Fender Hardware...
Yeah that's pretty much what I figured, Pat. I'll have to look into some kind of blind hole fasteners.
Fender Hardware...
Hi all, my questions are: what type of hardware is used on the lower rear of the fender where it wraps under the body?...There don't seem to be any weldnuts in the holes that are down there, well at least on my car. Was there some kind of "special" hardware used down there? Should there be weldnuts inside the body? The area is inaccessible to get a nut on a bolt down there. Thanks for your help!...Mike
Rear sway bar configuration...
Hey Iron, it looks like I have a BRE sway bar kit...any idea if I can get repalcement bushes and associated hardware still?...or am I going to have to improvise?
Rear sway bar configuration...
Thanks everyone for the pictures and the help...when I bought the car it came with the sway bar,,,I'msure it's aftermarket, but who manufactured it I don't have a clue....the first pictures though from ironhelix, are how the swaybar I have mounts...thanks again!
Rear sway bar configuration...
Removed my rear sway bar a few years ago, and now I don't remember how it goes back on...does anyone have a picture of thier rear sway bar set-up?
Pilot bushing '72 Z
Thanks all...I chiseled that bushing out, got another one and fitted it in,and had to knock it in....everything is as it should be in my 240z world now, installed the tranny, and now have to connect driveline and exhaust, and it will be ready to go to my neighbor next door for the completion of body work and paint, and then I get to reassemble doors, hood, hatch and fenders, starting to look like I might have my Z on the road in the next couple months,,,I've owned it for 17 years now, and have never driven it leagally on the road, married a great lady that didn't mind having it the garage for all these years....
Pilot bushing '72 Z
yeah using the "flywheel" term was my bad,,,,I know the pilot bushing is inserted into the crankshaft...
Pilot bushing '72 Z
was it too big length wise?
Pilot bushing '72 Z
was it too big length wise?...
Pilot bushing '72 Z
thanks I appreciate the help,,,I knew I could count on the club!
Pilot bushing '72 Z
Should a new pilot bushing fit completely inside the fly wheel? I just installed one and it went in about 7/8ths of the way,,,any help is appreciated...thanks
Lack of fuel?
OK, so checked a few things out, and found that the fuel pump was indeed bad from sitting for a period of time without gas going through it. Installed a new one and immediately sucked fuel to the filter. Thought my problems were solved, still wouldn't fire with the gas. Checked both fuel lines coming off the fuel rail to the carb. bowl inlet and had fuel there, but I have no fuel actually inside the bowls, I removed the drain plugs on the float bowl and had no gas in there. Any suggestions?
Lack of fuel?
Hi all, I have a '72 Z and have been cleaning it up on a home garage resto. Body parts are being painted, rear half of the car is having body work finished up. The running gear is in tact, engine, tranny, and rear end. I added headers and exhaust, and removed smog stuff from the intake. It has been awhile since I last had the car running, and when I went to fire the car up, I used a bit of starting fluid to hear it fire. It fires up just fine with the short squirt of starting fluid, but it doesn't seem to be pulling fuel from the tank. I manually sucked fuel up to the filter, so I know there is fuel there. Before I started the resto, the car started up fine and ran like a champ. My question is, since it's been sitting awhile, is there a possibility that the fuel pump has given up the ghost? Loosing prime perhaps? Or maybe when I removed the smog stuff there is something that I deleted that I nneeded? If anyone out there can give me some advice on what to do next I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance! Mike
Starter wiring...
Hey there everyone, Well with all the help I've gotten through this forum, I'm sure this question won't pose much of a challenge, and forgive me for not taking a pic of the wiring connections when I removed it, but...I need help on reconnecting the harness and battery to the solenoid of the starter. does anyone have a pic of the proper set-up? If not, can you tell me how the wires connect to the starter?...thanks in advance for the help. dodger
Exhaust heat to Air cleaner
Thanks Arne and Adam, I'm going to go ahead and leave that off the engine since it's not necessary. Have either one of you heard of anyone running ducting from the air cleaner to the front of the car for cooler, cleaner air intake?...If so let me know. Also, Arne, can I go ahead and just plug the connections on the back of the air cleaner that formerly had the valve cover breather and smog pump lines going to them? What should I plug them with, rubber stoppers or something like that?