Everything posted by grantf
The Z Car Creed
um ya, ok, what ever boils you're bacon.
Golden Gardens, Seattle, 2010?
Shoot! I missed it! anyhow has there been any thought about having a datsun show at the XXX root beer place?
Finding & Fixing Exhaust Leaks into the Interior
can this some how be a "sticky" thread?
Homemade rotisserie
Use steel.
wheel help
pic would be helpfull.
- Which OIL is Best?
Interior Upgrades
ya I got the smaller one from the junkyard but I would like to put the original one back in someday I am just missing the lower part.
Interior Upgrades
do you still have the bottom peice I have the top but am missing the bottom
Looks like I'm getting my first z car =)
congratulations! now was that not a blast driving it?
added bonus!!!
So after getting my $300 z's electrical problems sorted out (PO wiring hack job). I decided to put a stereo in the car, nothing special just a cheap kenwood deck. Turns out the PO put speakers all over the car: behind the seats, over the rear shock towers and in the door panels (I hate it when people cut into the door panels for speakers!!!!!!). anyhow I hooked up the ones behind the seats and holy cow! they sound fantastic!
Guy who never owned a Nissan in his life.
multiply by 3.1415...
New to Z cars
the transistor ignition unit is located on the interior relay bracket just above the fuse box.
Guy who never owned a Nissan in his life.
congratulations! just wait till you get to drive it, you will be hooked!
Golden Gardens, Seattle, 2010?
hope to bring my 280 this time. Last year I stumbled upon it just driving by golden gardens.
Don't laugh at my Flat Tops...Yet
Oh, I learn something on this forum every time I log on.
Don't laugh at my Flat Tops...Yet
hmmm, I thought only the 260z's had flat tops.
Brake light comes on
hu??? My brake light is on all the time really bugs me! now I am curious.
ECU: testing circuits & interpreting results '76 280Z
This was a great story. I love happy endings (well not endings....). Anyhow this is a good example of being stuck to the wrong diagnoses (it's happened to me all to many times).It seems best to me to start with the simple things first and eliminate them, it saves time and money. Still this was a good read and I learned a little about my 280, thanks.
ECU: testing circuits & interpreting results '76 280Z
double post
New to Z cars
Never heard of the ecu going south on a 280, I have had numerous electrical problems with my 78 but no problems with the ecu. The FSM has testing procedures clearly spelled out step by step though.
T/S flasher
beat me to it! yes there are two separate flashers.
Throttle Body Disassembly?
Minor Car starting issues
I have a 78 280z and have the white smoke the same as you, after it sits awhile. I don't really know what it is but it goes away so I am not to concerned. I think this sounds like fuel delivery. check the fuel pump as rust can hamper if not ruin it, also the fuel filter. If you do suspect rust is an issue you should install a cheap filter inline right after the fuel tank. hope this helps.
hello from seattle 240z
what color? I am always looking at other Z's driving around in Seattle.
possible bad alternator????
Ok, so I took the new alt. back to suck's auto and kid behind the counter asked "do you need a new alternator?" I said I just wanted them to test it. Kid "were did you get that one?" Me "from my car of course" Kid "ok" he struggles with the machine for a bit then get another guy to help same dude that sold me said alternator but he does not remember me.. Kid "this alternator is toast dude you need a new one" Me "ok get me a new one this is my receipt and warranty for that one I purchased night before last" Kid "oh ok so you are returning this then?" Me "yes" Kid "what's wrong with it?" Me "it's toast dude! you just tested it!" manager (that sold me the bad one) so you need to buy a new alternator?" Me :laugh: all I can do is laugh now!!! so after some time another new alternator is presented to me. Me "ok can you test this?" manager "why?" Me "because I do not wish to install another bad unit on my car" manager "uh ok" manager "it passed" (this time I stood at the machine and looked at the results, it was good) kid "i think we should test the one he brought back in now to see if the machine works" me ":ogre:LOL" kid "this alternator is toast dude" ok so now I am back on the road finally with a working Alt. took some time though.