Skyline badges
just cause the engine is from an r33.
Skyline badges
just looked at your website above your avatar. Now i know what a 240k is.
Skyline badges
its a 240z. Never heard of a 240k unless you are talking money.
- New Guy here.
Skyline badges
i would be interested in one since i am putting in an rb25det in.
Looking for A/C for a 240Z
vintage air is a company to look at
- Power Windows in a 70' 240Z ? !
Vintage air gen II compact system
Vintage air gen II compact system
go to this website and try the search to see if you have anybody in the area. http://www.vintageair.com/SearchableDealerDatabase.asp
Vintage air gen II compact system
what brackets did you guys use in the engine bay?
Vintage air gen II compact system
great info guys. I do have the dash all ripped out. I am doing a complete restore on the car. I just need to get the motor out and send it off to paint.
Vintage air gen II compact system
I have been searching, but have been unable to determine this question. Can a Vintage Air Gen II Compact system fit in a 72 240z? If so, are there any pics, write ups? I have seen the Vintage Air Gen II mini systems installed, I am just thinking of getting a little more. Thanks
Installing the GEN II Mini A/C into my 240
great write up
Dash Repair Process/Pictures
^^thank you
Dash Repair Process/Pictures
out of curiosity, it has been over a year since the last post on how the dash is doing from the repair. Any news on how it is today?