Hi Everyone, I'm a previous owner of a 72 240z and 76 280z. Now that I'm 25years older, wiser and wishin that I never sold my 72 240z, I'm looking at buying another. I'm looking for a little advice on my potential purchase.
The attached picture is the engine bay of the car I am looking at. It's a 72 240Z with A/C. The area I am concerend about is the right strut tower with the circle around it. When I looked at the car, I noticed that the black "cylinder" (that I have highlighted in the blue circle) was rubbing on the engine plate. I thought that was odd so I've been looking at a lot of pictures trying to see if this is stock. So far, I have not found a single picture that has this same configuraiton. I'm hoping that someone can give me some advise on this part. Is it original and in the right place in the engine?
Thanks so much.