Fuel pressure issues...
No thats my other engine. In my 75 I sold the carbs about 3 months ago. I only had like 6-9 psi on those.I checked today and im getting the same psi on the return side.
Fuel pressure issues...
I connected a inline fuel gauge up to my 76 280z l28e and found my fuel pressure at idle is 100 psi.I also noticed my return line had swollen.So I took the hose off of the tank and the fuel rail then blew air from the return line to the tank and junk came out of the lines so I hooked it all back up and no change the return line is still swelling.It sounds great when you first start it and no smoke but after a few min. It start loading up with fuel and it sound like it has a big cam in it and starts smoking bad. Could there be a blockage in the tank?What should I try? What does the fuel pressure need to be?Could it be the fuel pressure regulator?
no spark and more
move the wires around under the right side of the dash above the fuse block. mine has a short wire that cause it no to pump or crank.just a hunch
could timing be off
My car came with a/c i removed the a/c and rebuilt the engine and used a timing mark idicator off of a non a/c engine that is on the left side not the right does the computer know this? Would this casue my engine not to start?
no spark and more
that weird im having the same problem
Power to coil
Ok I am think i may have almost figured this out im getting power and the coil is working and the distributor is working but only when the key the last click befor start.
Power to coil
Can you tell me what color these wires are?
Power to coil
My 1976 280z balast resistor has a black and white wire that is hot when the key ON. A black and blue wire has power only when cranking the engine and another black and white wire that goes to a capasitor. When I crank the engine no spark from the coil but when the key is on ACC the coil wire sparks. I have a mallory coil, mallory distributor. Any Ideas?
Mallory dizzy
The picture shows a green and white or yellow that I dont have.
Mallory dizzy
They have a green and white or yellow wire i dont know what it is does. I also have a blue a black it might be the same thing im not for sure.
Mallory dizzy
I have a 1976 datsun 280z I cant figure out how to wire run to my balast to my promaster coil and to my mallory unilite distributor.I have 2 black with white stripes,a blue wire,and a black with blue stripe going to ballast.I know the blue goes to the neg side of the coil and a white with black stripe goes to the positive side but what about the Green,brown,and red that originaly went to the dizzy? If anyone can help or send me pics it would be great.