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About Dude76

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  • Member ID: 17513

  • Title: Dude76

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  • Joined: 01/13/2009

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  • Age: 61



  • Map Location
    North Ga.
  • Occupation
    CDL Truck Driver

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  • About me and my cars
    1976 280z dealer air complete car needs alot of TLC.which im gonna give it

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  1. Hey mitchell How you doin?Good here.Ilooked no Georgia z club,and they are having a car show in may on the 28th thru the 31st.(zdayz)at fontana village resort.go to there web site or to zdayz web site for info.Also march 22 at gwinnett place nissan in ga they are having a car show.I dont know where in the carolinas you are but they should both be good.Im going to try to bee at both of them if i can.Gwinnett co is about an hr from my house and fontana village(deals gap) is only about 2 or 2 1/5 hrs.We always ride our bikes in that area any way so will try to check them out.

  2. Dude76

    Fuel leak

    sounds like the filler hose is loose or cracked.(dry rotted maybe). put on some safty goggles and inspect it if you see nothing get a towel make sure there are no sparks in the area and have a buddy shake the car and see where gas is coming from.May also bee a loose vent tube but that wouldnt leak at the filler cap.
  3. I sure will Mitchell.I know the Ga z club has shows through out the year.I just bought my z june of 08,and im still making it road worthy.I'm pretty close(maybe by april)with paint and wheels end of summer so im always on the look out for z cars so i can stay in the groove.Talk to you man!

  4. Let me know if you hear anything back on the southeast show question. In in the Carolina's and would like to know as well

    Take Care


  5. Dude76

    Wiring help

    Yes I think Im on the right track.The EFI is pretty much a stand alone system.It only had 1 6 terminal plug(and only used 4 of them)connecting the system 2 the wiring harness.The more i work on it the more confident I get.I can pull motors trans wheel cyls you know turn a wrench with the best of them,electrical just mystifies me.As far as a oil sending fuel pump kill switch ive thought about taking the factory oil sending unit and putting in a T fitting and installing a gm style 2 prong sending unit just for the fuel pump.That way I still have factory unit for the gauge.
  6. Dude76

    Wiring help

    Not yet.Giving my brain a rest.!I know next to nothing about wiring,but this site has been great.Im just trying to bring a dead 78 280 back to life.If you have any Ideas throw em my way any help will be welcome. just talk as if your talking to an 8 yr old .
  7. Dude76

    Wiring help

    Well I hooked everything up,nothing. No matter how I hooked it nothing. Icould connect pump to hot it would work,but i couldnt make the switch run it.Then i remembered the relay had to be grounded also,so i ran a ground to the switch wire(85)now it works like a charm.Now I have to run a wire to the oil sending unit to the relay so if i crash oil pressure drops and pump will shut off.
  8. Dude76

    Wiring help

    Thanks Stephen.If you had not asked and I did not change it out! OH NO. can you say blown carb.I always value any advise from a Datsunologist Retired or not.. have a good one.
  9. Dude76

    Wiring help

    Thank you both for responding!Curtis that is what i needed to be sure thank you.sblake01 i am just using the stock wiring have replaced fuel pump with a low pressure electric pump.
  10. Hi guys. I've got the wiring removed and I'm down 2 powering the fuel pump.I moved this to the Help Me Forum where it should have been.Sorry.
  11. Dude76

    Wiring help

    I've searched over multiple sites, but the answer still seems to be eluding me. I'm in the middle of a EFI to carb swap on a 76 280z. I've removed the wiring harness and all that jazz, but now I need to power the fuel pump. I found a schematic on here that runs through the oil pressure switch, but it still isn't very clear. I've located the connector to which the power for the fuel pump originally ran (under the driver's side dash) and removed the wires inside. Two of the wires run to the fuel pump and I assume the other two provide power. I want to use (hopefully) the original wiring with as little alteration as possible. I believe I can install a relay with the original four wires, but no matter how many diagrams I look at, I can't figure out which way it should be installed, or which side to install the fuse on. I want power running through the relay when the ignition is powered on (obviously to power the fuel pump), but not when off (duh!) I have drawn up a diagram of what I am trying to connect. The relay is a SPST relay (a SPDT relay can be obtained if needed for this application). The wires come from the following locations (in case it varies by year) Grn/Blu - fuel pump Blk/Whi - fuel pump Whi/Red - Fusable link Blk/Yel - Fuse panel Could one of you electrical savvy types help me out? I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey everyone!New to Classic Zcar.I have a 76 280 and im in the process of removing the fi and putting on a carb. What I need help with is re wiring the engine for just the carb.You know wiring the bizzy and coil.Ive worked on cars my hole life just never any good at electical .Ive got the intake off and the header now time to remove ecu and its wiring ihave not cut or unplugged any thing other than injectors to romove intake,any help or direction to another thread or site will be welcome. Thanks from a not so young z noob .::nervous:
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