24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
Jared, With the dollar as weak as it is right now more and more nice vehicles are headed overseas. I see it as a shame for the hobby and a blessing for the seller that needs to sell the vehicle. Congrats on the article in "Modified". You did one hell of a job on that car and deserve to be recognized for it. I am curious as to how you will top that one. Take care, John
Does anyone know about ebayer taaroa477?
Just to clear things up a little "flight2cdg" is a middle-man or proxy that ebayers in Japan use when they want to purchase from sellers that do not ship to Japan. It is a service that Kats probably paid for in addition to the $710.00 he paid for the wheels and shipping. If this is the case, I would imagine he has already contacted flight2cdg in regards to this transaction and they probably told him that they have not received the wheels and that they are not responsible. Here's a link to the middle-mans profile: http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=flight2cdg Good luck Kats. John
3 pictures to symbolize my birthday weekend
Love the color. Makes me miss my car.
Its so pretty!!!!
Looks great Carl.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
I sold it. Will deliver to Road America Speedway in Elkhart WI on the 17th. The new owner races for Mazda and will be there for the SCCA National Championship Runoffs. More info here: http://www.roadamerica.com/Races/RaceInformation.asp?id=247 I am feeling pretty good about the person I sold to. I think he will take care of the car the way I would. John
Rank in Order of Difficulty
I'd also add hard fuel lines if you are doing brake lines being as they run down the tunnel too. John
a little less screwed, hopefully..
Grant didn't mean stop in the middle of the road right now and take a picture..... Anyways, looks like a very nice find. Good luck with it. John
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Thanks, and yes, I am hating it but it was the right thing to do. It is not perfect but in the right hands I know it will be.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Today I put my baby up for sale on ebay. That's all I have to say about that.
What is this part?
Based on this drawing I think it is # 29. Be sure to look at the L24 version. http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsunS30/DatsunFairladyZIndex/Engine240Z260Z/Manifold/FromJul72/tabid/1568/Default.aspx John
At work - Need Part Number ASAP
I will probably go that route if I ever find another candidate to restore. Thanks for the advice. John
Rear clunk after installing new struts
The car wasn't supported with a jack, the rear diff was. The car was up in the air on all 4 corners. Good advice though.
At work - Need Part Number ASAP
Arne, I understand the logic but I am getting ready to sell this car and wanted the stock insulator. Also, at $36/each I could buy at least 2 oem insulators for the cost of the R/T mount and probably never need another one and not have to deal with the added vibration and noise I have read about with the R/T mount. It's all preference. I like the Z the way the Z was designed. The 240Z was my first car in 1981. Everytime I get behind the wheel and fire up the engine I am instantly brought back to when I was 16 years old. We went to the lakehouse for the 4th of July weekend. I drove the Z, wife and kids drove the SUV. It was 93 and humid. No AC, black interior and am radio and I smiled the whole way. Even sitting in traffic. My wife doesn't understand it but I am sure a lot of members here will. Plus, if I wanted a car without any old car quirks I would of bought a Cayman S.
Rear clunk after installing new struts
Yes, and the reason I had the diff supported with a jack was because I was replacing my struts, bushings, blasting and painting my rear suspension. While the suspension was off the car the diff was supported with a jack and a block of wood. During the 2 weeks it took me to refinish my suspension the insulator gave way. I still do not like lifting it at that point and will lift from the support just behind the diff until I am told that I shouldn't. Thanks for all the help guys.
Web site loading and posting speed - slow
Hasn't timed out on me since the switch.