Everything posted by Adzmax
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Yep I'll PM you next time I see it, I browse often.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Oooooh nice wheel man! That's in good nick. Could you snap some pics of the back, from the side so I can see the spacer? Thanks
Welcome Kenmeri <3
There is one of those coins for sale on Yahoo Japan. It comes in a small wooden box.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Yeah I'm pretty sure they are, the guy that I bought the car from was into Zeds. I fitted the breather/fuel cap covers yesterday. They look great but the cover for the fuel cap was no where close to fitting so I had to sand it down. Finishes off the covers really nicely. I just need to find a new lock mechanism for the fuel cover as the one I have is missing the key hole cover.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Yeah I've noted that also. Maybe an option, oooh fancy
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Nice, thanks for the info, I'll check it out. I've got 800-200 at home so might come in handy. I also saw a nice buffing kit form Novus which could be handy.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Novus plastic polish. It's really good. My only issue is that it's not course enough for really deep scratches. You could however use something a little more course then work your way back. http://www.novuspolish.com/
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Progress is a bit slow at this point, I've got stuff away being worked on which I'm hoping to pick up this week and some parts coming from Japan also. I pulled the cluster and gauges from the car when the interior came out. I'm always amazed my how much dust I find and where I find it. I guess I have to remember the car is 37 years old, older than me! Anyhow I wanted to clean and service the lot, make sure that they were OK electronically and reset the ODO as the car is really being reborn, so it deserves 0 on the clock. I've removed the clock on these as the GTR's had a 'Nissan' blanking plate instead of the clock. Hoping that should arrive this week. Reset the back to 0, looking much cleaner now too. I cut and polished up all the lenses, cleaned the housings, dials and needles, checked the circuit boards and components and then reassembled the lot. I'm trying to decide if I change the globes out for LED's or stick with bulbs for the warm glow they give. It's interesting how the bulb housings are painted in certain areas to restrict where the light shines. I think I'll have to play with this and see what looks right.
Tacho differences
Ahhh nice, thanks for the info buddy.
Tacho differences
I'm looking at this now. I've got a late model Japanese cluster at home and the one from my '75. The '75 has the loop style. From what you are saying, I'll need to use the later model tacho if I want to use an electronic dizzy yeah?
Datsun 240K sedan on ebay
I saw this and had a good chuckle Drew. Good luck with the sale.
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Get this guy to buy/ship for you http://jessestreeter.com/
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Saw these for a 4 door, I know some of you guys are looking for them at a reasonable price - http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n111289493
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Awesome, thanks.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
One more thing too, did you end up getting your steering wheel? I need a close look at one from the side. I've removed the horn buttons on mine but need to make a spacer plate to fit the gap it leaves. I'm keen to see the spacer the GTR wheels have.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Looking good! You know, I never realised that the the A pillar bright work was painted until I saw your pics then went back to my GTR book, thanks!
Simo's Yonmeri tuning life.. 240k/gc110
Awwww yeh, this is awesome. Those wheels look brilliant with the car lowered. Seriously cool. How are your C pillar trims? I've got a mint set at home collecting dust. Have you considered a set of carbs from the 240Z? My C110 has an L24 with doubles which I'm goign to be removing.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
I removed the remainder of the stainless trim from the car last night with a heat gun. It was glued down real good which was a major pain in the arse. That's the entire outside of the car done now. I have sent most of the bright work away for straightening and polishing. Will post pics when it comes back. It doesn't look like a whole lot has changed really but it's good progress. I'll gut the rest of the interior soon I reckon and have the parcel shelf and other trim pieces remade. I'm waiting on some space to shift the car before I remove the engine and blast the car, I need it running to move from the garage. I may remove bonnet, boot and doors etc and start work on them before hand.
enthusiast concentrate on engine bay ( now )
Looks fantastic, would love to see inside too!
My new 240k Hardtop
Cool, how did you find the stuff?
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
I removed more of the dash and fittings from the car over the weekend. I also had a play with a spare cluster surround I had to see how easy it was to remove the wood grain finish. As most of you are probably aware, underneath that wood grain trim is the raw aluminium finish used in the GTR. Obviously the same piece was used, it was simply covered for the non GTR models. It turns out thinners or gun wash is very effective! I tested this on my spare piece and it worked a treat. The only common problem is a lot of pieces have corrosion "worms" in the finish. I'm not sure if this is a result of the trimming process or what. The first piece I tested was petty bad so I decided I'd make something similar to a mitre box and line the base with either 1500 wet and dry or 3M steel pad then pass the alloy through to get a new uniform brushed finish. I decided I'd remove the second panel last night more carefully than the test piece so I wouldn't damage or bend the alloy. I tried using a heat gun but it's not fantastic. It looks like a contact adhesive is used on the back of the alloy panel to fix it to the plastic. I ended up pouring some gun wash in between the alloy and the plastic and then waited for it to dissolve the glue. Not great for the plastic but I do have a spare which I plan on spraying. Once the alloy was off I make up a make shift bath with foil and left the piece if for about 30 mins or so. Once the thinners does it's work the wood grain cover is reduced to a balloon like rubber and simply peels off. It's a bit tricky to get off the edges but with some care it all comes off. The contact adhesive also peels off the back Once all the glue and rubber is removed, if you are REALLY lucky you might fine a virtually perfect aluminium panel like I did. It's still a bit grubby in this pictures so I'll brush it with some more thinners tonight and give it a good scrub. It has some very minor corrosion spots but I'm not going to both fixing them, if anything we may try and clear it. A word of advice, make sure your bath doesn't leak. My garage is going to smell like a spray shop for a while
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Nice work, it seems everyone is getting very motivated at the moment
My new 240k Hardtop
Awww man it look so good!! I hear you re engine. I was looking at something pretty special but after chatting and looking at prices I'm thinking it's going to be a hot 2.8-2.9 with triples now.
My new 240k Hardtop
Mmmm looks awesome! You keeping it on gas?
Instrument Panel Modification
Old thread! I did some work on this over the weekend and from what I can see the corrosion under the wood grain is a common thing. It appears that the stainless has been neutral anodized perhaps. I used gun wash to remove the wood grain, thinners would do the same. Soaking the part turns the wood grain into a balloon like rubber which just lifts off. There is not other way to remove this stuff, it's very durable and needs to be removed chemically. Using 1500 Wet & Dry or 3M steel pad you can refinish the alloy. I'm thinking of making a mitre box and fixing the steel pad to the base the passing the metal piece through to keep the brushed finish uniform. I'll experiment of this piece and then do it again on another panel I have. I'll probably get the piece neutral anodized again when it's done. I'll post some pics up in my build thread.