Everything posted by Mikes Z car
5 speed knob reproduction?
Koalia, Would you post a few more pictures of your 5 spd shift knob as in your post #30 but straight on to the knob instead of at a slight angle? The distance from the shift knob in post #30 I think is good to make an artwork that might have shadows though a straight on picture should make the "shadows" show up balanced. Thanks, Mike
5 speed knob reproduction?
mgood, I don't know if this is worth mentioning. I saw a green 4 spd shift pattern, just the pattern itself no knob, in a box of shift knobs/parts last weekend at : Datsun Z Doctor 504 E 43rd St Ste A, Boise, ID 83714 phone 208-376-8727 Can't vouch entirely for the condition as I was looking for a B&W 5 spd pattern and wasn't paying that much attention. I don't imagine it will sell soon. Make him an offer and see if he will sell it? He has worked on my car a few times. Mike
5 speed knob reproduction?
Thanks EScanlon for posting the pictures. I can see the relief in the plastic making the drop shadows. Hmm.. Wonder if a mold could be made from one. The 5 SPD map is so rare I gather that one wouldn't want to risk destroying a map trying to copy it though.
seat mount location
I wonder if you could make a template with poster board by making holes that are just big enough to pass a bolt through the 4 existing seat mount holes and then make a couple more further forward or back on the floor (if there is enough left) that would mark where they are now?
5 speed knob reproduction?
Captain Obvious, I am not sure I am using the correct terminology but if you look at the black and white shift knob picture in Koalia's post (post #30 in this thread) there are slightly darker "shadows" that outline the numbers and other markings on that shift knob if I am seeing them correctly. Some fonts come that way though I could not find anything on the net that looked remotely correct for Koalia's shift knob. Wish I knew more about resolution but I think to get those shadows on the shift map artwork I posted a higher resolution is needed, anyone know more about this? Mike
5 speed knob reproduction?
Oiluj, You are welcome for the post. If you can figure out how to put those drop shadows on a shift pattern I will stand up and salute you smartly! Mike Here is what it looks like on a shift knob that I got yesterday that needs sanding and re-varnishing:
5 speed knob reproduction?
I finally noticed the 5 SPD Euro knob appears to have a drop shadow around the numbers and everything else. The black and white pattern attached here will print to the correct size. To adjust the size of either change the pixels per inch.
Z breeds good will. Always mention you are working on a Z car
I was buying wipers at an auto parts store last weekend and the salesman followed me out to the car when I mentioned the 240Z I was buying them for was out in the parking lot.
5 speed knob reproduction?
Captain Obvious, That is perfect. I also am worried I am taking too much bandwidth. Mike
5 speed knob reproduction?
Captain Obvious, Wow, thanks for the nice closeup! Can you give me the measurement of from the outside edge of the ring to the outside of the ring on the opposite side of the ring, at its outside edge as well? (I sure can be a pest huh!) If anyone has tips on making a picture into a printable graphic I would appreciate it. I understand Kinko's will print on plastic, maybe the colors come out better if they do the printing. Mike
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
5 speed knob reproduction?
hls30.com, Sorry I wasn't trying to be confusing I didn't realize there were so many different shift knobs for a Z! Thanks much for the pictures. Koalia, Thanks for the picture. That is the shift knob I would like to put in my car unless there is a 5 spd wood shift knob that was ever put in a 240Z in the U.S. Mike
5 speed knob reproduction?
hls30.com, Thank you for the great clarification. The 71 240Z I sold 27 years ago had a light color wood shift knob with a 4 spd pattern. I would like to put a similar wood shift knob in the 240Z I have now except it has a 5 speed and the 5 speed knobs are naugahyde/leather. Do you know Where can I see a picture of a knob with the 5 spd concentric circle pattern that was also available? Captain Obvious, I would enjoy seeing a closeup of the shift pattern you have, straight on if possible to minimize perspective distortion in case I have any luck making a drawing out of it. Do they change color with age so they were originally all red and have now a mottled two tones of red with a bright red and a duller red?
5 speed knob reproduction?
I got to playing with the eBay picture of the 5 speed shift pattern and drew a pattern on top of the picture after compensating for the eBay picture angle and distortion by using sketchup and paintbush app, a lengthy procedure for me. The result is the attached printable 5 speed shift pattern. I set the pixels per inch at 559 to make the whole picture print 1 inch wide so it should print close to the correct size but if not adjust the pixels per inch. With a Mac the preview app will do this by clicking on the tools tab, then adjust size, then set the pixels per inch to a larger number to make the printed pattern smaller. I feel sure this is easy with Windows though I am ignorant of how to do that. If someone gives me the exact inches or mm size of the shift pattern from a real shift knob by measuring from the middle of the circle on one side to the middle of it on the other I will repost with the correct pixels per inch. I did have trouble finding an exact match for the font Datsun used so if someone knows what would be more accurate let me know.
