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About SoCalZ

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  • Member ID: 174

  • Title: CentralValleyZ.org

  • Content Count: 85

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  • Joined: 08/11/2000

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    Santa Maria, Ca.
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  1. Purchased from Motorsports in 2002. Complete one seat, All clips and instructions included. New not in original packaging. Make reasonable offer Email TIMMPRICE@YAHOO.COM Or text 559-3810140
  2. SoCalZ

    Big Naughty

    Who cares where the Z is. Nice set of headlights.
  3. Victor, You get an AAAAAAAAA+++++++++. Thanks for the compliments on the car. Any suggestions on what would work better. Thanks Goose, yes to the crankcase Straight through no other connections. I suggest you get rid of the flat top carbs and go with round top, also get rid of all the hoses and smog stuff like you see on mine. What you see is the after..I did that to mine. Here is the before pic......................
  4. Bean, That works out to 20mm = .78740 or 21mm = .82677 and 7/8 = 22mm .8906, overall .800 = 20mm or 13/16 :classic:
  5. Would it be correct to say that the valance, hood to windshield, for a LHD and RHD are the same or are the holes shifted for the wipers for the RHD. Thanks
  6. All and Royce thanks for the input and sorry if this is a rehash of a previous post. :classic:
  7. Thanks for the info. I can say that this bar doesn't fit up to a mid year 73'. The bar that fits has a kick out on the back side to clear the diff. Do all the early series Z's (260, 280) have this type of sway bar with the kick in it? or will the one attached fit one of these cars. It seems that it would hit the diff on these cars unless there is a difference in the rear ends on each these models.
  8. Jim, What is the going rate for the frames?
  9. Need to know what size hex fits the head bolts on pre 74' and 83 ZX motors. I assume that the 83 ZX has a hex head bolt as well. Thanks in advance , :stupid:
  10. SoCalZ


    Yes there is a Z behind me!
  11. Need a rear sway bar for a 73' 240. Email: timmprice@yahoo.com
  12. 240, Try :http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/centralcoastzcarclub/ Steve McC(Zvoiture) is working up and down the coast. and http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/centralvalleyzclub/?yguid=98324061 and http://centralvalleyz.org Steve McP(Stevezcar) and I are tring to work the Central valley from Bakersfield to Fresno and on.
  13. Deer Murder, I second the motion on the Saturday thing. But Sunday is a day of racing. So I quess ya can't have them both! No, I wont be there either. :squareeye
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