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  1. If you have the inclination, check out a documentary called "Love the Beast". It's about Eric Bana's connection to (non-gear heads might call it an obsession with) his Ford Falcon. Bana along with his buddy as navigator participate in the Targa Tasmania. It might not be terribly instructive, but I guarantee that it will be relatable. There's also a nice appearance by Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear. Best of luck in the Targa race. I am sure it will be a blast.
  2. Hi Chris, The old car is doing well. The local constabulary insisted I remove the window tint from the side windows and a new head was installed. I meant to have the floorpans done over the winter but never got around to it. Maybe this summer. I also plan on installing Dave's tail light wiring harness, and replacing the hoses to the heater core. Cheers.
  3. Welcome back Chris. Like the new ride, but prefer your '72 ;-) I plan on taking your old car out of the garage this weekend. Cheers, Martin
  4. NWT240zed replied to cbudvet's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ooops. Sorry for the unnecessary thread. I really should: a) search before starting a thread, and pay closer attention to the board. Feel free to delete this thread. Cheers.
  5. NWT240zed replied to cbudvet's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    After coming across an Ebay ad, I found this site: http://www.frpautomotive.com/index.html It belongs to a UK company offering, among other things, complete fiberglass shells and panels for a 240Z. I'm curious if anyone here has heard of this, or better yet tried it. If the mounting points lined up, it might be fairly easy to transfer parts over. I'd be a little cautious of something that cannot be welded. Nevertheless, an interesting option for those looking to replace a rusted out or seriously damaged shell. The prices look a little spendy by the time you consider what shipping across the pond would be, but I bet in many cases it would be cheaper than stripping and repairing an original shell. Hmmm... I wonder what it would cost in carbon fiber?
  6. NWT240zed replied to spitz17's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The Primadonna Z would have been a great car to have... in 1985, and I'd even hazzard to say that it might be fun to drive today. But the beauty of the classic Z is that it is timeless. I suppose that's what makes a classic a classic. If I had 100K to re-live the 80's it wouldn't be spent on this car. I think I'd save a few bucks and buy an A-team van, or a Fallguy 4x4 or the Marty McFly's Toyota.
  7. NWT240zed replied to blakt out's post in a topic in Interior
    Duct tape. Kidding of course. There are many outstanding z cars featured on this forum, and yours is my new favourite. I love the mods with the stock interior. Congrats on owning one of the coolest custom 240z's on the planet. I agree with Dave's suggestion of metal cap with a rubber gasket. With a little ingenuity I'm sure the stock rear strut caps can be worked in to cover up the new seals. Maybe with a little double sided duct tape. As a stop gap, if the fumes are unbearable, I'd be tempted to try rolling up some plumbers putty, fashioning a ring under the stock plastic cap and pressing it firmly in place. To my thinking, such a band aid would be completely reversible, and should stop the fumes. Just a thought. Good luck you lucky bastard. Envious in Canada
  8. NWT240zed replied to joker72z's post in a topic in Introductions
    hey Chris, Drove the car out of BC in May but took an excursion over to the Island then down to Oregon and back through Washington and northern Idaho into BC. Had some issues with the valve train knocking but had a couple of rocker arms replaced in Spokane. We made it back home with few issues. I then learnt a few lessons when replacing the head :-) Been having a lot of fun with the car. The headlight wiring harness and alternator you provided were put on before the trip home. I've just had the header ceramic coated so that might find its way on this winter. I also thought there was a leak in the gas tank so I ordered new vent lines and had the tank coated. Turns out it was simply a cracked filler hose. :-). This car has been a lot of fun and I hope to keep it on the road for many summers to come. I'm sure the same will be true of your new car and I look forward to seeing it with 16" rims. Black is a great colour on the Zed, but you can't go wrong with silver too. Cheers, Martin
  9. NWT240zed replied to joker72z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome back Joker72z. Like the new car. Silver has always been one of my favourite Zed colours. I'm sure you'll enjoy getting the new ride running. Your old car is being well cared for and just purchased a new place, in large part to provide it a proper garage for the winter. Those floor pans you provided might even make it in this year. :-) Take care, Martin
  10. Hi Saridout, I'm in the same boat as you. I just received a E88 Head from Datsun-Parts LLC. I haven't installed it yet, but will let you know how it turns out next week or the week after. I was a little hesitant ordering given some of the stories, but the price was pretty compelling after adding up how much it would cost to machine my existing head and order new valves and rocker arms. I'd definately be less daring buying a complete engine or car sight unseen, but hopefully we'll both be pleasantly surprised. My wife is pretty tired of me joking about the great new head I'm getting. I think she's hoping the cylinder head is a lemon so the joke will be on me. Cheers and good luck Martin
  11. I have no experience with that seller, but to my thinking 1200.00 for new front and back stainless steel bumpers doesn't sound too bad. They look good, but most importantly, they will never rust. If were in central/eastern or even pacific Canada and corrossion was a concern and was looking for new bumpers I'd be awful tempted. Cheers, Martin
  12. Hi Ken. I'm not sure if Monza exhaust systems are still available. Here's a link to a youtube video that the previous owner of my car posted. The Monza, to my ear, has a nice throaty resonance, performs well and is not too loud. Now, I just need to take care of that damn valve train tapping. The car came with an uninstalled header, which I think is an MSA. Eventually, I may install it, but I'd like to have it coated first. As it stands now it's running with the stock exhaust manifold. Good luck with your exhaust quest. Cheers, Martin P.S. Zedyone Kenobi, checked out your video and your car sounds as nice as it looks. Well done. Hard to beat a silver 240 imho.
  13. NWT240zed commented on petew's comment on a gallery image in Member Albums
  14. I agree with Arne and Big Oak. The way the Canadian dollar is going, I'd be tempted to make a vacation in Texas and buy that rust free 71. Numbers matching would be nice, but if you're looking for a fun ride for recreational driving and not a show car to invest in, I don't see how you can lose. For me, not having a numbers matching - although a factor- would not be a deal breaker. I guess what I'm saying, FWIW, is that 10K for a rust free, well maintained 240z, with 30K plus invested, notwithstanding the numbers not matching sounds like a bargain to me. If you do buy it, please post pics of the speaker boxes mounted in the tool compartments. I'm partial to the cubbies, but curious as to how speakers in them might look. Good luck with your Z shopping and "enjoy the ride".
  15. Thanks for the advice everyone. By way of an update, and after some further debate, I ended up removing the stripe. Attached is a pic of the car stripeless in Seattle (well near Seattle) Cheers, Martin

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