i appreciate all the advice, i have to tell you all though, this is more about this particular car than anything else. anyways, i know its gonna be a lot of work and expense, but i also don't have to do it right now. the car is mine. i'm just getting started and if i can only afford to do one small thing a month, thats what i am doing. i'm starting by pitching everything thats no good, i tore out the interior already, and there actually isnt any rust except for a little bit in certain places, but its all fixable with a little bit of sandpaper, none of it is damaging. the engine, i don't know. i'll see. thanks for the advice, but i'm determined to keep it going with this car. and i'm pretty handy with mechanical things. i've replaced head gaskets and things like that before, so i may not know it all, but i can do it with enough patience and the right advice! thanks!