Everything posted by grantf
What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
I have to say what sold me on my first Z (260) was looks, After that it was driving it. Wow! what a fun car it was on the test drive! So for me it's the body, then the fun, then the little cool things the 260 had had, like the stow away compartments, the spartan yet useful cockpit. shure throw another motor in it and it will still be a Z sort of. My 2 cents. And Yes OJ we have seen you're vett engine, brake and drivetrain mods, they are cool (again and again and .......)
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Again let us know if you got the files. You should do a continuity check at the ECU connector to be shure that the WTS is operating normally.
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
I have sent you the Fuel section of the FSM and the EFI bible, I hope you can open them and they help. You really need the whole FSM for you car though, including an understanding of the wiring that is involved with the EFI system. This helps greatly in diagnosing these problems. I agree with zead head 100% As a mater of fact He was one of the people that helped me track down some of my troubles in the past regarding the fuel injection system. You need to read through and understand how it works a little then do some simple tests. then you will find the culprit. It's not that difficult once you understand the basics. I did not mean to confuse the situation but I had the conectors swapped on mine in the past. It's an easy mistake to make and resulted in a similar condition.
A Little 240z Friday Humor
Sorry man, I had to google turdmobile. This is what I came up. On a side note your price range for a "turdmobile" is probably what my car is worth. I do not consider my car a turdmobiel though. Good luck on youre search though. It's cool to see people with multiple Zs.
Carpet kits
So now I have a little bee buzzing in my head. After putting my engine back together, My Z is now running great, but no funds for a carpet kit, at least for now. What if I tried to make My own? I Have a sewing machine left from my previous marriage (I have never used one before). Perhaps it would not work for upolstry. My thoughts are If I can learn to weld, Paint, dismantle half of the engine and put it back together, ect. Why not some try putting in some "Martha Stewart" time? Any thoughts? Perhaps a good idea or a waist of time and money in the end. Edit: local supplier: http://www.perfectfit.com/
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Hmm, Ipads cannot read pdf files? I could email you the efi chapter in pdf. Or try a P.C. I have the 77 Manual, but I reference the 78 more often because it is laid out in separate files per chapter. I have the Hains and Chilton manuals but they are next to useless compared to the FSM, so I never even open them anymore.
All's I need....
Point taken.
A Little 240z Friday Humor
Really, Why don't these people at least pull it out of the weeds and spray them off with a garden hose. it could add an extra 50 bucks to the price. And the blue tarp adds special value. For O.J.'s winter driving:
All's I need....
I think I understand not wishing to mess with the manifold studs right after you've completed the build. I can totally in vision a sling working.
1978 280Z Fuel Pouring From Throttle Body
Two questions: have you downloaded the Factory service manual yet? And is there a possibility that the plugs for the water temp sensor and cold start injectors have been swapped? Factory Service Manual at: http://www.xenons30.com/reference.html
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
Yes it does not make sense. anyhow I have been driving the car, and it runs great! It feels like I finally remembered to take the parking brake off. Thanks again for the help everyone.
O rings from Felpro kit
I don't think an oring goes on the oil cap. the large one looks like it may fit the gas sending unit cap.
Carpet kits
The smoking thing is hard, but I have the help of niotine patches. I cannot leave them on when I sleep, gives me wierd dreams. Carpet is on hold my Money has been spent on the engine. But I still what new carpet. So far I am thinking Datsunspirit.
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
So I put everything back together. Changed the oil, filled the coolent and started it up. The engine ran really rough and idled low. Then I noticed that at some point during the whole operation the WTS came unplugged. Put it back in and the engine sounds great. Out of curiosity I put the timing light to it and found it was timed exactly at 10 deg advance. before changing out the timing chain I had it set to 14 deg advance. So I adjusted it back. Could the slop in the old chain advance my timing that much?
- Maybie you know about 710's ?
- Maybie you know about 710's ?
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
Olzed, You do have a good eye. I installed the pump before the crank pulley. I did not wish to move the engine from TDC until I had the pump and distributor spindle installed for that reason. Off topic, Bikes: Moto Guzzi and fiance's BMW during packing for Motorcycle camping. And My Fiance's garage (no room there for the Z). The Moto Guzzi and the old 1977 KH400 are mine, the BMW and Ducati are her's.
Need Help - Ready to Start Z but no Oil Pressure
try jumping the fuel pump straight to battery just to check to see if it operates. There are two bullet conectors behind the passenger seat under the carpet.
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
Though it has been fun riding the Moto Guzzi the last two weeks, I want My Z back running. After work today I put the front cover back on, the oil pump, crank pully and the AC pump. The AC pump was a PITA. I hope to finish up tomorrow and see how it runs. I do not want to rush anything, but thats the plan. Thanks for all the help.
A Little 240z Friday Humor
LOLLOL Beer just exited my nose. That will buff right out.
Nissan working on a miniZ YES YES and YES!
I was refering to blazers, broncos and such.
Nissan working on a miniZ YES YES and YES!
Growing up in Alaska, After the first big snowfall most of the cars ditched were 4WD. Yes they get you up the ice hills but stop way slower due to there wieght. My 260z was a blast in the snow!
Bad noise comming from valve cover.
I did not get much work done today. At least on the Z. At work I framed up two walls, installed a metal fire door, ran wiring for lights and receptacles and hung a few sheets of rock. Oh back to the Z, I put in the front seal, no big deal, a little oil to help fitting it in. The Timing kit I got from MSA only came with the two front cover gaskets, So all other gaskets I needed I tried to source locally. Not to much luck, but I did at least find the water pump gasket. I find it absurd to pay 7.99 shipping for a 49 cent gasket and have to wait for two days for it to arrive. So for the coolant inlet and oil pump gaskets I cut out my own. I cleaned more parts and bolts and installed the water pump on the front cover. I hope to have the front cover installed tomorrow. One other thing, just to be on the safe side I removed all spark plugs and turned the engine over a few times with a ratchet, every thing moved smooth. peace of mind.
Gasket sealant?
Well I am going to use the aviation sealant. Just a thin film. Mostly because I am putting gaskets onto not so smooth surfaces. They are clean but old and not resurfaced.
Gasket sealant?
Funny you say that. Befor posting this thread I purchased a little can type 3 aviation gasket sealer. the brown stuff with the brush. should it not be used on the front cover gaskets? The FSM says to aplly sealer to the front cover and four corners.