Everything posted by grantf
Not getting power to all the car
is there a problem with the d on you're keyboard?
Two interesting things I learned today
Can we go back to the "Atomic age"? Please?
- LOUD screeching brakes??
A rusty 240k rally car I found
Door handels, Are they the same as a Z? there are four of them.
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
wiper motor
Need some opinions
If you car is a 280z with all of the FI components I would say keep the EFI. When it is functioning correctly it is very reliable, But since you hate EFI.... well it is you're car. Really if you break it down the electrical part of the EFI system becomes very simple ( I had a harder time getting my SU's to work right on my old 260, but they were flat tops and I was a 20 something kid back then :stupid:).
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Finished repairing the combination switches. The PO had clipped off all but three wires on the right side Molex connector :tapemouth. I picked up some new male pins and a Molex cripper and finished the repair. Now everything works (and wire colors are correct for the future) . A lot of work to fix what took seconds for someone else to screw up. Why do people hack the wiring on there cars so much? :mad::mad:
problem after changing water tep sensor
Zsaint, sounds like you are running lean unless you give it full throttle whereas the TPS then enrichens the mixture. You need to do a full EFI diagnosis starting with fuel pressure (you have started to do that) and a vacuum system inspection, then electrical conections. Check the EFI bible and the FSM.
problem after changing water tep sensor
Well there you go. One problem area in the EFI system can mask another. Glad you got it worked out.
problem after changing water tep sensor
Let me go outside and look..... Green is thermotime/cold start. Black is Water temp sensor. Confirmed on my car, FSM and color wiring diagram.
problem after changing water tep sensor
do you have the temp sensor and the thermotime sensor connectors switched? easy mistake to make.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
That's just frikin awsome! I think a great bookend to this thread.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Now that's funny. Perhaps the thread should be moved to funneybone.
Just leave out the "R". Not Everyone in the US sounds like a gun toot'n hillbilly. Well maybe "All you Aussies an new Zebraslanders dowen thar ma not think'en so much, I meen arn not ya all the same be'n down thar an all yuck yuck". Thanks for the stereotype
Almost sounds like an east coast vs west coast thing or north, south. When I watch "The New Yankee Workshop" Norm say "draw" instead of drawer. My father's best friend from Austrialia says "Maak" instead of Mark. Just a different accent. And we do not say "NEESARN"! I say "KNEE-SON". And not all North Americans say "GIT R DON" (I HATE THAT). I say "MAHZDA" not "MARZDA" or MAWZDA". I pronounce Datsun as "DOT-SUN"
Light combo switch ebay
Hey I just received this in the mail: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330606331460 The price was right and it looks brand new. It looks like the seller has more for sale. Free shipping and it looks brand new. I am thinking of buying another for a spare. I have not put it in my car yet but I am pretty sure it will plug in no problem. Just thought I would share.
car turns over but wont start. 78 280z please help!
But it's running
so i made the jump...
Good luck on the rust. It can be fixed, If you can weld. most of the lower half you can get patch panels for.
Stalling and Hesitation after engine warms up
Click N Clack answered you question three weeks ago. Really! test the water temp sensor (they also suggested "burping the coolant"). My 77 has the same condition: runs great cold till I park for a short time, start it up and it hesitates for about a minute of driving then everything is fine. time to look at the coolent I think.
Finally found my dream 240Z 4x4!!!
get er don :sick: "I don need no sterin"
Wiring harness repair kit - eliminate your electrical gremlins! Rate Topic:
really cool.
'77 Voltmeter not working after 280zx alternator upgrade
ya I hope you did not fry anything. I have a 77 that has an internal regulated alternator, but the old regulator has been disconnected and the correct wires jumped. The 77 was the last Z to have an external voltage regulator, located under the fusable link bracket.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Yes, that was right before the influx of people moving up here from Califonia. :ogre: oops! now I started something. Back to my yellow car. Really, back to the Z.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Ok, now You can stay on you're green moral high horse and look cool (or a little geeky):
Tail Light Gasket Question
Who, what is wick? (pardon my ignorance) Now that I think back to doing work on my car I do remember pealing the old gaskets off. My car had been repainted but it was a crappy Macco job so they had just masked off the tail light finisher.