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Hi all, I went to sync the carbs after a failed start and noticed both carbs were overflowing gas out of the bottom of the carb where the nozzle is. That got my attention as visions of an engine fire or a garage fire went through my mind. I have a cutoff circuit that cuts off the fuel pump if the engine stops and this may have prevented a fire. The PO had converted to an electric fuel pump with a pressure regulator. As both carbs were overflowing that seemed to point to something in common so I took the pressure regulator apart. For some reason the allen screw that aligns the pressure so that a knob indicated 3 PSI really is 3 PSI had no setscrew and could be turned easily with my fingernail. It had turned by itself over time and began allowing most of the fuel pump pressure to go through unimpeded to the carbs. I don't know if the setscrew fell out when I disassembled the regulator or if the factory forgot to put one in. I did replace the regulator with a new one for safety but took the old one and intentionally damaged the threads of the allen screw to keep it from easily turning and reassembled the old regulator aligning it to proper pressure by use of a fuel pressure gauge while blowing in the regulator inlet. I need more work like this I never could quite hit 3 PSI.
S30 in 3d
Looks great. Here are some more pictures. Corner of hatch:______Lower 1/3: Middle 2/3:__________ Top 3/3
Carb Pistons different resistance on pull up
Captain Obvious, I think I found the red herring as you described it. The damper with the melted cap has variable resistance in how hard it is to push the piston up when the damper is screwed on or slightly unscrewed. The piston is easier to push up as you move the damper from side to side with the damper unscrewed with your test but I also notice when it is properly screwed in I sometimes still get variance in the upward force needed to push the piston up. It is consistently easier to push the piston up on the carb with the damper with the melted cap than the other carb even when the melted damper is in its operating properly mood. I could try taking the valve apart and sanding it or spinning the valve seats together with an abrasive but I might be better off getting another one as I don't know how precision the valve seats have to be as they come together. Mike
S30 in 3d
Here are a couple of pictures of the rail width at the side of the hatch. Note that the part of the rail towards the side of the car is chamfered, the side towards the interior of the hatch opening is much more straight. Hope this is an area you asked about in the PM you sent me. I don't have a way of putting pictures in a PM because I don't use a picture hosting service. Same area zoomed out:
Has anyone successfully repaired bimetal contacts in a dash gauge
I wonder if it would be practical to put a heavy duty transistor in place that would use the contacts as input to the transistor to take the electric load off of the contacts with the output of the transistor in series with the bimetallic metal that drives the needle? Pure speculation on my part as I don't really understand how the bimetallic strip makes the needle turn! Hmmm I wonder if this could be used to extend the life of the clock with the same idea of taking the load off of the contacts.
I spy a z!
Saw a blue 77 280Z advertised on craiglist (link below) that has been parked for 12 years. Below is the craiglist link. I bought the louvres off of it so the ones in the picture are not there any more. http://boise.craigslist.org/search/sss?query=nissan+300&srchType=A&minAsk=&maxAsk=
headlight switch wiring
EScanlon, Thanks for the explanation. Mike
S30 in 3d
You have come a long way on this drawing.
headlight switch wiring
I would be eternally grateful if someone who knows how to read those switch diagrams would write a tech article on how to read them. End of hijack.
How to print out FULL SIZE 280ZX wirinig schematics
Once I used microsoft paint as it prints out many sheets for a large drawing but it doesn't tell you where they go and figuring that out can take quite a while. It also leaves a white border so I have to cut some of that off making sure I leave some on for taping together. It would be a chore for 22 pages though I have used it for 5 pages and that has worked well.
19 volts?
Not sure this is helpful but after you upload you have to click on insert inline. The picture has to be no larger than something like 1200X ? pixels. Sorry but I don't know where to look to find the max size of various files. If uploading doesn't work the file is either too big or isn't one of the file formats supported. Files that I know work: .JPG .GIF (inlcuding animated .GIFs) .SWF Don't remember others, there are around 12 or so total file types supported going from memory from the last time I saw the list. After you upload the file and insert inline you should see something in the edit box that looks like [ ATTACH=CONFIG]55911[/ATTACH] You can cut and paste that string in the edit box like any text to move the picture around just be sure to leave the whole thing intact on one line.