Everything posted by 260zCaliCar
Ventura County Z club??
We had a great time this morning, turns out there is a pretty good show there every Sunday. In all there were 6 Z cars, one left before I arrived so I didn't get any pictures. Later in the morning we had a couple of "wanna be's" show up, but we still got a lot of attention. I included a picture of them just so you could see. I wasn't sure I wanted to muck up the shots of our beautiful Z cars with pictures of "those things", but hey... I did it for all of you We're looking forward to next weekend in Ventura Harbor, hopefully more Z's and more good times.
Ventura County Z club??
Remember!!!!!!! Tomorrow (Sunday) Morning... 9AM Topanga Canyon and Erwin!!! Be there!
Z shops near Valencia, CA
You can try Precision Z, they are not in Valencia, but in Canoga Park which isn't all that far away http://www.precisionz.com I've used them in the recent past and also used them about 25 years ago to replace my flat top carbs with webers which I replaced about 10 years ago with 240z su's. Hey you ought to come by our first "Los Angeles/SFV/Ventura" Z car club meeting this Sunday, 9am at the Woodland Hills Promenade... Corner of Topanga Canyon and Irwin in Woodland Hills!
Ventura County Z club??
A million cars would be awesome, but I share the sense that we (the Z's) won't be particularly difficult to find THIS coming weekend... BTW with the huge turn out we're expecting don't leave immediately if you get there right at 9 and don't see anyone. Give us some time to arrive. I'm usually on time and will shoot for 9 also. Mike
Ventura County Z club??
11am on the 23 would be great. i lived in the Silver Strand at one time, and your right, it's much cooler there then in the SFV. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend also.
Installing new Nisan shift boot into new console
There ya go!
Installing new Nisan shift boot into new console
Actually, it does fold over, and it's a major challenge to do it. I was absolutely sure I would rip mine but didn't. There is about an inch of overlap all the way around. The way I did it was by attaching one side, clipping it down then the opposite side, then the other two. It's tough, but it can be done. I didn't do this, and I don't know if it will help, somebody else will need to say... But... I believe that with leather a hot blow dryer will help in stretching the material. Again, I have no idea if this will help with vinyl.
Ventura County Z club??
Just in case anyone doesn't connect the dates and locations referenced in my previous post.
Ventura County Z club??
This is why I wanted to try a couple weekends in a row (before it's too hot), let's see if the majority of people come from SFV/LA, or Ventura, from that we can see what makes an appropriate meeting place... from there, we can come up with a schedule. A bunch of postings won't really get us anywhere, lets just go for it a couple times and see what happens. I say these are the dates and locations. Time? 9am? (still cool outside)... Everyone needs to show up that has an interest, or it's not going to survive past 2 weeks.
Ventura County Z club??
As far as I am concerned, we can meet on the 16th in Woodland Hills at Erwin and Topanga... (that must be in the Westfield Promenade Mall parking lot?) Then on the 23rd at the Ventura Harbor.
Ventura County Z club??
I'm in for a meet anywhere between Ventura Harbor and Glendale. I think the best plan is to just pick a date and a place, then see how many people will commit. How about Sunday May 16th? I'll let someone else pick a location. First meet can just be a get together... Not necessarily a drive, but that would be fun also.
Motorsport Auto's 2010 West Coast Nationals
I went... There was a pretty good turn out, and a lot of fun. I'd say at least 150 Z's. I attached a couple of pictures. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I picked up my daughters camera and it had a smudge on the lens. But you'll get the idea. Hopefully there were others that went with better pics.
Ventura County Z club??
If we get enough people, we can start our own little "club". I'd be in... I'm in Westlake Village. Any of you going down to Orange this weekend for the MSA event (not sure what to call it... Not the West Coast Nationals...) If so, we can meet up!
For those who have spent serious money in rebuilding their Z
You ought to take a read through this thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36322 $100k plus in his restoration. I have about 30k in mine but not all at once, I've had the Z since 1976 and it got a 10k restoration in 1996 and probably a 20k restoration over the last 2 years. I enjoy every minute of having and driving the car. I don't see the money as an investment, I see it as a hobby. People spend fortunes on Golf and Skiing. I go out to the garage and take my car apart and put it back together again. This isn't my daily driver, so I have a different perspective. 40K? Unless the customization takes on a hobby status for you, in my opinion it's too much to spend. You could get a Z in amazing condition for 20-25k. Interestingly, I'm not totally sure the people on this board would consider your modification "doing it right". But I'll look forward to other peoples posts on the subject.
Heater core piping
Here are a couple of photos of my installation process, one of the picts is as close to where you are as I could find. Another shows all the parts, then just the valve installed, finally one shows it all hooked up. It looks like you're missing the actual valve, and it also looks like you have an extra hose that I don't have. But if these pictures help you, I'm more than happy to post them. FYI, these are from my 74 260 so it may or may not be like yours. Sorry about the blurry pictures, it was late
Is this a low vin #?
Adam (Enigma), is accurate. My only modification (if your referring to my post as questioning whether or not the owner knew he was doing it) is that I only commented that I was surprised that the owner let him do it. Think about it for a second, if I owned that shell, and I thought it might be worth "something" because it had a vin tag saying it was #51. Wouldn't you be surprised if I let someone remove the tag? On the other hand, the owner of the field isn't poor by any means. If he is tired of the entire Z thing, he may have given this guy the tag and sent the shell to the crusher. When I was last there (a year ago), he told me to grab what I wanted because any Z that didn't sell soon was going to be crushed. At that time he excluded #51 from the crush list. So, I wasn't accusing him of anything, just surprised at the end result. Now his comment about the "retard"... No further comment on that one, it stands on it's own. Also, I am noticing that dhp123116 is currently viewing this thread, so he is enjoying the way he has stirred this pot.
I'll post an ad for my 260 for 20K, just tell me where to post it. Is the insurance serious about that other one? 35 year old car with only 10k miles on it, and it looks like yours? Not that yours is bad, but with only 10k miles it should be perfect. Additionally a 35 year old car with 10k miles is worth a whole bunch of money.
Is this a low vin #?
I reread my post... What did I say that was so inflammatory? Maybe I shouldn't have said he was a nice guy? Or that I was surprised that he didn't mind you removing the tag? I'm looking at this as an opportunity to learn something. I honestly don't know what I said that was so upsetting... FYI For the last 21 years, I have been a big brother to a man with cerbral palsy, he was 3 when I met him, his mother was told to institutionalize him and move on with her life... Today at 24 he is in Washington DC getting his masters degree and working for his congressman. Your reference to racing and retards is deplorable, and I would suggest you think prior to making comments about a handicap or mental challenge of any kind. I feel sorry for you and your lack of compassion and understanding. Be thankful you have no idea what it is like to wake up every morning knowing full well how difficult your day is going to be.... Starting with getting yourself out of bed. I say this with all sincerity... Enjoy your little VIN tag.
Is this a low vin #?
I think I know the "pasture" you found that in. It belongs to a really nice guy out in Filmore. He had a whole bunch of Z's out there at one time. In fact there is a thread going about a Z with a Pantera hatch. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32962 That picture was taken at his house. In this same thread, I think I even posted something about the shell you removed that tag from (even though I acknowledged in the post I couldn't remember the exact vin#). He wanted to sell the car for about 6k. Honestly, I'm surprised that he didn't mind you removing the tag. He really took pride in the fact that he had it.
Braided raidator hose kit for 240Z finally arrived!!!!!!
If you build them for the 260/280z's I'll take a set. When you think that you have enough interest to start accepting prepays, let me know. You may want to consider tracking the number of people with serious interest.
Strange Heating issue
Just out of curiosity, when you set your config to "Air=Heat", "Temp=Heat" and "DEF=Room" What do you get... Seems to me you should get nothing out of your defroster, nothing from your dash vents, and warm air coming out by your feet. I just replaced my heater core/hoses/ducting/cables/controls about a month ago, so I know mine is working perfectly... But this was on a 74 260 so your 240 may direct air differently from mine
Easiest way to remove tacho from '72 240Z?
Me too... I've tried without success.
Dash Caps
Not sure about the 280's but on my 260 once I installed the full dash cap, the difficulty associated with removing some of the gauges increased 100 fold. Something to consider. In retrospect, Dash cracked=small problem... $90 problem solved however, Full dashcap and broken gauge = Big problem, starting with the phrase "you have to be kidding" followed by an immediately diminished appreciation of your full dashcap
Brake pedal effort
There is a reason for the red BRAKE light coming on. It's not an error on your Z's part. Start with checking your brake fluid, and bleeding your brakes.
anyone from ventura county/santa barbara area?
Here is the info about the mechanic I use: Rick's Japanese Car Care * (805) 373-9895 37 Taylor Ct, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Rick is great, and he has another old school guy there that used to work for Al Piano Honda/Datsun when our cars were new. So between the two of them, I'm covered.