Early 240z seat belt clasp mounting screw
Hi Mike I have sent you a PM. And thanks for the offer, I think I will take you up on it. Greg
Early 240z seat belt clasp mounting screw
Hi Mike, great photos. The Australian seats had them up high, on the headrest just like Kats JDM car, and they were the smaller hook as well. From what I can gather from the engine number and the other dates on various parts of my car, the approximate build date was Dec 1970 which seems like it goes against the US seat where they changed to the larger hook earlier in 1970. I have been looking on ebay US for a set but I only ever see the longer hooks. If you are willing to sell/swap for something you need I would definately be interested in one or two if you have any spare. Do not worry about the screws and washers as I have spares of them, I just need to re-chrome them. Thanks Greg
Early 240z seat belt clasp mounting screw
Hi Mike and Chris, Thanks guys that is exactly what I was looking for. Mike you are spot on, my hooks are the plastic type. Just one other question, does the spring washer go on the seat side or the screw head side of the plastic hook? I am thinking the seat side and looking at the pictures above seem to suggest this. I have one but unfortunately the other one was broken by a previous owner. So if anyone has one that they are willing to part with let me know. I may even have a part you are looking for. Thanks Greg
Early 240z seat belt clasp mounting screw
Hi All I am not sure what the samll factory screw/bolt looks like that mounts the seat belt holder to the seat on the early S30 seats. The screw in question is used to hold a small plastic 'J' shaped hook to the window side of the seat back rest near your shoulder. This hook is used when you are not using the seat belt, it holds the seat belt clasp in easy reach when you are about to use the seat belt instead of fumbling around on the floor looking for the clasp of the seat belt. A picture would be great. I hope I have explaioned this well enough and not confused everyone reading this thread. I am not sure if this was only for the Australian market or other markets like the US. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Greg
240z Component build dates stamped and stuck on when manufactured
Ian you are correct in what you say about the Australian compliance plate, from what I can gather from a mate that worked at Nissan head office the plate was attached to the car in the holding yard/port and shipped out to the dealers when say a person ordered a silver car. I have 3 lots of the factory microfiche including the one that you have and there are many discrepencies between them all. I managed to buy the miocrofishe when a Nissan dealership closed down and was having an auction to clear everything. If you look at my 1974 car as a bare shell and look at it closely it looks very much like a 240z shell with a 260z dash. Even the suspension struts are the narrower type. Also the 1974 car has different electrical connectors compared to the 240z and the other year 260z's. From what I have gathered from this site it took about 4 to 6 weeks for the cars to arrive in Australia from Japan. I wonder how long they sat in Japan in their holding yards. Also the cars in Australia at the holding yard could have been there for a period of time as well. You are spot on Ian in saying that compliance dates are not the way to date a cars build date but in Australia that is how they are recognised by the Government. For example the car may have been built in Japan in Novemeber 1973 but not bought by a customer in Australia until February 1974 the next year. It will have a February/74 compliance plate attached. When we sell a car that is the date we have to quote. To make it more confusing for the HS30 model range these compliance plates were not law for the first year or so depending on what state or territory of Australia the car was sent to. This makes it a little more confusing for the 1970/71 cars in Australia. Hope this helps a little Greg
240z Component build dates stamped and stuck on when manufactured
Hi Ian I will gladly give you the chassis numbers of my RS30 models, please see below. Keep in mind that Australian delivered cars did not get a build date plaque from the factory in Japan, we got a simple build plate with chassis number and engine number etc. like the rest of the world. When the car arrived in Australia, Nissan Australia attached a compliance plate when it was unloaded from the boat and subsequently sold. This compliance plate had a month and year date on it when the compliance plate was attached to the car. 1974 RS30-000946 with a compliance date of August 1974 1975 RS30-005055 with a compliance date of February 1975 1976 RS30-010275 with a compliance date of August 1976 1977 RS30-015130 with a compliance date of June 1977 Japan could well have produced 1978 RS30 model cars but Australia as far as I can tell never received them. I worked in a Datsun/Nissan wrecking/scrap yard from 1989 through to 2004 and I never saw a 1978 RS30 in 2 seater or the 2+2 range. However I did see a lot of S130 models come through with 1978 compliance plates. Hope this helps Greg
240z Component build dates stamped and stuck on when manufactured
HS30-H you are spot on. the HS30 from 1970 to 1973 in Australia did not have the evaporation tanks, they came in with the introduction of the RS30 model range in 1974. I will have to look at a couple of my 260z's to check out the dates on the evaporation tanks. I have evey year model that came to Australia, 8 cars in total(1970 through to 1977). I finally secured the 1977 model last week to complete the set. The 1977 model has been the most difficult one to find as we only received around 98 of the 2 seater 1977 version.
240z Component build dates stamped and stuck on when manufactured
Hi All This thread is a continuation of the raised cast numbering and lettering on the engine blocks of the 240z engines. Once I read that thread with input from various members on here from around the world I thought I would look at the Australian delivered cars and what I have found may be of interest. It also allows me to narrow down the approximate build date of the Australian 240z's, as only the build plate was attached at the factory at the time of manufacture. We attached our own compliance plates when they landed and sold in Australia. Not only can I concur with what was in the engine block thread, I have found other dates stamped on petrol tanks and stickers stuck to steering columns on cars that I currently own. The petrol tanks that I own are stamped with a circular white ink stamp on top of the tank with the date in the centre, and the steering columns have a white sticker about 25mm by 12mm stuck to the column bracket under the dash. Below is a list of some of my cars build information, Chassis No: HS30-00181 Petrol tank: 45 11 16 translates to 16th November 1970 Steering column: missing the sticker Engine Number: L24-017870 Block date: 0Y09 translates to 9th November 1970 Chassis No: HS30-00254 Petrol tank: 45 12 1 translates to 1st December 1970 Steering column: 0Y23 translates to 23rd November 1970 Engine Number: L24-018662 Block date: 0Y20 translates to 20th November 1970 Chassis No: HS30-01222 Petrol tank: 48 11 5 translates to 5th November 1973 (petrol tank was replaced as the car was in a rear colision(the tank has a part number stamped on it 17201-E4100 near the date stamp) Steering column: 1722 translates to 22nd July 1971 Engine Number: L24-051609 Block date: 1327 translates to 27th March 1971 Chassis No: HS30-100052 Petrol tank: 47 9 1 translates to 1st September 1972 Steering column: 2902 translates to 2nd September 1972 Engine Number: L24-125907 Block date: 2530 translates to 30th May 1972 I hope some of this information helps. Regards Greg
Can I flip stock mirrors...
Hi All I am new to this website and saw this thread. I am located in Australia and we got the right hand side door mirror. This mirror is not a flipped around mirror for the left hand side but a genuine right hand side door mirror. It is a mirror image of the left hand side. I know this as I have bought a new left hand side one from USA and have compared it against our right hand side ones. The right hand door mirrors are hard to get here and fetch around $150 if you can get one. You may get lucky and find one on the Australian Ebay site. Hope this helps.