Hard to start when warm Idles Rough- 75 280Z
Hi guys, I have always had this problem to an extent, but it got alot worse today. First off my car is a 75 280Z, Usually when I start my car and the engine is already warm it tends to idle rough kind of like it is choking on fuel a bit, but then after you drive it for about 20 seconds it is fine, but today it got alot worse where it took me up to five times to get it started, it sounded like it was gunna start right up but as soon as i let go of the key it died, finally I was able to hold it at about 3000 rpm for about 30 seconds and i slowly let off the gas and the engne stayed running. This only happens when the engine is warm. Im not sure what is causing this, but if anyone has any suggestions they are greatly appreciated. Jason
Fouled Plugs
Hey Guys, I have a mostly stock 75' 280Z. Last year I changed my plugs and put in splitfire plugs. Last month i took them out to see how the condition was and i noticed that they were a little fouled. I sandblasted them and put them back in, the car was still running fine. Now a month later the car is idling a little rough, so I decided to check the plugs, when I took them out they were covered in oil. I have not idea what's going on, can anyone help?
Bumper End
I need a Left Rear Bumper End for a 75 280Z. This is the rubber that goes around the corner of the bumper.
Starter Probems
Hi Guys, I've been having alot of problems with my starter and starter scelenoid on my 75' 280Z. I would turn the key, and get nothing. It is not my battery. When I would hit the starter scelinoid, It would crank up after that. I was on my way to a NJ Z club meeting today, and I parked somewhere. When I got back to the car, turned the key, nothing. I took out my magic tool (a 1/2" rachet) and I hit the scelenoid several times, I got back in, and still nothing. I took the scelenoid off and lubricated it. Now I just need to know. When I put on the scelenoid, Does the little hole in the scelenoid plunger fit around the metal tab coming out of the starter? If anyone could give me directions how to put the scelenoid back on, it would be greatly appreciated. Jeff
Bumper Ends
Hey guys, I need a left rear bumper end for my 75' 280Z and I wanted to know if anyone had one to sell. I can only find ones for 77-78, I need one for a 75-76. Jeff :beard:
75 280Z parts
Where do you guys know that I can get a 75 280Z factory Service manual and a left rear bumper end for a 75'? Jeff
Gauge Not working, Whats Wrong?
Sometimes it moves then 10 sec later they die. :dead:
Gauge Not working, Whats Wrong?
Both sides don't work.
Gauge Not working, Whats Wrong?
On my 75' 280 Z my oil pressure/tempature gauge does not work In the Hayes manual it says that the instrument voltage regulator could be bad. Does such a part exist? If it does, where is it, and could that be the problem? If it is not what can it be? Jeff
Catalytic Converter?
The 280Z's shipped to Calafornia have them, my 75' does.
Power Antenna
Where Can I get an antenna and antenna motor for my 75' 280Z?
Temp/Oil Pressure Gauge
How do I take out my old temp/oil pressure gauge out and replace with the new one on my 75' 280Z?
75' 280 Z Factory Service Manual
Where Can I Get One?
Wolfrace Wheels
Where Can I get the original Wolfrace wheels that came standard on the European 240Z'z?
Wolfrace Wheels
I was just wondering where I can get the old Wolfrace wheels that came standard on the European 240Z's.