Vent / Filler cap GTR badges
I bought mine from Rubber Soul.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
New member, new 240K Sedan
Man what a score!! Congrats.
Looking to buy a 240K - Melbourne
I've looked a heaps of JDM C110's. It's not a bad option IMO. This is the Gumtree one - Datsun 240k | Cars, Vans & Utes | Gumtree Australia Parramatta Area - Greystanes | 1027311767
My 240K(c110) build thread
You can buy them from Yahoo Japan mate. Those seals, door seals as well as weather seals that run above the door glass. I'm working on getting replacement weather strips made up for the chrome trim that runs along the door tops. When I do, I'll post them up.
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Reckon it will sell at the asking price?
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
I also picked up some other gems. Some OEM S20/GTR turnbuckles which I think look better than the plastic end type and some NOS scuff plates from a guy in QLD for a crazy cheap price!
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
So you may remember this POS from January.... I finally did some more work on it recently. After I'd finished lead filling the holes in my original centre piece I had to grind back the filling and prep the metal for epoxy primer. The outside came up nice but the inside (which is visible when the bonnet is open) is really pitted. I used filler to level the surface off so it will come up nice once it's painted. You can see the pits in the images. The plastic end peices were looking pretty shabby also. They had to be rubbed back in prep for priming also. It turns out that under all that grime, rust and black paint that there was some original colour under there which was great as it gave us a chance to colour match the paint. Hiro, one of Troy's painters mixed up some colour for me ready for paint. Troy painted up all the pieces for me ready for reassembly and now I'm ready to go, just need some time to sit down and work out how to put it all back together
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Paint the badge ya bum Looks awesome!!!
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Hey your bottle looks pretty good! Original or did you buy another?
Welcome Kenmeri <3
It's to do with electronic ignition. I'm running the top type which is induction based and I believe works fine with an electronic dizzy. There is some talk about it on here, in the electronics section.
- Welcome Kenmeri <3
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Wondered what had happened.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Regarding the horns, I left the guts in there and let me tell you, I had a hard time retuning them, it's quite fiddly. I had the backs blasted and zinc plated the rest. With the cluster, the light is kind in this image. There are some minor dents, I manager to roll them out a little since but it's still not perfect. It does add some character though.
GTR Grill and taillight panel colours
I was working on my grill on the weekend. When I was rubbing back the plastic end pieces I found that mine had actually been painted black over the top of the original paint. Metallic paints used in the 60's were often an acrylic enamel. These are sometimes called mono metallic since there was no clear coat over the metallic. All these old parts are done that way, a bit of thinners and the paint simply rubs off as I found out, it's rubbish. Anyhow, I had Hiro colour match the grill for me by eye before we primed the lot so I now have a sample. Funny thing, Hiro used to work on these things back in Japan in his younger years! I'll be happy to provide some samples when we spray the grill soon. It wont be an acrylic though, probably a 2 pack matt or satin finish, it will be good enough.