2Fast 2Furious will be playing there Friday night at the Mooney Drive Inn in Visalia. Everyone lets come out and have fun. Bring a lawn chair or two plus that very special someone for a evening out under the stars. We will then cruise on down to the A&W we usually meet at for a cheap dinner then off to the Movie. We will be meeting here at my house between 6:30 and 7:15pm on Friday or meet us at the A&W on Mooney (about a mile south on Mooney from Meadow Ln.). DIR: If on Highway 198 you want to take the Mooney Blvd exit and head south on Mooney. Go down two stop lights. On the opposite corner from the college you will see Payless Shoe Store. That intersection with the shoe store is called Meadow Lane. You want to turn East (thats left if your coming from 198) onto Meadow Lane. My address is 1611 W. Meadow Lane. Its a yellow house and my Z will be out front. Its the third house on the right before you hit the stop sign on Meadow. See its pretty easy. I hope to see everyone Friday night. Any questions PM or Email: timmprice@yahoo.com
Central Valley Z meet and BBQ Visalia, Ca. When: July 27, 2003 @ 4:00 Where: 1611 W. Meadow Lane Visalia, Ca 93277 - Hwy99 take to Hwy198 East toward Visalia. - Take the Mooney Blvd exit. Turn right onto Mooney Blvd and head south. - Go two stop lights, Turn left on Meadow Lane. - On the first block, house will be on the right hand side. Also just look for the Z's. What to bring: Please, Everyone who plans to attend the BBQ must bring a dish of some sort. We have these items taken care off. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, paper plates, plastic forks and knives, napkins, and a cake. Everyone needs to bring some extra sodas or waters to share. Please let me know what you are planning on bringing. Bring your own lawn chair and swim suit for the pool Come on over to visit. http://CentralValleyZ.org http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/centralvalleyzclub/ RSVP to timmprice@yahoo.com or stevezcar@aol.com :classic: :classic: