Everything posted by JEFF
78 Z fuel Pump Relay
2ManyZs is right - BUT there are two fuel pump relays on a '78. The other one is under the panel that sticks off the passenger side fender well - it's right in front of the battery. - Jeff
Lost My Z Helper
Ed-non- Z related ranting is welcome to me when some one needs help or comforting. I still have a empty slot in my heart for an Irish setter named 'Lady Red Barron' that i lost 15 years ago - I understand the way you must feel - I suppose it never goes away but it will get easier. Keep your chin up. Thank God for the time you too had together. Sorry for your loss. - Jeff
Timeing on the L motor
Znut73 - Check your E-mail
Electramotive L9 Cam For Sale
Znut73 - You can check the shipping by calling or going to the local UPS / FEDEX office. Tell them spudz's area code and your area code along with the weight and lendth - they will give you a price. - Jeff
Vote on a Wheel!
Quote "Careful, you'll go blind if you do that too much!" HAHAHA!!!:stupid: - Jeff
Timeing on the L motor
The head bolts are interchangeable - I just did it to my 240Z a month ago. I put a '78 N47 head and the F.I with the electronic ignition on. I mixed head bolts from each - used the short bolts from near the intake ports as they are always in better condition. ( I made 1 fast revving 2.4L motor ) Love it! - Jeff
Vote on a Wheel!
2ManyZs - Your "cheapo" wheel looks good to me !! Does it feel as good as it looks? - Jeff
Timeing on the L motor
Order a free calaloge on line at Victoria British.com As far as running with the old is concerned - you are taking the chance that the tensioner will pop out of its socket - that can happen if the chain is streched real bad & the tensioner surface is worn a lot. New with peace of mind for $80? - i would replace it all. - Jeff
Thermostat housing gaskets
New gaskets do not need a gasket sealant - be sure the mating surfaces are CLEAN and flat - assemble using the recomended foot pounds. You will not have a problem there for a nother 30+ years. - Jeff
A Q about 70 240 Z
As MikeW said get the car checked out by someone knowledgeable. If you know a few things : Check the compression to be sure it is even across all 6, Check the color of the antifreeze - it should be green or in some cases pink, Also take the valve cover breather hose off at the valve cover with the engine running and feel the opening - it should have very little air pushing out of the hole;(the engine may/will stumble when you pull the hose off, normal) Remove the air cleaner cover and do a carb piston 'drop test' - lift it up fully with one finger and let it drop - you should hear a 'clunk' when they hit the bottom, they should also fall at the same rate & move easily. - Jeff
Timeing on the L motor
The timing chain kit in the Victoria British catalog has every thing needed behind the front engine cover. It has: Chain & both gears, both chain guides, both cover gaskets, the harmonic balance pully seal & the full chain tentioner assy. All for $80 --- not bad at all - Jeff
Help- Water got in the car.
That big round thing under the glove compartment is the heater/airconditioner blower motor (fan)that is where the water noise was probably coming from. I think the water got in there through the fresh air in take tubes. I wouldn't turn the fan on for a day or two then run it when ever you drive it ( on lowest speed ) for the next week or untill the water noise is gone. I do not think there would any lasting damage to anything with a one time soaking. You could put a fine screen in/at the opening of the fresh air intakes where they come out in the front of the rad. suport, maybe some thing like screen from a screen door. I think that would greatly reduce that kind of water volume from entering again. Good luck - Jeff
de-carbonizing E31 head
I used a cup wire wheel in my drill motor on mine -- FANTASTIC results in about 30 seconds. The cup wheel I used was 2" dia. then a 3/4" 'brush' got me in the corners and the ports. Run the wire wheel all over the outside of the head as well - makes it look like it's nickel plated!! - Jeff
Electramotive L9 Cam For Sale
spudz - Your picture link is erronious. How much do you think it weighs - i'll check on shipping if you give me your area code. - Jeff
polished valve cover
sapruns - VERY nice work you've done - be proud of it!! - Jeff
Air Dams, Spoilers and Exhaust Fumes
That's VERY VERY COOL!! - Jeff
need 0 to 30 better
ZmeFly - Maybe I should be quiet about turbo exhaust. The stuff about NEEDing the restriction ---- I thought it would apply to all exhaust systems on all cars - Thanks for getting me straightend out on the subject. - Jeff
Vote on a Wheel!
I like the stock one shown --- can I have it? - Jeff
polished valve cover
Who did the polishing for you?? I tried to get mine to shine like that but ran out of energy before I was that far. - Jeff
Valve Covers (2)
- need 0 to 30 better
Some turbo cars NEED the restriction produced by the cat - did you notice a performance decreece after the cat was gutted? A good turbo Header and properly flowing exhaust is a must for good acceleration. When I put 2-1/2" pipe on my 240Z I lost all my low end power but gained top end ( it would do 143 mph) I reduced the exhaust size to 1-7/8" I got all my low end back - So there is such thing as "to large" on an exhaust pipe. - Jeff- I have a jacuzzi!
Thats not cardboard - its factory applied tar - it should be on the floor of the whole trunk area also -- along with under the front carpet. - if it peels off easy its probably because rust has started under it. - Jeff- Classic 1973 240z Excell Cond In And Out
I know i would like to have it! - Jeff- I have a jacuzzi!
The bottom fell out of my jacuzzi about 5 years ago - that was a pain in the arse to fix. So be glad you have a jacuzzi !! - Jeff- need 0 to 30 better
How many miles are on your engine? Are there any aftermarket performance parts on your engine? When was the air filter changed last? Plugs changed last? What octaine of gas do you use? Is your auto trans fluid full? Is your turbo waste-gate fully opening? - Jeff - need 0 to 30 better
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