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    Cars and Cockpits - Datsun Day[/b ]at Lyon Air Museum Open to ALL Datsuns - the first 50 to registered gets "Special" display parking . For more information log onto www.socalroc.net
  2. until

    Its Cars and Cockpits - Datsun Day with SoCalROC at Lyon Air Museum on August 7, 2011 The Southern California Datsun Roadster Owners Club is opening this event up to ALL Z Owners. Register for this event right away Log onto www.socalroc.net for more information and to register
  3. 3rd Annual SoCalROC Show-N-Shine Toy Drive Supporting Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital at the Riverside International Automotive Museum 815 Marlborough, Suite 200—Riverside, CA 92507 REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!! November 20, 2010 From 10:00am—3:00pm Open To ALL Classic Datsuns 1983 and Older Except Z Cars! *2 Z Car Classes—1983 & Older—1984 & Newer Awards, Vendors, Food, Live Classic Rock The BEST Raffles, 50/50 Drawing, Event T-Shirts, and plenty of Fun For Everyone! Special Guests: Legendary Race Car Drivers John Morton, Rick Knoop, Tony Adamowicz, Scooter Patrick, Davey Jordan, and Don Pike— Journalist and Cut Away Artist Shin Yoshikawa, and many others. Come out and see who else might show up For more inforation or to register log onto: www.socalroc.net You can also follow us on Facebook by clicking here Come on out and help support a great cause Enjoy your Ride Chris www.socalroc.net
  4. until

    The 3rd Annual SoCalROC Show-N-Shine Toy Drive is up and running. This ALL Datsun event has gained much notoriety the last couple of years and thanks to all of you it is growing and making a difference in the lives of children at the holidays. Due to this notoriiety we have secured a new location in Riverside to hold this event. So mark this down on your calendars. The 3rd Annual SoCalROC Show-N-Shine Toy Drive will be held on November 20, 2010 at the Riverside International Automotive Museum, with special guests. We have some really great things lined up this year, for more information log onto http://www.socalroc.net and click on the Show-N-Shine link in the Main Menu. We are looking forward to seeing you all there once again! Also: We are having a Contest! We have decided to have a contest on T-Shirt designs for our very first T-Shirt our Show-N-Shine Toy Drives. Here is what you need to do:Come up with a design for the back of our T-shirts (Roadster related and other Datsns), The art work much be as we would say in the old days... "Camera Ready", meaning, what you submit must be ready to give to the printer. We will ad the sponsor logos and that kind of fun stuff. All you need to do is submit a design by September 20, 2010. The winner will have their choice of a Coffee Mug and a T-Shirt, a Wall Clock and T-Shirt, or two (2) T-Shirts with their design printed on the back with or without the sponsorship logos. The Mug and Clock will not have sponsorship logos on them. The design will also be used on the event program cover and announced on the website and in our online publication "Roadster Ramblings". Please be sure to sign the submitted art work if you wish. We would like full credit to be given to the artist for the chosen design. We need these submitted in a .jpg format by September 20th. Please email them to this email address along with your name and mailing address. Your mailing address will be kept private. If you need information to draw from for your design log onto: http://www.socalroc.net and click on the Show-N-Shine link in the Main Menu. The design will be Chosen by a hand picked panel, none of which will be submitting art for this contest. Good luck! You can also follow us on Facebook by clicking here Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you Chris Breyer President chris@socalroc.net www.socalroc.net 206-338-4309
  5. fairlady66 replied to fairlady66's post in a topic in United States
    UPDATE 2nd Annual SoCalROC Show–N–Shine Toy Drive Bring a Toy and Show Off Your Datsun November 7th, 2009 from 10:00am to 3:00pm •Food Vendor •Raffles •50/50 Drawing •Vendors • Goodie Bags ••Live Classic Rock Music by the Whipple Road Band •Show–N–Shine Car Show (All Datsuns 1983 or older) •Meet & Greet with John Morton and Jamie Howe (our Car Show Judges) The Show–N–Shine entry fee is $10 and a Toy with a value of at least $10 Categories are for ALL Datsuns 1983 or older •Trucks •Z Cars •Roadsters •510s •Other Sedans (All Models) •Best Modified (All Models) – 1 Award •Best of Show – 1 Award •Diamond In The Rough (All Models) for the less then Show quality Car – Car must be highway safe and driven to event - 1 Award for the Roughest Diamond Show-N-Shine Judging will be done by SoCalROC’s special guest; legendary race car driver John Morton and television personality Jamie Howe from SpeedTV. If you are not showing a car come anyway and enjoy the day with us. Bring Toys for the Shriners Children’s Hospital and make this Holiday season special for some less fortunate children Show-N-Shine Toy Drive is held at the Datsun Heritage Museum • 41610 Date St, Suit 103 • Murrieta, CA 92562 SoCalROC Show–N–Shine Toy Drive Sponsors: The Japanese Classic Car Show Association • Hemmings Motor Sport Magazine • East Cost Roadsters • Rock Auto • JaxWax • Deal Cosmetics • The Pepsi Bottling Group • Balboa Boat Rentals • Wrap City & Tint • Motul • Rincon Online Treasures • Williams Machine, Inc. • Martin’s Concessions • CMB & Associates • Quality Nissan • McKinney Motorsports • XtinaProductions For more information please contact Southern California Datsun Roadsters Club at socalroc@gmail.com or log onto: www.socalroc.net
  6. The Southern California Datsun Roadster Owners Club has been invited to take part in Cars and Coffee in Irvine. This is not an invitation only meet, however to park together as a club we have been offered reserved parking. As a club we would like to invite our Z friends to join us. Please log on to www.socalroc.net for more information. Hope you can join us for this meeting of Cars and Coffee. We only have a few spots left so if you want to join in and park with our club let us know as soon as you can. For more information on Cars and Coffee log on to: http://irvine.carsandcoffee.info
  7. until

    The Southern California Datsun Roadster Owners Club has been invited to take part in Cars and Coffee in Irvine. This is not an invitation only meet, however to park together as a club we have been offered reserved parking. As a club we would like to invite our Z friends to join us. Please log on to www.socalroc.net for more information. Hope you can join us for this meeting of Cars and Coffee. We only have a few spots left open. If you wish to jump in with our club let us know. For more information on Cars and Coffee log on to: http://irvine.carsandcoffee.info
  8. fairlady66 posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. fairlady66 posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. fairlady66 posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Well I am selling my 280Z. If you are interested it is on eBay. I am so involved in other Datsun projects I have no time for this one. It is eBay Item number: 150310166439 Feel free to ask any questions
  11. fairlady66 replied to fairlady66's post in a topic in United States
    Sounds like we might have a good problem.:nervous: Since it is a saturday and the other business will be closed, we plan on putting cars all the way around the complex and maybe using the one next door if needed. We will make this work.
  12. fairlady66 replied to fairlady66's post in a topic in United States
    Well it sounds like there is going to be a great turn out for the ALL Datsun Show & Shine Toy Drive '08 at the Datsun Heritage Museum this Saturday. There has been so much talk about this event throughout the entire Datsun community, it is going to be fun to have all these classic Datsuns together and have a great time at a great place. I just want to make sure that those of you that are coming out do not forget to bring a $10 unwrapped toy for the children. We are looking forward to a great event and a wonderful time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at socalroc@gmail.com or 1-888-713-2476 Cheers

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