Everything posted by beebeecivic
Paint color for wheel chocks
SO THATS WHAT THOSE ARE! Haha.. i have those didnt know what they were for haha.
On The Road (In Transit)
congrats on the car! Any pics of this little gem?
My baby is now back home
thanks mike! congrats again!
My baby is now back home
Congrats! The color looks great! What is this grey called?
Voltage Problem
Sounds right to me; when you gas the car, the alternator is charging the battery.
Car hesitation?
I have a 1978 280z EFI When I start the car , the car barely starts (rough idle and sputters and hesitates) When I give it gas the car Dies. I have a msd blaster 2 coil and thats about it for mods. thanks! bee
1978 Skyline
welcome to the site! Id love to see pic as well!
- New Socal Z guy
New Socal Z guy
where would that be? btw welcome to the site!
5th Annual Japanese Classic Car Show
SWEET!!! I thought this thread was for Nissei week (sad because its on AUG 11 ; meaning I cant attend) but this one is in Oct. YAY!
Dirty tank
You have rust in your tank. Search for " tank cleaning"; It should guide you in the right direction. When you replace the tank , Add a "g3" fram filter from pump to tank so it can catch any fine sediments in the future. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fuel/g3filter/index.htm
A truly heart wrenching story! Rest in peace brother!
Sounds like a good man! where ever he is , he would be recognized as a thoughtful and sweet man!
Working out bugs in engine -- Next obvious things to consider?
How is the Cold Start? I replaced the hose on the cold start because it was leaking at etc. When I replaced it i had problems because the way I tightened the clamp restricted the flow. After squeezing the hose gas squirted out , so I moved it back a little further and it starts right up!
MSA Twice pipes
Did your pipes come welded? i thought the kit at msa is in pieces?
Tach resistor
So i went out and bought the 2.2k 1/2 watt resistor and soldered it on and its still the same! but at least its more of a secure connections. Thanks guys!
Tach resistor
When I find the resistor, should I just splice in in-line? again I am no electrician http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062325 i found this
Tach resistor
Thanks for the 2 suggestions, i have to admit I am a rookie at electricals , so I am going to continue my search. If all else fails I am going to try my best to construct one. thanks again! -bee
Tach resistor
hey guys! i was wondering if anyone know where i can buy a replacement or how to rig my own Tach resistor (located on the passenger kick panel next to the fuse block the previous owner or whoever used pliers and tore it apart.. so yea please help thanks! -bee
What color wheels
i agree black ; kinda iffy on the gunmetal as it is really close to your silver car but hey buy the gold panas, and send them to me
HElp with Z
Alrite so i have new problem; my RPM gauge , fuel gauge, speedo , and temperature gauge and head lights dont work. But the fuel pressure works.
Fusible Link Blows Before key turn key
Thanks fast woman! but i have fixed the problem and i have unwrapped all the wires already haha and everything checked out good burnt coil wire = short
Fusible Link Blows Before key turn key
the car starts now.. I replaced the coil wire from the ballast to dizzy and also upgraded maxi fuse! yay!
Blowing my IGN fuse bad on '73 Z
that black wire is the ground i believe and the white wire is a 12v
HElp with Z
THE Z STARTED!!! woooo
HElp with Z
Alrite, so i have been MIA for a past few days; installed maxi-fuse upgrade and bought a new coil wire (mine looked fried at the end). The car wont short now yay! but the car still wont start; but alteast i have won half the battle