Parts for Sale: Free 240 Z parts for the cost of shipping. I will mail and then let you know cost.
View Advert Free 240 Z parts for the cost of shipping. I will mail and then let you know cost. Free 240Z parts. Most pulled from a 1971 240Z parts car. Speedometer, roof for deleting moon roof (does not include pillars), voltage regulator, rear surrounds for tail lights, Master vac (this item pulled from a 1970 240Z), speedometer, 2 oil gauges, 2 fuel gauges, glove box (includes an assembled harboard prototype for a replacement glove box) rear view mirror, new gauge lights, engine wiring harness, tail light to glove box wiring harness, gas pedal assembly. dashboard with usual cracks. Clutch master unit. I will mail the item and let you know the cost. Be aware that due to size and/or weight of some of these items some will be expensive to mail. Speedometer and gauges in good condition cosmetically, condition of other parts unknown. Advertiser Mikes Z car Date 08/21/2023 Price $1 Category Parts for Sale
Parts for Sale: Master vac 1/1970 original FREE FOR SHIPPING
View Advert Master vac 1/1970 original FREE FOR SHIPPING FREE FOR SHIPPING COSTS. Master vac pulled from 1/1970 car. External a bit rusty. Interestingly the car this was pulled from is in excellent rust free condition. Advertiser Mikes Z car Date 08/27/2022 Price Category Parts for Sale
rcb280z started following Mikes Z car
1973 "Series I Clone" in Albuquerque
Anybody interested in that car? I am in the same city where that car is for a few days, can go look though I am not an expert looker.
worth saving? VIN:HLS3003595
I remember seeing a 240Z sitting in a field on the North side of Guerneville Rd in Santa Rosa CA, one of the cities that got hit by fire (mostly on the N and NE side). The fire reached South to Guerneville Rd in some areas and in at least one spot crossed it. I saw the smoldering remains in the news from a building on Guerneville Rd I had been in. Not likely it is the same Z. So far no bids.
Mikes Z car started following 1973 "Series I Clone" in Albuquerque , worth saving? VIN:HLS3003595 , 77 280z rust free original unmolested parting out in Las Vegas and 4 others
worth saving? VIN:HLS3003595
Looking on the bright side, some of the work in redoing the spindle rubber bushings has already been done, they have been burned away.
I learned the word achtung from that old apple ][ computer game called "Castle Wolfenstein".
77 280z rust free original unmolested parting out in Las Vegas
Sigh, I have never been to jail.
Reminds me of the old days when late one night a neighbor came home half lit singing at the top of his lungs the hallelujah chorus except he substituted the word diarrhea for hallelujah.
71 240z strange overheating/cooling system problem.
I guess this might be a long shot but I wonder if the impeller blades could be rusted off badly. I remember seeing a water pump from a 240Z where large portions the impeller blades were rusted off so not much of the impeller was left which must have really reduced water flow. Can't remember if I saw that on a water pump from my car or if it was a pump someone else had or if I saw it on a website. If I recall the water flow from the water pump can be seen with the radiator cap removed? Not sure how one would quantify what a sufficient flow would be.
Stronger Lift Pad Locations To Prevent Frame Rail Damage
I have wondered about having a tag hanging down saying jack point or maybe just an arrow. My current 240 needed a BFH to push the floor back down from a previous lift that used the floor under the feet as the jack point in the front.
- intake mainfold to carb spacer gaskets
intake mainfold to carb spacer gaskets
tzagi1, Thank you for taking the time to type in the gasket making information. I wondered what type of cardboard might work. siteunseen, Not knowing a lot about carbs I left the carb water heating hooked up with my only reasoning being that the manufacturer knows more about carbs than I do, though I am willing to do independent thinking too, and to take advice from forum members to possibly remove carb water heating. I live in a warm Arizona climate. I should be able to evaluate carb performance in this climate better once I get them reinstalled on the car and have an opportunity to drive the car when it is really hot. Since I recently relocated, I haven't been here for the hot part of summer yet.
1972 240z datsun rolling shell was rust free (Just a little Crispy)
It is listed as in fair condition? What would be poor condition?
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Those cars do look awesome. Anyone ever sleep overnight in their Z? I did that once when I was much younger.
1973 "Series I Clone" in Albuquerque
Hmmmm. I should be in Albuquerque late in December. I may have to look at that.