Anyone know this car?
some guy on this site took a picture of that great looking z...i think he said it wasnt his...but he did a photoshop thing on that car with a hole bunch of colors it was pretty cool well i like the wheels and hate my stock 14's
HELP!!! am i gonna pass?
i live in the dominca republic of california....my 76 280z blows some oil in the exhaust is it gonna pass smog? a ball park figure ? i think its blow by smoke...please help, and what is this i heard about putting methanol or alcohol about a gallon in a half tank and the car running super clean? (smog reasons clean) well let me know thanx a lot, Michael
GroupZ Meeting & Car Show Thursday August 14, 2003:
when will there be another meeting? i would like to go....what is the approxmate age of the members? im 17 but i love to hang out with any gearhead and talk cars.. so let me know about the next meeting. i own two z's and would probably love to be a member!!
new z for me just needs some help
hi, i just bought my second z its a 76 280 2+2.. my other z has a chevy in it so its not "real z" some may think...but anyway it has from what i know 32,000 miles but there is know way of telling i looked it up in the dmv recordes and its seems correct but lets assume for now 132,000.. well it smokes a little at just above idle(which by the way is just over 1000rpm. is this correct? i know how to adjust it but it seems like 700rpm is too low almost sounds like its gonna die at 700 ) what is it cause i have no clue.. is it blow by? it has a little lifter tappet click which oil could mabey coming outta that exhaust valve ? does anyone know if it will pass smog in ca? with it burning a little oil? please let me know..and what else should i look at in this recently aquired car ? and the past owner plugged up the z circulation holes (the ones behind the little second window)...how do i access these from the back? thanks a lot!!!!
MUST SELL 78 280z 2+2
I must sell my non running 2+2 !!!!!!!!!!! any reasonable offer not refused e mail me for details i would put a picture up but i dont know how (Motivated seller hint hint)
78 280z built chevy small block real cheap!!
i forgot to mention the motor has three grand in it and god knows how much the tranny has in it. the car has an r 200 rear with i think 3:76 gears... the interior is good just need to be cleaned, rear seat passeneger side is messed up.. it also needs carpet email me for more details
78 280z built chevy small block real cheap!!
i have to sell my 78 280 z 2+2 it has a four bolt chevy 350 .30 over with ten minutes on it the car also has a built th350 trans all is complete except exhaust behind the manifolds it needs piping, mufflers, collectors etc. and air conditioning is not complete but have all parts for a.c. the car itself is rough... i would complete it but no time or money:cry: :cry: :cry: email me plentpak@aol.com or call my phone (714) 376 6113 car is in california
in desperate need of a 240 rolling car
anyone else in ca have one or know where there is one?
i have a 78 2+2 that needs a lot of work
trade: wheels
hi i have a set of what i think are 78 280 2+2 slotted mags i think they are 14x7 but not sure...the rubber is new 15 years ago... the tires are new but old, they hold air and have for 15 years..there is some minor cracking...i will take pics and send them to you or place them here if i can figure it out:stupid:
colour ideas photoshopped
wow great color looks like my v8 78 2+2 but where can i get those wheels? how much are they and who are they made by?
280z seats
hi im in the chino hills area about an hour north of you i have some great condition seats, black leather and black perferated leater they just need some armor all i dont know if i am going to want to sell them yet because i need to get a 240 if it needs seats i would want to use them....if you want any other parts i have a complete 78 280Z 2+2 minus motor and trans most interior is good except rear seat and carpet...headliner is great and door panels are good too... mabey u know where there is a 240 for cheap
'72: $900 Obo
i would like to see it... would he like to trade parts or a complete 78 2+2 minus motor trans >? im in chino hills ca can you tell me how far apart we are and is worth me driving to check out? thanks Mike
wheel check
in desperate need of a 240 rolling car
:cheeky: do both these cars have motors ad transmissions? i think i'll see what california has to offer and then ill get back to you. thanks a lot
the Z guy
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