Everything posted by Adzmax
240K C110 Coupe Value -- looking to buy
Nice! Can't wait to see some pics. What about the other car? Can you let us in on the location now?
73 coupe 240k Advice on buying also
We neeeeeed parts haha.
WTB Centre consol
I never knew that, lucky mine is an old.
73 coupe 240k Advice on buying also
Haha same!
WTB Centre consol
I'm looking for A pillar (front pillar) covers for my Coupe. If anyone can help out it would be very much appreciated!
Ebay Items you find for sale
That badge would be the most likely part to sell. Have you seen the prices of badges recently on YJ?
240K C110 Coupe Value -- looking to buy
We'd need to see some pictures I reckon. It sounds pretty good to me but it all depends on the quality of the body work and how hard they've gone with the work. Bodywork on a car like this could cost up to 10k or so depending on the finish you're after. If the work is good quality they it sounds good to me, you're saving yourself a considerable amount of time. It also depends on the interior etc, I would hope that it's complete and in pretty good condition. Chrome work is another thing to look at, particularly the eyebrows and windscreen trims. They are expensive and usually have to come out of Japan. These cars are getting harder to find all the time but there are still some gems out there, it just takes time! If you can get some pics it would be great.
240K Coupe front pillar trim
Thanks mate, you're a legend
240K Coupe front pillar trim
A crack isn't too bad, I can repair that. Mine is in two peices. I'd love to have a look if you could send me a pic? Would you sell it?
Welcome Kenmeri <3
How much prep work did they require Brad?
Terry's Project 240K
Nice, was wondering where it went.
Terry's Project 240K
This is the sedan in Bayswater?
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Yep, I'll pick up the kit including the grille etc locally from Otomoto. Not sure where to get the chin spoiler, I thought they had them.
240K Coupe front pillar trim
That would be fantastic, I'd really appreciate it. Thank-you
240K Coupe front pillar trim
That post makes baby Jesus cry
Watanabe's colour choice
Black or Magnesium with polished lip. Yum
My new 240k Hardtop
Yeah make sure you look around, the thing with YJ is that if someone bids in the last 10 mins, the clock resets. This means it hard to get a "bargain" as such. It's not like eBay where you can snipe.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Yeah it's an extremely clean car! I love it. One thing that bugs me is the way the bonnet sits though, needs to be aligned.
My new 240k Hardtop
Yeah Aaron @ Import Monster is good. I get all my gear via him. Search on ケンメリ (Kenmeri)
My new 240k Hardtop
Your bucket-o-zinc looks like mine. I've got parts from my 240 and an RX3 Savannah to get done too. Those door handles look nice, I've been tossing up whether to replace or re-plate. Did you get them from YJ?
My new 240k Hardtop
Thanks mate, I certianly hope so! Yeah I head what you're saying, once you cut, it's cut. But then anything can be fixed. Blue on blue haha, you're a classic man hey! It's not my cup of tea but I hear you. I'm dead keen to see some more pictures of Laggy6's car. Looks like the lights etc are in from his avatar.
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
This is my inspiration Yeah I'm a self confessed perfectionist. It's a blessing and a curse!
my 240k coupe (possible for sale thread)
Yeah good, I've got a build thread going at the moment. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?45660-1975-C110-%28KHGC110-240K%29-Build Slow process, I'm fixing bits as I pull them out. I'm working on the pillar trims and arm rests now. I've got a snapped front drivers side pillar trim that I'm going to try an repair. It's tricky though, the plastic is incredibly brittle.
My new 240k Hardtop
Yeah see I love the flared guards, personal taste huh.
240K Coupe front pillar trim
Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone has a spare drivers side front pillar trim they might want to sell? I know it's probably a long shot but worth asking