What kind of grease for Throw-out bearings?
Try ZEP Hi-Temp TOB grease. They have both synthetic and parabolic formulas.
Notchy shifting from 1st to 2nd on my 78 280Z 5 Speed
During the new clutch installation did they repalce the clutch master or clutch slave? If only the master I would check out the clutch slave (just install a new one-cheap fix). With age they tend to bleed down-and don't fully disengage the clutch when the pedal is depressed. A way to check is to pump the clutch pedal 2 or 3 times in between shifting from 1st to 2nd (prior to pulling it out of 1st). If it goes into 2nd smoothly then it's the clutch slave cyl. FYI there is no "adjustment" on the clutch -- it is hydraulic and the only thing that will cause it to malfunction is air in the system or bad seals in the master or slave cylinders.
Stalling and Hesitation after engine warms up
This kinda reminds me of Click N Clack with Stump the Chumps. Come on Man! 3 weeks and no replies????
Another Z with a cold start issue!
Try pulling the cold start valve and check it for flow. Easy to do (2 screws I think). You'll need someone to crank the engine for a few seconds while you aim it into a jar to collect the fuel. They are solenoid operated and can hang up even with the proper resistance.
Stalling and Hesitation after engine warms up
I've got a '78 280Z that starts and runs perfect until the temp come up to normal then it stalls or hesitates when coming off a stop. Once I get it up to speed (2000 RPM or better) it seems to run OK. Any ideas??
Engine oil flush
I agree with 26th-Z. I've been running my 78 280 since 1980 with normal (seasonal) oil changes (Valvoline). It was in Alaska for 3 years then Phoenix since then. In Phoenix I'm running Valvoline racing straight 50W in the summer and straight 30W in the winter. I add one half qt of Marvel and one STP to top it off at each change. Never had any lube issues.
Slight back fire and stumble!
Are you running a carburated engine? Mine is fuel injected so I would suppose we probably have different components causing a similar problem.
Slight back fire and stumble!
I've got a '78 280Z and lately have been having a similar problem with acceleration from a stop. It either quits or hesitates and doesn't seem to have any power until it finally gets moving and RPM up to about 2000. Funny thing is when I first start it cold, it runs like a dream with no problems until temp comes up to normal. Any ideas?? thanks