Everything posted by Mikes Z car
Park / tail lights fuse keeps blowing
My 240Z (early 1970 model) uses a 20A for the parking/tail lights. I think I remember that if the 32V rating is on one end of the fuse the amp rating is on the other end and can be hard to read in my experience. So if one end says 32V the other end should say 20A.
The Rusty Roller Coaster. Unusual Good News!
Thank you Namerow that is very helpful.
The Rusty Roller Coaster. Unusual Good News!
Can they somehow computer match the surrounding roof paint color so I don't have to repaint the whole car if I do this? My roof is not a standard 240Z color.
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Parked my 240z in preparation for carb removal to send them off to have roller bearings put on throttle shafts. Good time to do it since it won't be long until it gets cold here.
OK to get the S30 wet?
Have had my 1/1970 240Z 9 years, drove it by necessity in a heavy rain once, and twice in light mist conditions. Lately it is being driven as a DD. If it is raining I take a different car. It is very rust free, love this thing. It is always kept under a roof.
My new 240Z Speedo Watch with year and Vin on the Odometer
Tail Gaters...
The 3rd brake light on my Z sticks to the inside of the hatch window at the top positioned to be seen between the louvres and flashes a few times when the brake is first applied, then remembers that the brake was recently applied and doesn't multiple flash again unless it is more than 15 seconds since the last time it multiple flashed if that makes sense. If tailgated I drop way back from the person in front of me in case I have to stop so I can give the person behind me lots of reaction time. Once I darted off the road to avoid a rear ender in a long line of quickly stopping cars, the car in front of the car in front of me did the same thing.
Tail Gaters...
An unavailable so far aftermarket gizmo (any inventors here?), not sold yet, comes to mind which would consist of a push button within the reach of the driver that releases black horrible smelling smoke (maybe that driver favorite, essence of skunk?). My theory is that the sloping back of the Z makes it seem safe for following drivers to get close to. I would never put a long object with prongs on it in the back hatch sticking out in the direction of the driver behind, to make the driver behind keep their distance but I have thought of it. Usually I get out of their way or pull over and let 'em pass. hmmm. ...Maybe a few artificially created backfires would help...
Fairlady RHD in Sedona Arizona
Saw a Fairlady right hand drive in Sedona Arizona in the same spot on the side of a parking lot for several days next to the main drag (highway 89A) a few weeks ago. Not sure it is drivable. It was parked in front of a tire shop. Will be able to get more info in a week or two if anyone wants that. Had a note on the windshield about the right hand door as having some kind of opening problem. Thought I would mention it in case anyone wants more info. I should be in that area again within a week or two. I don't know much about the Fairlady, this is the one that looks like a 240Z.
What's Your Multimeter?
Eico 536A (sold as a kit around 1962- low tech)
Diagnosing no headlight with relays 260z
My 240Z car with relays had no hi/low headlights one night and the problem was what Zed Head outlined, I had no ground from the high/low switch. I don't know if that switch can be fixed, I couldn't figure out how to fix it back when I was doing switch refurbishment but I put in a backup switch that performs the same function that sticks out from under the console at the bottom. Haven't needed it since that one night though. Now if I could just figure out how to turn bold off.
Stolen Z : Bay Area
Any identifying items on the car such as a window or bumper stickers or dents? Any other pictures available? What color is it?
Friction tape or what for repairing wiring harness?
Right after I got my 240 the ignition didn't want to let the car run (as I discovered) so I unplugged and replugged in the connectors on the coil and ballast resistor several times which did help by scraping through corrosion. I also carefully very slightly squeezed together both sides of the female spade connectors on the end closest to the wires so they would grip better. That fixed that, the only time the car didn't get me home I was a block from my house because, well, if truth were known I ran the thing out of gas. Some of the new gas cans have safety spring loaded nozzles and I could not make gas go in the car. So I poured gas into a glass jar a quart at a time so I could get enough gas in the tank to drive a block.
How to Safely Disable the Ignition Coil
I have wondered about the idea of making a plastic tubular case for the ignition coil to make it longer so that there would be a hidden compartment in the end away from the wires that could conceal an RF receiver device to disable the ignition. It could house a circuit and relay to disable the ignition. I told a lady friend I know about the G spot post, she claims it is real but ...er ah um... is not available for demos.
Hidden kill switches for S30 models
I sort of like the idea of a blinking warning light (or beeper?) wired across the pump switch to remind me to turn the pump back on. Once I forgot to turn the pump on when I got back in the car and for a few seconds had no gas in traffic until I could flip the pump switch back on.
Nissan Factory restoration cars
I have mixed feelings about the idea of the value of my car going up. If it goes up too much and something happens to it I won't be able to replace it.
How often do you drive your vintage Z?
I drive my 240 frequently in the summer. Bought it in 2008 and have put a few thousand on it, mostly in the last couple of years as before that it was being worked on. It is the rainy season right now here so it is under two covers with a roof over it. Has ethanol stabilizer and a quart of motor oil in the tank.
Flash Video Ads - Block them
I use TOR as much as I can, sometimes I get a notice that websites want to save a HTML5 canvas snapshot which is like a cookie I guess that can uniquely identify my particular computer. I use adblock on Firefox which is a huge help. I don't mind a few commercials since I don't look at them anyway but when they make it difficult to see what I am looking for I reach for an ad blocker.
sig pic
My sig pic got changed to someone else's car. Not sure what is up with that. Changed it back. Can't change my member title.
- Curb feelers for air dam?
- Curb feelers for air dam?
Curb feelers for air dam?
Back in the old days people sometimes put curb feelers on their car down low near the tires to make a sound to let them know when they were near the curb when parking. I see them for sale on eBay and Amazon, but is there such a thing for an air dam? I have run into parking lot tire stops and not just with the Z. Maybe a curb feeler could be modified to work with an air dam? I imagine it would have to be at an angle so it doesn't get jammed straight back and cause damage to the air dam. Any ideas appreciated.
69 Shell, assorted shells found
Looks like they are about 3 hours or so driving time from me. I have noticed there is a blue Z car sitting out in a field next to a house about 15 minutes from me. I will have to look at that at some point. I don't know if it is for sale.
69 Shell, assorted shells found
I couldn't tell where they are in California.
Really hard electrical problem
My admittedly limited experience with cars has told me that when one thing turns on (brake light here) at the exact same time something else turns off it is a bad ground.