Everything posted by JEFF
Chiltons Manual
Chilton's Manuals SUCK BIG HARD ONES!!! -Jeff
Vintage 280Z GTU
That sounds nice - Do you have $31,500 to lend. - Jeff
76 280Z Pieces and parts...
phi22b@ck - I am looking for a complete 280z engine - selling?? - Jeff
PARTING OUT '78 280Z Engine/Drivetrain--FAST!
Steve - I am intrested in the engine - If i can have the whole thing. Email me. lobbest@chartermi.net - Jeff
Z Parts For sale
Would you consider selling the SU's separately? I live in Hamburg Mi. ( north of Ann Arbor ) I work in Livonia. - Jeff
70-73 Front Turn Signals & Assemblies
I have both right and left fronts. call me @ 1-734-522-1422 -Jeff Lobbestael ( 6am to 4:30pm )
skyline motor fresh off the boat
I second that !! -Jeff
Rubber firewall clamps/grommets
jzorzy- At the local Hardware store I bought some rubber of the same size -- drilled it out to fit -- then cut the access slot down the middle. It worked very nice. The curved piece formed it's self when installed. It worked best to cut the access slot with a rasorblade (I tried with a hacksaw 1st, kinda tore it up on the edges-- looked bad) the rasorblade makes the cut smooth. - Jeff
Sharonna's 300ZX
Rubber firewall clamps/grommets
I think it's exactly clear what you want but i'm sorry i don't know where to get some. If you do find out ---- post where you found them ---- please?!
My hose is too long !!!
Hey - Ken, After 32 years that sending unit is a "leavaright" sorry i think that one's funny
- Drag Race
Front Control Arm Bushes.
After you heat it up spray it with the WD-40. The heat pulls the WD-40 into the threads. -Jeff
My Babies
Your Babies! Look great! - i'm finishing my '72 240 's exterior simular to your 240 - in blue. It has a mostly stock engine(.030 oversize w/ TRW forged pistons, 2-3/4" exit on the header. I hope to have it on the road in the spring! -- again your cars look great! - Jeff
Hows this for a basket case?
I found an ad one time that said " 1966 convertable Corvette -- needs some work - $2,100 obo. " I called right away! The old lady said it ran good when her husband died 5 years ago, but it probably needs work now. I got directions and headed out. She took me out to the back barn to show me the car. I lifted the canvas cover to find a 1966 Corvair !! Maybe that lady thinks she has a Corvette.
Nearly Ready
Watkins Glen NASCAR follies...
Zvoiture To see a 750 hp. GO-CART come out of turn 4 with both front wheels off the ground ( one a little higher than the other from frame twist ) is way to cool. THEN they reach 115 mph. in less than 50 yards !!! Good thing that thier arms are straped in because when they DO rollover it's pretty bad. They say that there are two types of sprint car racers--- those that have rolled it over -- and those that are going to roll over! Keep the shine on the top side and the nose between the ditches. - jeff
Watkins Glen NASCAR follies...
Hey ED-- You might like 'left turns' if you see 1/8 mile (not 1/4) DIRT TRACK Sprint car races! Those hillbillys can wake up the croud !! - jeff
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
Dream Machine
Problems with brakes
On a left hand drive z (american z ) --- always bleed in this order --- right rear -- left rear -- right front -- left front. This removes the air starting the farthest from the brake master cylinder. There is another reason for this order to but i can't remember what it is. Anyone??? - Jeff
RPM lives his own live
2many may have hit it on the head - check BOTH pos. & neg. conections at the coil. I had a loose ground there that caused the same problem. Try one thing at a time.. check by driving it after each check so you will know what it was that fixed it. good luck-- P.S. should the tach. ever be below 6000 r.p.m. ?? HAHA:D
XYZ --- The old race car driver is 'BOB BONDURANT'. Runs 'BONDURANT DRIVING SCHOOL' Now. He retired from racing after a crash into a wall at 150 mph that put him in a wheelchair for awhile. When he was walking again he started the driving school. He tried to get porche to sponsor his school with thier 911's. they wanted to much $$$. He later said that he was very happy w/ the Z cars.
Glass removal
Rasorblade slice the rubber from the inside. Cut it at the glass and at the frame. It should be sitting free when you are done cutting. Lift the glass out using suction cups ( 2 req'd w/ 2 people ) It worked well for me on mine.
Gas tank continued
aapiss -- check your fuel guage sending unit with a volt/ohm meter -- check for continuity from the positive to the negitive posts. The sliding contact may need to be off of eather resting stop. if you get continuity the sending unit is good. check the pos. wire for 12 volts with the ignition on, check the ground wire to make sure it is grounded. If you have all three... = good switch. Check the other end for trouble if the switch is good. Gas hoses --- check each hose for cracks or rub/wear marks. Feel each --- they should be flexable. NO cracks, NO rub/wear marks, all hoses are flexable ? = good hoses. Rear differential fluid--- If it is not honey color - replace it !! If you are unsure - replace it -- Do not worry about the smell, it's normal to stink. Any more Q's about tank/hoses/sending unit ect... write me back. hope things are good for you. - Jeff