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Everything posted by busterblasterea

  1. As an industry professional and one that has stripped several hundred vehicles with soda, I think I can comment on the paint sticking rumors. Baking soda does leave a residue that needs to be rinsed off. I used to recommend vinegar and water mix, but nobody knows what ratio and there will be some sort of residue left aftert that. Vinegar is out in my book! I now recommend, use and sell a product called Hold Tight 102 (www.HoldTight.com) and it is the best afterwash product on the market after blasting with ANY MEDIA. It will clean your metal, leave no residue behind and promotes paint adhesion. It also has a rust inhibitor built in. Additionally, some brands of baking soda in use by blasters contain additional chemicals that are hard to remove, so I use and sell only Natrium Products brand as it's 100% pure sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is a great media for stripping vehicles as there is no damage to glass, chrome, rubber and no metal warpage or flash rust issues. Light abrasives, like crushed glass, are good for your rusty areas. Soda will strip a car and show you where your good and bad metal is without damage to the good stuff. Contact me any time for more information - Stacey @ www.ChesapeakeSodaClean.com

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