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About jkchalk

  • User Group: Member

  • Member ID: 17005

  • Title: Registered User

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  • Joined: 10/13/2008

  • Been With Us For: 5983 Days

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  • Age: 59



  • Map Location
    Spanaway, WA

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  1. I do still offer them, they are in the classified section here at CZCC or you can direct email me at wolfin32zyahoo.com You have a 73? Does the combo switch (headlight switch) have a 6 or 9 pin connector on it? I ask because I also offer the PLH (parking light upgrade harness) that helps the parking lights, dash lights and sidemarkers. It also takes all the amperage out of the parking light fuse in the fusebox (the one that usually melts and causes the combo switch to overheat.

    Write me at the yahoo address and I'll tell you the prices and any other info you need. I love it when people stop buy to purchase stuff, work on their cars or just shoot the $^!#. Write me,


  2. Hi Dave, I read the article about your car and listened to the sound clip of it on the video game website (Forza2???). Man, it sounds mean as h--l!!! I read with interest how you manufacture headlight harness upgrades for the Z's. Do you still offer these, and where can I get more info on them?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I live in Spanaway, WA and have driven up into your area several times to buy fenders and bumpers. Seems like most Z enthusiasts are located in the northern part of the state, and very few in the south sound area (Tacoma, Puyallup, Spanaway, etc.) Thanks for any help you can send me, and I hope you have a harness upgrade for sale!~!!

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