The way I check the condition of the shaft is with some carb cleaner or starting fluid - spray it at the throttle shaft while the engine is running ( don't get any in the carb intake ) - If the idle goes up - it is leaking air - time to rebush. Sorry I do not know how much that costs. I took my carbs off and put fuel injection on! - Jeff
Some pics to share..
You mentioned drivers floor & passergers floor, HAHAHA !! WOW - like 2Manyz's I also thought my parts car was bad! - Jeff
10 years in the garage
"Anything from put in a new battery and see if she starts to drain all the fluids, including taking off the gas tank, replace all the hoses and pull the spark plugs and put a light oil in overnight to lubricate things." IMO, Forget puting a new battery in it and trying to start it. The rest of the information is a good place to start. After letting the oil soak over night - Remove the cam cover and oil all the lobes and rockers with motor oil. Turn the engine over by hand by using a socket on the crank pully bolt ( spark plugs still out ). IF it turns over EASY - it may start after a full cleaning of the carbs - ( remove the float bowls and clean the float needle valves with carb cleaner - let them soak in it while you clean the rest of the carb parts by disassembling them and carfully removing any deposits you may find. DO NOT bump/bend the needles conected to the pistons. Be sure the piston bores/pistons are clean and slide easy and they don't rub on the sides. put a 1 ounce of light oil ( I use 5w-30 motor oil ) in the shaft hole in the top of each carb piston before installing the plunger. remove the needle valves from the carb cleaner - blow them off - reinstall them. Check for spark after cleaning the distributor cap - use new spark plugs. Check the air filter to see that it is not falling apart. Good luck with the Z!! All of us will help anser any questions you may come up with. - Jeff
trade/sell performance and stock parts
What do "appliance" wheels look like?? - Jeff
I live in Portland Oregon
Jeff- 33 years old , wife & 5 kids!! ( do I win for the most kids?) Hamburg Michigan ( 50 miles northwest of Detroit) '72 240Z - lots of hidden mods. The ones that show are in the engine compartment, including the '78 fuel injection.
MUST SELL 78 280z 2+2
"words to live by: if u have to fix it ...dont fix it if ur mad at it ...here is a hammer free of charge" Is this how the Z is treated? - Jeff
Steering Wheel Noise
Check the column cover to steering wheel clearance. - Jeff