Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Thank you Kats for sharing the info, photos, and videos of your two fabulous Z-Cars. Have a Happy Holiday Season!
Mylar logo'd sunshades - Completed
HUGE thanks Arne for all your hard work on this project Waiting on them to arrive is not really a problem ... it's a long time till 2010 driving season starts! Have a great holiday season!!! Stan
Looking for a Datsun Dual Racing Mirror Set
After all these years of driving my 280Z I'm getting tired of having only one little outside mirror. Before I start looking at aftermarket dual mirror sets I'd really love to find a Datsun Dual Racing Mirror Set. The two attached images below show the Datsun mirrors I'm looking for. The Datsun part number is: 99990-00113. I'd love to get a NOS set but I hold little hope of that. Does anyone know of a set on a pick-a-part car that are in reasonable shape? If you do please post a reply or PM me. Thanks in advance
BRE Yellow Spring Rates
Huge Thanks Mike for posting those photos! I have a set of Mulholland springs which I installed on my 280Z in 1978. I removed them sometime around 1980 and did not mark front and rear. I've wanted to reinstall them with a set of NOS Mulholland struts I found but was unsure on the springs. Now based on the colored dots I know my front from my rear :classic: Stan
Who has owned their Z the longest?
I can't compete with you one owner 240Z guys (I was still in High School when they came out). Maybe we should have sub listings for longest 260Z and 280Z owners. I've owned my 280Z for 32 years 3 months
Shelby Wheel & Accessories Catalogs
Try Massey Accessory Shop for center caps: http://myworld.ebay.ca/massey1946/?_trksid=p3911.c0.m198
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
I'll start it: 1) Z Cars 2) VW Bug / Porsche 911 3) Chevy Corvette 4) Chrysler 300 5) Mini Cooper
Just an early Sunday morning drive!
Hi Chris, Thanks for the nice response! Keep working on your car ... no matter how much work it is the pay-off will be more that worth it! :classic: I guess I am kind of spoiled by where I live ... I did however keep one eye on my Z as I went in for the paper. Later, Stan
Just an early Sunday morning drive!
Every Sunday morning over coffee my wife likes to read the Sunday paper. Since we're to cheap to buy a weekly subscription I get the job of driving three miles to the closest filling station to pick up that paper. Normally I just jump in one of our daily drives and head off for my weekly ten minute run. But today for some reason my Z was calling to me when I walked into the garage. So I move a car from in back of her, jumped in, and fired her up. Instantly she came to life and started purring like a kitten. I sat in her for a couple of minutes as she warmed up just smiling from ear to ear. Slipped her into reverse and backed her onto our street for the quick trip to the filling station. When I got to the main road I had no intension of speeding but she pulled so smooth to 6000 rpm that when I looked at the speedo I was just a tad over the limit. Pulled into the filling station and left her running right by the door, walked in, picked up the paper and drop $2 on the counter. As I turned to leave the 20 something kid behind the counter says: "Sir, what kind of car is that"? When I replyed a Datsun 280Z his only response was "SWEEEET"! Which I took to be the biggest complement he could come up with that early in the morning. Needless to say the smile on my face on the ride home was even bigger that the smile when I first started her up. We all know what treasures we own and drive, but it somehow makes it just a little "SWEEEETer" when someone else notices our Z-Cars
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
I think Dennis hit on the correct list title above ... but no matter the title it's nice to have our little old toys included Stan
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
IMO GMM is mainly a Road Racer magazine (SCCA & NASA) so the list is really tilted toward what racers want/think. If you looked at the enter lists on any big SCCA or NASA event most if not all of these cars would be on it. This would explain the Factory 5 vers. Cobra entry.
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
GMM just listed it as a Neon ... their quote: "the Neon was inexpensive and fast". Most of the write-ups just talked about the base car ... not the high water mark car.
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
Grassroots Motorsports calls themself: "The Hardcore Sports Car Magazine" so by default their list is centered on sports cars.
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
Grassroots Motorsports Magazine just published their "25 Best Cars Ever List" and Z-Cars made #10. They define Best Cars as "the 25 cars that left the biggest impact on our automotive world". In order they are: 1) Mazda Miata 2) BMW 3 Series 3) Honda Civic/CRX 4) Ford Mustang 5) Porsche 911 6) Chevy Corvette 7) Chevy Camaro 8) Mini Cooper 9) Factory 5 Roadster 10) Nissan Z-Car 11) VW GTI 12) Mazda RX-7 & RX-8 13) Subaru Impreza 14) SCCA Spec Racer 15) Toyota MR2 16) Lotus Elise 17) Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 18) DSM Eclipse/Talon/Laser 19) Dodge Neon 20) Honda S2000 21) Porsche Boxster 22) Toyota Celica/Corolla 23) Nissan Sentra SE-R 24) Dodge Viper 25) Volvo 2 & 7 Series Not sure I really agree with their list (or the order) but an interesting list all the same.
New Z's show no love
Why wave at a Camaro? For me a couple of reasons: When I was in High School (god l'm old) and before the 240Z came out the Z-28 is the car I would have killed for (kind of like your 1st love). 2nd reason is over the years I've found that guys who drive the really "classic cars" seem to "get it". They will actually come up to you at a show or at a filling station and complement you on your Z-Car. I think it's them accepting the Z-Cars into the faternity of really "classic cars". So for me, I wave at 1968 Z-28 & Bullet Mustang and every other "classic car" I see :classic: