Everything posted by SoCalZ
- MSA_064
Zvoiture wouldnt remove such a piece of art! It enhances the green death machine well. It sure looks better blown up.
Oil pan..
Just change the gasket myself. Found the same residue and that I have had to tighten and retighten and once again retighten the pan bolts. Havent checked it in awhile, but someone suggested to check it again. I guess it is a pain to get it to stay tight? anyone with any suggestions?
- Hearst_Castle_Z_Trip_108
- Z Coast
- Me and the new Z
- Z Sunset Cambria, CA.
- Car_012
Who are the worst drivers?
Steve(ZVoiture) shouldnt you have your own catagory? Green Death Machine 1 2.5% Saturn Driver 3 8% Mustang Driver 2 5% SUV Driver 8 20% Bimmer Driver 1 3% Jacked-up 4X4 driver 5 13% Z Driver 0 0% Large Car (Towncar) Driver 3 8% Taxi Driver 8 20% Screw Driver 1 3% Minivan Driver 4 10% Volvo Driver 5 13%
My 1972
Another one for the obnoxious file
WOW, that is all i can say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tapemouth
Rally calender clock
1974 260z
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Wierd whining sound coming from the engine compartment...
Might be your fan clutch. Had it happen but it would whine only at a certain RPM and when it was warmed up. Might be worth looking into. As Bruce suggested, I would also be looking for that cat!!
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Mike, That is the way I bought it, Plus I think it was done, looking through the records, to prevent vapor lock. It is asbestos lining under the covering. guy_geo, No it wasnt hard to replace out. But it is hard to do maint on the filters due to the limited space and the way the filter assemblies are installed.
Voltage regulator
I have found that the Wells VR's are junk! In my 73' 240 I have gone through 3 in 5 months and the third one didnt work when I bought it. I have a Standard (Standard Motor Products) VR121 in the car now, had it in for 6 months now with no problem. I believe the new units are sealed, non adjustable and the old OEM ones you are able to open up and adjust the points as Dtsnlvrs states. Good Luck
How many miles can a L24 engine last.
Its like a Timex, takes a licking at 189,000 and still tickin. No rebuild on my 73' yet!! :classic:
Central Coast Z Car Club Meet 13 April
WHAT: Central Coast Z Car Club April Meet WHEN: Saturday, April 13th, 2002; Arrive by 11:00 AM, Lunch at Noon WHERE: New Danish Inn, 1547 Mission Drive, Solvang CA. THE ONE WITH THE BIG WINDMILL!!! WHY: Because we can! WHO: Everyone is welcome. Just let me know so we can plan with the restaurant. HOW MUCH: $15 per person for the Danish Smorgaasbord PAID TO CCZCC at the door or (preferably)in advance. Cash or personal check ONLY. CCZCC has to pay the restaurant ONE CHECK for the entire party. MENU: A long list of Scandinavian specialties were listed off to me...I specifically remembered RED CABBAGE and PICKLED HERRING. Yumm. Just kidding, the list was quite long and it all sounded very good. If you would like a menu, E-mail me. PARKING: Danish Inn has promised to rope off their private parking lot just for us. They only have 14 spaces, but if we are the only ones using the parking lot, I'm guessing we can get a few more in without creating a fire hazard. Parking INSIDE the lot is FIRST COME with a reservation for the lunch. There also is street parking and a public (pay) lot down the street. AFTER LUNCH: Unstructured. RSVP CONTACT: Steve McConnell zvoiture@aol.com or Tim Price timmprice@yahoo.com
Central Coast Z Car Club Get Together!!
Central Coast Z Car Club Get Together Sunday, March 10, 2002 11:AM---AJ Spurs in Pismo Beach (Oak Park and Highway101). Noonish---Whale's Tail Restaurant in Morro Bay for lunch. After that? --Who knows...maybe hit a couple wineries, maybe just cruise up the coast. Hope to see you all there! If you are planning on attending please RSVP for the lunch part NLT Thur AM, 7 Mar, To: Email Steve McConnell at: ZVOITURE@aol.com Or Tim Price at timmprice@yahoo.com.
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