Everything posted by JEFF
Turbo Header
I met Dave at inovator Z. He is great!! He sold me some very nice parts for a very reasonable price. He has alot of nice stuff in good/great condition. I found him on our site and am very lucky that he is only 22 miles from my work!!!
F/S 72 Carbs and Volvo Intercooler
Shiin -- I compliment you on the pictures you have displayed,they are exellent! Words to live by: Don't force it, get a bigger hammer. When all else fails--- SMASH IT!! If it won't come loose -- Tourch it! All fishermen are liers, except for me and you, but i'm not so sure about you.
Atmospheric Supercharging???
In 'his' 240z the "GTO" means 'GASTRO-INTESTINAL-ORIFICE' What do you guys think??
Best deal on POR-15
All of the above is good advise to adhear to !!!
Best deal on POR-15
St. Stephen where do you live? I'm in Hamburg MI. about 15 miles north of Ann Arbor. Are we close by? (60 or so mile radius) E-mail me lobbest@chartermi.net - Jeff
Race spec engine
If you run the exhaust as shown the exhaust pulses will colide with each other. the two into one pipe needs the two pipes to be stagered ( one a little before the other entering the single pipe.) this allows the exhaust pulses to push each other and not fight for the same space at the same time! This is my experince with tuned length header exhaust set-ups.
Pfarq - that looks like a nice sweet car. The rims top it off nicely -Jeff
Original Rims/Hubcaps???
I think the 4-1/2 is the Lug Nut spacing in inches.
Best deal on POR-15
Dave Stuba , Regional Distributor Imperial Restoration,Inc. 1-630-257-5822 OR 1-800-576-5822 Dave will set you up with the best prices and ask him for the new catalog. - Jeff
Z fest
CoastguardZ you should e-mail me and i could show you around( lived here all my life ) Lobbest@chartermi.net
JB Weld
I used it to temporarly repair a leak in my dirtbike rad. It became a perminant fix - on a differant bike i repaired a hole about the size of a silver dollar in the crankcase ( twostroke bike ) I am going to buy stock if i can find any !!
How old are you?
32 years ( young??,old?? is it monday morning or friday afternoon )
Monza exhaust?
I plan on putting on on my 240 -- with a 6 into 1 header they don't sound whinie. -Jeff
Valve cover breather
Royce - Thanks for the reply - Wouldn't the valve cover have some vaccuum on it because of the pcv port attached to the carb. balance tube??
240Z on tv
DERK -- Downloads are awsome -- ( I just got a cable modem )
used 6-into-1 MSA header - free
Thanks Rick, ( keep puting up the free stuff and one time i'll get some ) Thanks again - Jeff
Flywheel bolts...
I have done this several tims over the years. -- remove the #1 spark plug, turn the engine over manualy by the crankshaft nut,stop turning when you are on the COMPRESSION stroke, stuff a length of COTTON rope in the comb cham then manualy take up the remaining space by turning it over with the crank nut again, This stops the pistion from completing its stroke. That will hold the engine still while you work.
Compression, calculation and relieving chambers
9.6:1 is as high as you can get and still run 87 octane fuel. ( Ford, GM, Dodge - Factory specs )
Valve cover breather
Hey guys, Should the valve cover breather hose have pressure or vaccuum? I have vaccuum on mine ( 72' 240 ) I was under the empression that it would have a small amount of pressure out. The hose that connects the block to the pcv on the balance tube sucks vapor from the crankcase -- is this where the vaccuum in the valve cover is from??:cross-eye
used 6-into-1 MSA header - free
Rick , is the header avalible??
L24 block vaccuum/breather
Thanks for the confermation on my thoughts. Now one more qestion. how do i know if my pcv is allowing to much thru?
L24 block vaccuum/breather
On the front driver's side in front & below the 1st exhaust port, the tube that sticks out from the block....... Where does or what does that connect to ??? I have seprate air cleaners and I think it connects to the carb. balance tube, am i right ??? Why?? thanks for any input
used 6-into-1 MSA header - free
It sure would be nice to have that header on my 72' 240(it has no exhaust at all - head to tail - what a great way to start! if previous members do not come through.... lobbest@chartermi.net -Jeff -Drive it like you stole it , then clean it.
what kind of front lip is this?
thats one classy way to tape/race prep a headlight cover that's what that is
300ZX seats in 240Z?
What year of 300zx are you planning to get the seats from?