Beauty and the Beast
Heather and Zeke
240 runs out of power under load, i.e. going up hills
Don, I have the same issue with my Z. It is a 72 w/ a L28/Auto. My power goes away on a hard right turn and takes a little while to come back after I get it back to the garage. The other day it took me 30 minutes to get up the driveway. The one thing we both have in common is the MSD coil. I found out that yesterday that it is better for the coil to sit upright. Mine is currently sitting on its side. It may have an issue. I'm going to replace mine and rotate it upright to see if it make a difference. I am currently running the electronic 280ZX dizzy. Please let me know if you find a cure. Thanx, Rod
Colorado Springs Datsun Club
So this Saturday @ 9 AM will be the first meet. Please bring your datsun and come meet others. Hope to see you there.
Colorado Springs Datsun Club
If there is anyone in the Colorado Springs Area interested in forming a Datsun Club, we will initially meet the third Saturday of each month at 9AM. Location is currently the "Promendade Shops at Briargate" near I25 and Brairgate. All Datsuns are welcome. There are a lot of Zs, tens, twenties, and roadsters in the area. Please come out and see what is about. I will be at the TriLakes Car Show in Monument Colorado if you would like to talk about initial setup. Interested??? Thoughts???? Hope to see you there. Rod
Debadging: Yes or no?
If you remove them, your car will be called everything from a mazda to a fiero. Before I did the body on mine, I had a Z28 guy tell his ten year old son that it was a RX7. That is what started by refresh of the body and the application of all badges. My vote goes to leave them in place. But it should be a personal decision. Good Luck~
Monument Colorado Car Show (10 Jun 12)
PM Sent
Monument Colorado Car Show (10 Jun 12)
Since Colorado Z's are few and far between, it would be cool to have a few show up for the 2012 Monument Car Show. The town closes down the downtown streets for the show. Always a great show put on by the Trilakes Cruisers. Here is the website: http://www.tlcruisers.org/frames.html Please bring your Z out and let show them off.
Just purchased this beautiful 1970 Datsun 240Z Series 1
You will become freakish with this one. I never had the feeling until I drove mine to work to show it off a little the first time. Seeing other drivers so close will scare you. Good Luck you have found a true gem~
Just purchased this beautiful 1970 Datsun 240Z Series 1
Awesome find. This is the one everyone looks for. I purchased mine from the original owner also, however it was nowhere near this good of condition. Good luck and enjoy the ride~
The great BEFORE and AFTER thread
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Changed the fuel filter and Cleaned the SU Carbs. Took for a short run... Ran great~
Who doesn't love 240Z photo's........Ole #797
Very Nice. BTW mine is #70797. I still have a little work left to do though. Great shots...
1972 z Restoration
Very nice work. It is great to see other Z's being restored. There are too many rusting away. Good luck with the project, keep the pics coming.
73 240 Resto Started
Very nice paint. It is a great feeling the first time you drive down the road after you are finished. Awesome job.... Good luck
Post your engine bay / engine detail pics.