Everything posted by JEFF
Value of Second Hand Parts
I think it would be nice to know what the going prices of parts are in stated conditions. If we could fit it in somewhere - maybe a new forum? Lets see if Mike G. has any input on the idea. - Jeff
A little confused on batter hook up.
It's on the passenger side about 1/2 way op the side. It will be a pipe plug with a square socket hole - your ratchet will fit in it to loosen it. - Jeff
Distributer Shaft Play
Are you getting a single point or dual point distributor? I have a dual point distributor for you if you need it. - Jeff
A little confused on batter hook up.
I do not know the #'s of ALL the transmitions ever made for a datsun. Therefor all I need to know is if yours is manual or automatic. If you have a manual then you will fill the trans via squeeze bottle. The fill hole is the full level,fill to the hole. If your trans is auto fill it through the fill level dipstick tube. - Jeff
Distributer Shaft Play
Is it rotational play? Or is it movable side-to-side without rotating it? Rotational play can seem like quite alot without efficting its opperation. side to side slop is a bad thing - it would be very difficult to set the gap if there is more than about .005" of side to side movement. - Jeff
A little confused on batter hook up.
What year of car do you have? - Jeff
A little confused on batter hook up.
Hook the negitive cable to the top bolt the holds the starter to the bellhousing. hook the positive cable up to the positive terminal on the starter solinoid. - Jeff
Looking for misc items
I have a Engine compartment inspection lamp. What is a fair price to you. - Jeff
New springs, coils are touching
Drive it - see how it feels. If the shoe fits..... - Jeff
- Seats
Advice on lifting engine?
When I lifted my engine out I removed the cylinder head 1st. It was coming of the block after it was out anyway. I lifted the head,intake & exhaust header as one piece. I took the trans out the bottom(four bolts on the bell housing, 2 bolts for the slave cylinder, 3 bolts for the crossmember, 4 bolts for the drive shaft) To hold up the back of the engine when removing the trans I used a length of 2x4 accross the fenders with a thick padding of towels then used a tiedown strap under the oil pan to support the engine. When just the block is sitting there with the strap and the 4 motor mount bolts off it is free to lift. I lifted it with 3 tiedown straps - 1 around each motor mount and 1 under the oilpan next to the one holding up the back of the engine. By lifting the block out like this it allowed me to shorten and lengthen the straps to change the angle of the engine as needed to guide it out easily. I think it was an exelent way to pull the engine out. No lifting holes to worry about , and able to change the position at any time I needed. - Jeff
280Z Distributor
I have checked geocities web site for the Tach. hookup but they only talk about ZX distributors. Anyone know how to wire a 240 Tach. to a '78 280 electronic ignition, or where to find out? - Jeff
Why are cross-flows so rare?
Can you think of a way to COOL the intake manifold. - Jeff
Why are cross-flows so rare?
Like a Hemi? - Jeff
Why are cross-flows so rare?
What is the advantage of a crossflow head? The only disadvantage(that I see) to the 'standard' L series head is that the exhaust manifold is so close to the intake manifold. Where are the spark plugs located on a crossflow head? - jeff
Running Rich/Spark Plug Gap
I'm not sure about the ohms but I'm under the impression that if you do not have the stock coil then you do not need the ballist resistor. One advantage to a performance coil is the lack of the ballist resistor - that way you are suppling the coil with 12v all the time - not just at startup. The ballist resistor reduces the voltage to the coil to 9v after the key is released from the crank position. When the coil is given 12v all the time it gives a hotter spark all the time - not just at startup. I have '78 electronic ignition on my 240Z. I have a 'FireBall' coil and no ballist resistor - no problems. - Jeff
Running Rich/Spark Plug Gap
With an Electrionic ignition the plug gap should be .044" according to my electronic ignition book. I run mine at .044 without any stumble at all. - Jeff
Every one talks about thier dream Z.....
I'm building mine now.... '72 240Z 1" swaybar in front and 7/8" in back F.I. L24 (N47 head with '78 F.I. Stock interior with "240Z" embroitered floor mats 7" 'Turbine' wheels MSA ground effects all the way around '70 vent emblems behind the 1/4 glass 'Hybred' emblem under the fender emblem All topped off with a deep matalic blue paint job. I need a 280Z grill and turn signals - got one? PM me. - Jeff
rod bearings
- What to save
Unsafe / nonoperative parking brake...?? - Jeff- What to save
drunkenmaster - The transverse links and control arms are different things. The control arms are the brackets that go out to the wheel - above and below the spindle - holds all of the wheel assembly - pivoits on a shaft to let the wheel go up & down over bumps. The transverse link holds things together from side to side. - Jeff- What to save
I stash parts where ever there is a couple of sq. inches. IE: 2 dash clocks on the shelf in master walkin closet, one dash panel(between dash & windshield) under my dresser, 2 large shelving units in the garage stuffed full of misc. stuff, garage attic w/ boxes of parts - windshield,hatch glass,& other larger items. Grab all you can -- stuff your pillow or whatever!!!:classic: - Jeff- and I thought Z's looked bad like this
I'll take 3 pleaseROFL :sick: :stupid:- Where's the vents???
At/neer the bottom of his auction it sats this: "THIS IS A 1971 240 Z, NOT A 1970. THE VIN# IS: HLS3023407. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EMAILS, PHONE CALLS AND QUESTIONS....ALL ORIGINAL BOOKS ARE INCLUDED" - Jeff- 280Z 5 speed in early 240Z
If your car is a manual now, Then keep the same drive shaft - The transmitions are the same length - '70 - '78. -Jeff - What to save
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