1st post. New to Zcar Club..here's what I have
I know some do not like the automatic but as a rare piece we rebuilt it and left it in the car. Works fine. Same final drive as a 4 speed so it is not bad. I redid the AC and converted to a rotary compressor and all in one under dash unit, the york dealer add on is ok at best. HTH, Richard 9070.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
I will update when the weather gets better again. 5 F yesterday for a high, snow again. This winter will never end. R.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
What gets me is the fact that changing the diff to another used one virtually fixed it. Maybe the front bearing in the diff was bad enough that it could not take a load.
1st post. New to Zcar Club..here's what I have
Nice find. I have 8/70 #9070 and it is also an auto. Pix will help with everything. Is the plan to keep, sell, restore? Welcome. The folks here have all the answers, I used a ton of them in my restoration. Richard.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
I drove it Friday and before I do anything else I am going to have the tires balanced. I had a steering wheel vibration too. Working down the list. I have a series one shaft so I do not need two spares. Thanks for the all the ideas. Richard.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
Everything new, motor mounts tranny mount all new. I basically saved the tub and if it was available new I bought it, if not I rebuilt it. New torque converter, new mounts new bushings new, new, new. Now I fully understand that new may not mean good but. If it moved or supported something that did move I replaced it. Every piece of weather strip, gasket, bushing, mount. I kept the rubber on the mustache bar and the rubber for the Motor and Trans mounts but did urethane for the all the suspension stuff. I just can not get past the 60 to 65 MPH and applied throttle only part and the fact the diff swap virtually fixed it. I am going to dig it out since the rain moved all the ice and get a look at it today. Richard.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
Zed Head, everything has been rebuilt or replaced. I took it all the way to the tub, new wheel bearings, new half shaft U joints, new prop shaft U joints, everything. I am not sure what more info you want. Ask and I will try to be more specific about what was done or not done. I have an early shaft in the parts car so that will be cheap and easy. To be clear it is not a low speed vibration, it is applied throttle above 60 MPH, not low speed. Wheel speed and shaft speed are a good thought, it does sound like wheel speed more than prop speed. It rained last night so I may move the car around and get it on the lift and check the things listed. Thanks for all the thoughts. Hundreds of heads are better than one. Richard.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
I will pull consider pulling the shafts and drive shaft and see what they balance out like. When I say pro, I mean guys who do nothing but drive shaft stuff all day long. I have sent them a ton of business over the years and they are really good, but everyone makes mistakes. I may pull the shaft out of the donor car and put it in, are the auto and 4 speed the same drive shaft?
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
All the bushings are new, the half-shafts have been rebuilt as well as the driveshaft, both done professionally and balanced. The old diff feels a little looser than the new one. Both are over 100K. The car pulls hard and seems to run fine at all speeds. Only vibrates at that speed and on throttle, it is not near as bad now as it was but I would like to find out what it is. I do agree we may have put stuff back different than the first time. Should I check the balance on the driveshaft and the half shafts again? Here is an iPhone pic of the car. Everything is as new as I could make it. All original sheet metal except the hood.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
I have the rubber mass behind the differential, sorry forgot to mention that, it hangs on the end of the diff at the mustache bar. Thanks Richard.
Diff issue, vibration, several questions
Finally have had 9070 (2400 automatic) on the road for about a year. Enjoying it more and more as I work some of the bugs out. The worst bug is a vibration. On applied throttle is horrendous, at regular cruise it is not bad but add any throttle and it shakes pretty hard. We checked everything we could think of and finally pulled the whole center section (diff) out of the parts car, put it in and it was a LOT better. I still have some but it is drivable now, before it was just plain scary. All the mounts, all the U joints, everything is new. I mean everything but the center section, we looked it over and put seals in it. My questions are as follows: What is causing the vibration? Why would a used diff fix it partially? Is some applied throttle vibration common? The early cars have the forward mounted diff and I understand some vibration is common. I have had 4 other Z cars but do not remember the vibration being in any of the others. Second is there someone that I can send the diff (whole third member) too that can redo it completely. The reason I ask is it feels the same as the replacement diff but the vibration is much less in the replacement. It is easy enough to change (have a lift) that I would like to get the original back in but fully corrected. Are the parts available to rebuild the diff in the first place? Any insights would be appreciated. As I have said before this forum is invaluable when it comes to fixing an early Z. Thanks Richard.
weatherstrip and bushing kit 240z
I have most of the BD stuff. The doors are too thick, been on a while and you still have to slam the doors. I have a Motorsport driver door and will put it on, much softer. BD service sucks, and they are local to me. JMHO, Richard.
1971 240z air conditioning.
Any of the small compact units can be made to fit. Making them work right is a different deal. I used a compact unit that has heat and air. Modified the controls to work with the dash controls and kept all the original stuff in a box in the basement. Charged it up just recently and it works great. The old Piston compressors SUCK power and just do not work well. The newer models work much better, and I did not even have to idle the car up. A fair amount of work but it could be put back to original if someone wanted to any time. I did not cut one mount to do the install. JMHO, YMMV, HTH, Richard.
Horn and dash lights not working
This place still never ceases to amaze me. Put the correct words in and the answers come through. Dash was dim, bypassed the rheostat and only about half my bulbs work. Search for the correct number (also found on this site) and viola found them in 10 packs for 3 bucks a 10 pack, got two ten packs shipped for under 15 bucks. Got them at Cousins Video . Just trying to pass on a good vendor, delete if inappropriate. Cheers Richard.
Trailer Size?
With that truck get whatever you want. Richard