wich head-block combination ?
anyone else'?
wich head-block combination ?
im rebuilding engines i have one 280zx (the F54/P90 with carb) wich i only bought to fix/sold and im keeping the 260z (L24) thats why i have the chanse to do the engine combination to put it into the 60, but probably it would be better to keep the L28 (F54/P90) what should i do ?
wich head-block combination ?
thank you both steve and jon! how can i figure out what E88 head do i have?
wich head-block combination ?
hi everyone im building an early 260z i have 2 engines: 1. L24 with E88 head 2. L28 with P90 head & F54 block (flat top pistons) i want to go NA, wich combination is better? i downloaded L-Series Engine Builder ( http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/enginemodellingsoftware/index.html ) is this program right with this set up ? Block -> L28 Overbore - > 0.060 Rod - > L24 Crank - > L28 Head - > E88 Piston - > L28 Flat Gasket - > Std Fly cut - > 0 Compression: ¿¿¿ 14.24:1 ???? what else can i do? head shave, port and polish, 3 angle job? please point me in the right direction, thanks!
head port
hi, i couldnt find a complete DIY for this does anyone has info about it? i really need to know how to do it by myself also i could use some suggestions and help about how to do my N/A project, i have 3 engines 2 L24 and 1 L28 im thinking doing the head port and webbers (i dont know which) thanks
new 280zx
hi everyone i was out of town and just went back last week, yesterday i started to sand it it has a los of rust and dents but i want to learn to fix those details by myselfl, also i want to learn how to fix the interior (dashboard) i will pull out the engine and dissasembly it to fix the smoking. i will be posting updates. thanks
Im in mexico but a friend of mine helped me buying it directly from His adress in Arizona, so the shipping is in USA
hi, last december i bought an airdam xn-3124 from CARid.com http://www.carid.com/1970-nissan-240z-body-kits/xenon-77657.html#fullInfoTab it clearly says "Free shipping on this product", i paid and everything, 3 weeks later they sent me an invoice charging the shipping cuote, until this day they havent solve anything about that, a friend of mine bought the same airdam last year and they sent him for free. does anybody have bought from this page? what can i do?
new 280zx
L28 (ET) i downloaded the FSM last night, thank you for the notes, i'll do something about it
new 280zx
IMO looking at the bolts, looks like that intake manifold doesnt belong in that head
new 280zx
P90 head F54 block L28
new 280zx
thanks bruce! i'll try to get those dvd's, and check those things you said on my car, the carb is definetely a Mexican engineering :S i have one more question, the "NISSAN" valve cover is from the turbo version? the head is the p90 and the block is the f54, that means i have the L28ET (w/o the ET in my case)
new 280zx
hi i just bought a 280zx very cheap, my intention is to learn how to restore the body by myself there also 3 problems besides the body with this car: 1.- it throws a lot of white smoke when i accelerate 2.- 2nd gear doesnt get every time 3.- FI and turbo has been removed
tokico 2050 springs
the shocks are: (2) TOHZ3015 and (2) TOHZ3016 i already have the front 5020, so it would be easier for me just to buy one rear and pay the shipping cuote and everything to México thanks John ill contact you!
tokico 2050 springs
where can i buy just a pair of 2050R ?